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My fids part 1

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:33 am
by Kislanya
I am currently owned by 4 irn's and 4 parrotlets.All of my Irn's are rehomes/rescues from people that either did not understand what they were getting into,or just absolute neglect and abuse.First Irn i rescued is Pippin,she was kept in a metal shed outside in a cage so small a tiel would not have been able to stretch its wings let alone fly,when i went to pick her up i did not know she was that bad off.

When i got there the woman tried to "help" catch her and got out gloves, i quickly said oh no i got this dont worry,and safely toweled her and put her in a we are leaving i notice lots of blood all over the carrier and of course i panicked a bit,quickly took her back out in the towel and discovered her wing tips are mangled and bleeding everywhere and i also note she has ANTS!!! crawling all over this point the woman again tried to help by trying to shove a dirty kleenex on her,needless to say i hurried to get her wrapped loosly in the soft towel i had in the carrier and on the way home,i figured the excessive bleeding was because of stress and heat(was over 90 that day) we got her in the car had the ac on lightly,once she calmed down the bleeding stopped on its own.

well with the horrid treatment she was used to i was not surprized that she went into a complete panick anytime you got in the same room as her,screaming and throwing herself about.Well its been 2 years and even tho i cant hold her or pet her i love her with all my heart,she taught me alot about being patient and just letting a bird be a bird.I am proud to say she no longer flees from me and does step up to a stick,i feel that after what she has been through im blessed by the little things she allows.

my second Irn actually came from a coworker who knows i am in love with Irn's.He was givin Einstien from someone who just dropped him off at the pet store where we work. he recently adopted a child and bought a fixer upper house and decided Einer(thats what i call him lol)needed to be in a home with a definate bird person,someone who had the time to spend with him,and of course i fell in love with him in a nanosecond :) everyone at work stills calls me the pellet nazi because he was positive i could not get him off nasty bad sunflower seeds,ha shoulda taken a bet,he eats his pellets and fresh food like a champ.

--finished in a second post --

Re: My fids part 1

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 7:13 pm
by ringneck

This is such a wonderful post! You are an Angel sent from the heavens. :O) These birds are such magnificent creatures. They have such personality, such character that at times I don't understand people's logic, "It's just a bird!"

It gives me great comfort that these birds have found forever homes.

Welcome to our little family and thanks for the wonderful read. Very enlightening I must say.

Best Wishes, :mrgreen:


Re: My fids part 1

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 5:42 pm
by Annie
Wow what a rescue!!