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Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:38 pm
by Tyeman
So one of my guys went for a field trip this morning.. I havent jumped fences like that since the last time i was running from the police....

My recall training didnt seem to help much the tree that he ended up in (after flying through the trees of about 5 high fenced back yards with dogs that i was hoping werent gunna eat me) was just way to high and he was to scared to come down he deffs understood the command but just was to scared...

so he sat in a very very large light green leaved tree (not sure what type of tree it was) for about an hour...I pretty much broke my neck trying to keep my eyes on him due to his great camouflage...

But yea he had a great time chewing on the tree chasing noisy miners.. Until a magpie came along and had i nice big peck i heard the beak on beak action from the ground luckily their doesn't seem to be any beak damage..... But yea so the magpie scared him and he took flight again and landed in a vacant chained up block of long grass so i jumped on the bike after him lost sight of him....

Luckily when i went to jump the fence he decided to go for another fly and landed on another fence and as i calmly walked up to him it was pretty obvious he was out of energy and wanted to go home...

Only problem was their was no way out of this chained up block of grass besides climbing the fence witch i couldnt do while holding him in the (your not going anywhere) position... So i managed to txt my aunt who was on her way to lunch and she came and held buddy while i jumped the fence....

Too much excitement for one day i reckon......learnt my lesson for getting them out of the outdoor cage lol ill be being allot more cautious from now on.. Still not going to clip their wings im having way to much fun clicker training flighted tricks..

I just wish their was an indoor way to teach them the kind of angles that they get themself's into when they escape....

Re: escapee

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 12:19 am
by InTheAir
Wow that must've got your adrenaline pumping! I'm glad you got him back. Good to hear you will modify your behaviour instead of his wings.

If you have stairs in your house, recalls down them might help. We play hide and seek with Nila so he has to fly down the stairway and around the corner to find us. I've never had to test it outside though, but it may help. We also get him to fly to us when we are out of sight, it's a good challenge for him.

Re: escapee

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 12:27 am
by Tyeman
yep ive only got a small unit no stairs unfortunately.. But i do have the other guy coming on command when im out of sight the one that got away inst quiet their yet though... I think ill get one of those stick on shower perches find the highest spot in the unit to put it and starting teaching them tough angels that way.. Think thats the best i can really do to prepare them... for if this ever happens again

Re: escapee

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 6:28 am
by ringneck
Tyeman it is a good thing you got him back! I always keep my ringnecks wings clipped as I take them almost everywhere with me. Onetime I was in a canyon hiking with Devri and a huge dog came and scared the crap outta her--her response was to fly away. I spent almost 6 hours tracking her down. I had every hiker helping too. It was a sight to see. They all thought I was crazy..but I was not leaving until I got my bird back. So I know the feeling! I'm so happy for you!

Best Wishes :wink: ,


Re: escapee

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 3:24 pm
by AJPeter
Their natural instinct is too fly up and sit as high as possible, but it is good Claire you can call Nila down the stair well so she can get used to going down in flight. And the same for Tyeman every little helps, but the best thing is not to allow them to escape in the first place.

Easier said than done as l know. Last summer I openned a window to yell at a workman and then left it open while l went down stairs to offer force with my words when l got back l found Bille was sitting on the top of her cage enjoying the breeze although if the truth be told she was worried about the flappping curtain.

Re: escapee

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 4:08 pm
by Tyeman
ohh sounds like a lucky event AJPeter....

ringneck yea i had a few neighborhood people looking at me like i was crazy to lol... Was dervi's wings clipped that time in the canyon... because thats one thing to remember sometime even when wings are clipped the wind can be enough ...

Re: escapee

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:47 pm
by AJPeter
That is something people forget when they clip their bird's wings, the bird can glide some distance and even float on the thermals like a glider. And if your bird has clipped wings are you less careful about open doors? In summers past l openned all my windows because l like the fresh air but now l can only open them a crack and have to rely on fans for cool air.

Re: escapee

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:37 pm
by Little Buttercup
AJ, why don't you try flyscreens for your windows then you can leave them open? I also can't stand the summer heat and have to open up my doors.

Yes, when I was new to birds and had them clipped I was very careless and really thought that they could'nt fly away, until they showed me how they could fly! I would leave them sitting on the windowsills for hours without supervision. Now I keep each and every door and window closed. But the heat is getting at me so I will be installing flyscreens soon.


Re: escapee

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:51 pm
by MissK
You two make sure those fly screens are pretty strongly seated in their frames. It *is* possible for even a small animal to barrel through them, especially since they don't interpret them as a barrier the way we do. It is as possible and even more likely, that a poorly tended parrot with time to kill may simply take part of the screen apart and create an escape hatch.

Sure, sure; tell me I worry too much, but I will not be losing my bird out a window. To prevent the bird flying into the screen and busting through it, you can simply place a stronger barrier at the window. My favourite is baby gate. Cheap to start with, they are frequently available second hand for almost nothing. As far as the bird chewing his way out, nothing will be as effective as good supervision and frequent inspection of the window area.

Re: escapee

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:03 pm
by Little Buttercup
Yes missy, I will do that. And I will make sure the screen is strong enough. Btw Kiwi never does sit or go near to the birdroom window, so it will be very unlikely that he chews through it or flies into it. The only window he loves sitting on, an do all his blabbering, is the kitchen window, but I won't bother with screens for that window since it stays close 365 days a year, because I open the kitchen door. So the door will need a screen. Thanks for your concern. We can never worry 'too much' with our precious babies :)


Re: escapee

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:05 pm
by InTheAir
My birdies find nothing passes the time like nibbling on a fly screen. We have to watch them very carefully when we have windows open (all the windows have screens).
I think you can get metal fly screens, though an Alex could probably chomp through them pretty effortlessly too.

Re: escapee

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:20 pm
by AJPeter
I'm a great supporter of chicken wire but the mesh is too large l might find something in the hardware stores, all l have to do is nail it onto the wooden window frame. then l can have the window wide open all year! I would only do that to one window the landlord might kick up a dickens of a row if he comes and sees chicken wire all over the windows!

Sometimes in the heat of summer it best to leave the windows closed becasue the air out side is very hot. A good fan will help. I have a ceiling fan in the bed room but Billie is not allowed to fly outside the living room.

Nobody responded to my idea of training a parrot to hear a dog whistle and come back if they escape l wrote about that in Parrot speak.

Re: escapee

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:50 pm
by Tyeman
AJPeter wrote:I'm a great supporter of chicken wire but the mesh is too large l might find something in the hardware stores, all l have to do is nail it onto the wooden window frame. then l can have the window wide open all year! I would only do that to one window the landlord might kick up a dickens of a row if he comes and sees chicken wire all over the windows!

Sometimes in the heat of summer it best to leave the windows closed becasue the air out side is very hot. A good fan will help. I have a ceiling fan in the bed room but Billie is not allowed to fly outside the living room.

Nobody responded to my idea of training a parrot to hear a dog whistle and come back if they escape l wrote about that in Parrot speak.
i have ended up including the recall dog wistle in my training aswell as the birds name.. I first started using it to get their attention when they would get a little distracted but now it seems to be a command lol

Re: escapee

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:56 pm
by AJPeter
Well done Tyeman, a dog can hear that whiste at least a quarter mile away and if you bird responds it is another tool you can use to get the bird back if it escapes/

Re: escapee

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 7:06 pm
by MissK
Nobody responded to my idea of training a parrot to hear a dog whistle and come back if they escape l wrote about that in Parrot speak.
Sounds like a great idea to me.

Re: escapee

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 2:03 am
by zentoucan
I have heard of people hiring the local Basketball court to teach their bird recall training before going out onto the big blue. it's big enough to get the idea through to the birds yet keeps them contained.

Re: escapee

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 11:45 am
by ranechild
basketball court sounds like a great idea. maybe once Fats can fly I could make something like that happen. I think it'd be fun for both of us.

My fence climbing when Fats got away does not sound nearly as dramatic as this fence climbing. I probably would have passed out from panic. Good job getting him back.

Re: escapee

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 6:38 pm
by zentoucan
I notice that I didn't mention the word "inside". I meant inside basket ball courts.