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Coucou flew away but fortunately returned from her errand

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:21 pm
by Greenpitbul1113
I lost my lovely Coucou for 1 hour the previous afternoon. In reality I thought at first that she will disappear for ever but thankfully she didn't fly far away from the block that my apartment is.
At first she flew away from my chest I was holding her because I lost my step and my grib to her became loose.
She flew away fast and high to a building some 50 meters away and lands to the 3rd floor of this building . I lost eye contact with her and I begun to look for her immediately. I climbed fences, ringed a lot of doors, climbed 3 staircases to 3 different buildings, visited 2 other rooftops, asked a lot of people if they saw her and suddenly after a lot of desperate searching I heard her. She shouted 3 or 4 times until I finally perceive where she was standing.
She was standing on a small tree in a nearby garden at hand reach height and she was looking at a cage with a smaller parrot inside. At first I didn't see her because the tree had the same colors with her feathers but suddenly I saw her. I can't express this feeling of unexpected finding. She was looking at me calmly as if nothing happens. At first I put my finger beside her so as to climb it but finally I caught her and placed her at my chest breathing with relief.

Re: Coucou flew away but fortunately returned from her erran

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:33 pm
by SunniDai
I feel what you are saying! Scary when they get out.

Re: Coucou flew away but fortunately returned from her erran

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 8:35 pm
by MissK
Good work, going after her right away! I'm so pleased and proud of you (both) for your fast and determined action to reclaim the bird.

Re: Coucou flew away but fortunately returned from her erran

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:15 pm
by Greenpitbul1113
I mostly feel that the bird returned because she saw me when I was looking for her. When I firstly returned home before I found her she followed me as she is always doing inside home and she flew at a nearby garden. Then I was looking for her at the place I last saw her which was away from this garden and then she started shouting as she couldn't see me making easier for me to find her.
I was very lucky although I feel that there is a good bond with her that helps me find her