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Need help taming my irn

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 12:24 am
by Shujah
I have a irn and he is 6 and half months old and have had him for 1 month. . He will take treats from my hand but will not let me touch him. For example, if I try to pet him he will back away or either bite me. please can someone help me or give tips?

Re: Need help taming my irn

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 1:12 am
by InTheAir
A lot of indian ringnecks do not like being petted or touched.

Does he step up on your hand?

Re: Need help taming my irn

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 3:25 am
by Shujah
No, he will not step up on my hand or if I use a perch

Re: Need help taming my irn

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 5:16 am
by sanjays mummi
Ok, start very slowly, offer a treat everytime you approach through the bars of his cage, talk and sing to him and do this sitting beside his cage, he is scared of you at the moment, and as has already been said, not all IRN's are touchy feely, Sanjay isn't!,

Re: Need help taming my irn

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 12:28 am
by Shujah
He is less scared of my hand now since I kept it in the cage everyday for 15 minuets but he still won't step up. I try using a perch but he keeps on biting it. Any help?

Re: Need help taming my irn

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 6:38 am
by Donovan
teach him to take treats from you if he doesn't already... if your hand is in the cage it needs to be holding his favorite food.

this will teach him that your hand means good things are coming.

when he gets to where he'll take treats from you readily then you can start holding the treat out of reach and making him come to it... eventually you can hold the treat to where he has to step up on your finger (now you're using both hands) to reach it.

Get him used to stepping onto your finger to get the treat.. then over time move him a bit before you give him the treat so he gets the concept of "going-somewhere-once-on-finger"

I'm sure you can adapt this type of thinking to your own situation.. but you need to know that right now he only accepts your hand in his cage because he knows he can't get away from it.. if he could he would... he's having more learned helplessness than accepting.
So if you're going to have your hand in his cage... hold food.. hold a treat that makes him want to come to you..

You don't tame an indian ringneck... they're not dogs. Instead, you have to negotiate a deal with them... and you always pay in food.