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Mr clever pants

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 1:44 am
by InTheAir
Nila is not very good at holding onto stuff in a foot for long, so he has devised a solution for when his favourite fruits and veggies start to fall off the skewer. He carries them over to his dish and puts them in there to be devoured. He will carry them from the other end of the cage if his skewer is there!
Today he seemed to be in a lazy mood and didn't want to hang from his rope to eat his veggies, so he moved the chilli, a piece of fig and a bit of broccoli to his dish to eat them. The rest of the skewer was untouched. :lol:
He's too cute!

Re: Mr clever pants

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:32 pm
by zentoucan
It's amazing what parrots will do without any training. I remembered that Bluey would take a piece of apple, broccoli or carrot out of his food bowl and fly over to his T-perch and eat it. Then fly back to the food bowl and take another piece of food and fly back to his T-perch. Shortly after Delfin would do the same. Then they would alternate trips from the food bowl to their T-perches.

Delfin seemed to learn off Bluey, as Bluey was older. Now that Bluey is gone :( , Delfin seems to be a little lost and is flying to and landing on my shoulder when I walk toward the hallway to leave the lounge room. Delfin is also lot more vocal now. I had found a female Alexandrine but missed out by half an hour. Such is life. I will find Delfin a new friend.

Delfin is also watching the cats and from this, he has realized that there is another way into the kitchen. But after Bluey's accident I have shown Delfin all the windows in the house and do laps around the house twice a week to remind Delfin of the windows. because Delfin now knows the other way into the kitchen we now put Delfin into his cage when the stove or oven is in use.

With Delfin's training schedule, he is flying to my hand on command and returning to his T-perch. Lately I have added training Delfin to turn-around on a perch. Delfin picked it up within 20 minutes and I keep reinforcing all his learnt training on a twice a day schedule. I'm also introducing Delfin to a harness, but I'm taking my time with this one.

everyday with a Parrot is sure to bring a smile to your face, joy to the heart and a happy memory.

Re: Mr clever pants

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:06 am
by InTheAir
Sapphire copies Nila on everything too.

Nila rather amazed me again today by greeting ellieelectrons with all the noises her bird Charlie makes! He greets Charlie and Janey like that, but they weren't there.

Re: Mr clever pants

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 2:35 am
by zentoucan
Delfin is put in his cage at Dinner time and he will eat his dinner while we eat ours. We had to put him in his cage because he was flying to the table and eating off our plates. This didn't impress my other half. Sometimes when Delfin is out and I'm eating, he will come over and try to take food out of my mouth. Which I don't allow, But I will give him a tidbit by hand.
Lately Delfin has been chewing on newspapers and catalogues and gets quite excited at times and starts flapping his wings and pecking the newspapers and catalogues really quick, then takes off and flies around the lounge and dining rooms. Then he might land on the table and repeat the performance or land on the back of my chair and starts to preen my head. So I give Delfin an early training session to calm him down.
I'm expecting Delfin to enter the bluffing stage soon as he 4 months old but he hasn't displayed any aggression toward us yet.
I'm hoping that because we handle and train Delfin everyday the bluffing will be minimal if at all. When Delfin calms down for the night he will come and sit on my shoulder and go to sleep.

Re: Mr clever pants

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:35 am
by InTheAir
Neither of my birds bluffed. I'm not very convinced it is a valid development stage.... Sapphire is 6 months now and has never displayed unprovoked aggression to a human, admittedly she has been awful with other birds until recently -but that is not normal according to the breeders I've visited. Nila is a year older than her and has always been fine with people. My birds only bite when you p*ss them off. If you YouTube bluffing please share any unprovoked biting results with me, I didn't find any. I think irns have a low tolerance of indiscretions.

When we have dinner with the birds they get their own plates at the table and are guided back to them when necessary. They are fairly civilised, mostly, unless they notice they don't have lamb chops or sausages on their plates like we do :lol: