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Will Ringneck kill other birds in home?

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 9:13 pm
by SherbertsMom

Sherbert (Sherbie for short) is nearing two years old now. He talks up a storm, kisses and everything. He finally started letting me pet him about six months ago, which meant it took a year of coaxing.

Anyway, my question is this, (actually I have two questions). We have recently bought a parakeet and a lovebird. Three different pet store owners claimed that Sherbie would kill the new birds. Now, the parakeet is a male (Cookie). Sherbie tolerated him, but we had to watch them closely. It didn't seem that he liked him much. However, he never tried to kill him. The lovebird (Peanut), we don't now if it is a boy or girl, but Sherbie really gots along well with him or her. Matter of fact, Sherbie puts up with a lot from Peanut, way more than he does from Cookie.

My first question is, is that a myth that the Ringneck will kill other birds? I figured the key was watch them closely to see how they react to each other, and separate them if they don't get along. My second question is, is it possible that Sherbie gets along better with Peanut because he/she is a female? I imagine he knows, even if we don't.

Thank you for your advice!

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 9:31 pm
by Neokireina
Well, birds can be unpredictable. So It's good to heed any warning if you dont know any better.

When introducing birds together there is always a possibility they will fight or hurt each other, Especially if you are introducing a new bird into an existing bird's territory.

It's up to the individual bird as to any killing or biting involved. So your job is to introduce them under supervision and if they get along great, if they dont, keep them separated.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 9:37 pm
by Datsun and Family
Hi Jessica,

Have a look at my signature, you will see a budgie a lovebird and Datsun my IRN.

Now here are some pictures for you:
My 3 each have seperate cages and I would NEVER house them together but they can all be out and play together when I am around and watching. It really all depends on the individual birds. Many pet shop staff have not had any real experience with the particular animal they are advising about so just tell you what they have been told, sadly all too often this is not accurate (having said that I work in a pet shop and I think I give GREAT advice)

Yes an IRN could kill a smaller bird but it is up to you to supervise and monitor them but I strongly suggest you house them seperately.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 4:07 am
by Mikaela
Because of another birds lack of ability to even try to go toe to toe with a ringneck, unless it was a much larger bird, I NEVER leave my other birds with my ringneck alone. Ever.

Anything can happen. A ringneck can snatch a tiels foot off with one swipe. Not pretty. Happens often. Thats if they dont go straight for the eyes.

Dont ya'll love my outstanding ability to sugar-coat things? :roll:

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 4:13 am
by Neokireina
Dont judge by the size of a bird, Ringnecks have killed an eclectus parrot and they are much bigger than Ringnecks. :(

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 4:14 am
by Mikaela
Yup.... seeeee

Ringnecks arent protective of themselves lol. They are literally VICIOUS when it comes down to it. Yes, even my precious Baby.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:33 am
by Jeremy
I beg to differ, Lovebirds are far more aggressive than Ringnecks. And while, not as strong, a Lovebird will definitely put up a good fight againt a large bird like a Ringneck.

I doubt the Ringneck will kill the Budgie or Lovebird. They may have the occasional fight but as long as they aren't housed together, they should be fine.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 6:36 pm
by Jade
When I first moved into our house, I had to house Bert, an adolescent king parrot, in with my IRNs (brother Greeny and sister Yellowy who were about 1) Because it was breeding time and my pair of King parrots were picking on him, i had no choice but to move him. It was supposed to be a short term thing but we had a storm and lost an aviary and then we didn't have any money to get a new one...blah blah blah.....

To cut a long story short, after a few weeks of harmonious living, Greeny and Yellowy just one day decided to attack Bert and they pecked his little eyes out. King parrots are the size of a cockatoo. Huge compared to a ringneck. Poor Bert had to be put down.

From horrible experience NEVER house IRNs with other bird species, and always watch them when they interact.

Thank you

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 9:41 pm
by SherbertsMom

Thank you everyone for your advice.

I would NEVER house my different breed birds together. Matter of fact, they have their own cages in different rooms of my house. Since Sherbie (my IRN) can't be contained, he is a SERIOUS escape artist, I wouldn't want him to escape from his cage and get into my lovebird's cage. Don't worry, he is safe, someone is usually always home to keep him out of trouble, or we make sure he is closed in his room.

I would have to agree that my lovebird (Peanut is about 3 months old) is more aggressive than Sherbie. Peanut has a thing for Sherbie's ankle bracelet, which he doesn't care to have her get ahold of. When they are in their cages, they scream and talk through the house at eachother for hours. For the most part, they really seem to enjoy eachother's company. They have an occasional spat, but usually they kiss and snuggle eachother. Sherbie tells her he loves her and gives her kisses regularly.

I call Peanut a she, but I really don't know what it is. Maybe the lovebird breeder can anwer my questions. Lovebird sexing is so vague, and it doesn't really matter a whole lot to me. I don't care to breed them, but I am wondering if Sherbie gets along better with Peanut because it is a female? Our parakeet is a male and they didn't get along as well. Do you have any insight on this?

Thank you,

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 11:40 pm
by Datsun and Family
Peanut is too young to sex yet. Only sure way to tell is to DNA or if you find an eggie :wink:

Yep the bully of my lot is young Audi and he bites toes! So watch for that one :lol: :shock:

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 1:18 am
by SherbertsMom
Can lovebirds lay eggs without a partner? Peanut is only three months old, so I figure that would be a way off anyway. Sherbie was never really a people biter. He just chews everything else in sight, especially the remotes and the phone. I have read on the boards that Ringnecks love that stuff! Peanut is going through the biting stage though, ears, lips, fingernails, you name it! Most of the time it doesn't hurt much, but it is a nuisance!


Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 7:30 am
by Mazziemom
Yep, Lovies can lay without a mate. My sons girl Diamond does it once a year, every February.... and has since she was nine months old.

It depends more upon the individual bird than anything about ringneck aggression. Mazzie would gladly kill another bird, any other bird, and has even tried to take after macaws. She can be a bit evil. Buddy hangs out with all other birds, and has lovebird pals, cockatiel pals, and is the best friend of my Alexandrine. He does get annoyed at one of our teils after a while (he sings him love songs, a LOT) and bonks him on the head... but he does it gently with a closed beak LOL.


Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 1:59 pm
by SherbertsMom
Hi Athena,

What kind of Lovebird is Diamond? Peanut is that kind, but I can't remember what kind of lovebird she is and can't find pictures on web like her.


Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:08 pm
by Mazziemom
She's a peach faced, teal something mutation LOL.

If you really want to/need to know I have a friend who breeds them and would be happy to tell you. ;)

We had NO idea what kind Diamond was, just cute, and he told us... of course I forgot LOL.


The evil soul of a muderous assassin.

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 11:29 am
by Ed Loschi
Irns, yes even my little Bebe, have deep in their Being the evil soul of a muderous assassin. It is good they are small otherwise all of humanity would be in great danger!

Which is why I have no fear that should he escape (and that won't happen 'cause he won't see a primary flight feather for as long as I live) he would be a great flyer and a treacherous opponent who'd just prefer to slash and kill you as look at you.

I alway thought Irns would be a perfect mascot for a sports team...beautiful to behold and killers at heart...Gosh they're cool pals to have.

Re: Will Ringneck kill other birds in home?

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 1:12 pm
by RuffGem
;:-?? I have a 12 yr old male cockatiel that lost his mate. After 6 months of him looking so lonely I went to pet to consider another cockatiel. They no longer sale cockatiels. Of course I noticed this sad looking nearly 2 year old IRN. The clerk said it was discounted because it got very nervous when people tapped on the cage. Enough said I brought Kiwi home. Svenn the lemony yellow cockatiel sang and sang to the new bird. They now live in the same large cage. There has never been any fussing. It seems Svenn cannot figure out why Kiwi mostly squawks but sometimes sounds so sweet. Kiwi will be 3 soon and does not show any signs of getting a dark ring around the neck. But I am wishing Kiwi is a male. The males are so beautiful. Yet just seeing the 2 distinctly different colored birds together makes my day.

Re: Will Ringneck kill other birds in home?

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 5:09 pm
by sanjays mummi
Aww, that's lovely!. At three years my so called DNA sexed male began crouching and clucking, yes, the breeder had lied, but she is the sweetest most affectionate little friend and companion. Yes, disappointed at first, I was looking forward to the collar and tie, but now, I just adore her. :-bd