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Parrot sleeping at bottom of cage HELP

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:07 am
by Parrotlover101
So my 7 month old parrot has been sleeping on the bottom of his cage for a while now for like 1 week however ever since he got his new perch he has been doing it everyday and he dosent look sick he is active eating well and playing well so is this sickness or is it normal?

Re: Parrot sleeping at bottom of cage HELP

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:00 am
by Donovan
I wouldn't know, but if i had to guess i'd say he's just doing it because he wants to. Does he go to that new perch during the day?

Re: Parrot sleeping at bottom of cage HELP

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:25 am
by SunniDai
When Sunni was that young, she was still clumsy. In fact, when she was a bit younger than that, she would fall asleep on her perch and she would fall off of it occasionally. When she'd do that I would wake up in the morning and find her sleeping on the bottom of her cage. Might just be a security thing until they are confident sleeping on perches.

Re: Parrot sleeping at bottom of cage HELP

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:54 pm
by lpmurdock831
What kind of new perch? If it's a fancy one, maybe he's scared of it?