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Overreacting ?

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 4:26 pm
by Kikithekiwi
I am very new to this forum but i hopeni can get some ideas.
My new bird (and first bird) kiki , has been a bit boring recently. I feel bad to say this but kiki does nothing. He(i think) is a very good bird and is very quiet but is very shy. He will let me take him out his cage but sometimes doesnt let me pat him. I can tell he is comfortable bc he sometimes sleeps on one leg on my hand and with his head tucked. Sometimes he becomes nippy but i ignore him and he is very happy to be near me. Is he bluffing because this happens offten
He is very jumpy.
As getting he from some good people (family owned pet shop) and he was hand raised i expected him to be more playful.
He is one week in my home and is 13 wks old.
Am i expecting too much? The reason this annoys me is because my friend got a bird from the same pet shop (cockitel, yes i know not the same species) but he was very very very playful the second they got him.
Is he always gonna be this quiet or does it take long for even a handraised bird to fit in.
He reguitated to his mirror image.
is he comfortable with me yet?
I am a first time owner but have done alot of research. Sorry if im over reacting. :D

Re: Overreacting ?

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 5:33 pm
by devilangel09
you say you have only had him a week he needs time to settle and get use to you and can come out of his shell at any time./how old is he ?
does he have shreddable toys in his cage do you have toys to tempt him to play out of the cage it will take time its likely true that hes hand tamed because if he wasnt he certainly wouldnt be sitting on your hand they are very hard birds to tame. p.s cockatiels are as you said completely different species and much easier to handle once tame.

Re: Overreacting ?

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 10:57 pm
by Kikithekiwi
13 wks. He has toys available in his cage but not sheddabke as there is no where to place them other than the ground of his cage but he doesnt like it down there.
Occasionally he plays with them not often.
I offer he paper to play with when out his cage but he doesnt seem keen.

Re: Overreacting ?

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 3:11 am
by sanjays mummi
What do you mean by "boring"? He is an individual and might not want to play or entertain you all the time. Considering you haven't had him long, he seems to have settled in nicely.

Re: Overreacting ?

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 4:38 pm
by Kikithekiwi
Well i still love him and all but when i say he does nothing i mean it. Just recently he is playing with his tops but when around us ( on our hand, shoulder etc..) he does nothing. He is still adorable tho.
I have a feeling its his personality because he is very quiet and he can sqwak (he fell once) but he chooses not to.

Re: Overreacting ?

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 10:42 am
by devilangel09
if you have no room for toys then what cage has he got? have u got a pic?

Re: Overreacting ?

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 2:26 am
by Kikithekiwi
I have been thinking about it but now believe i was purely over reacting. He is young and is now going through bluffing thanks your all your help :)