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breeding my indian ringnecks

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:05 pm
by jcleroux
Good morning to all and festive seasons greetings i would to know more about how i can go about helping my lovely pair of Indian ring necks to breed they have had 2 eggs about a months ago but sadly :( they were infertile eggs i brows the net to hear that people say that to successfully breed them u should have a thick perch for them to sit on i just want to know is that the case for infertile eggs i don't really know much but i know the cock is green and the hen is light blue in color and the thing is that they not scared of each other they always sitting next to each other but she is quiet i never hear her make noises only the cock , i took out the two infertile eggs and they just stopped mating i just wanted to know is there anything i can do to allow them to breed again thanks very much for the help appreciate it the male is 5 years old and female 4 years old :wink:

Re: breeding my indian ringnecks

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 6:09 am
by ringneck
I know it can be exciting to breed but you'll have to be patient :wink: . If your ringnecks are young, chances are it will take them a while to get it "right." One pair that i had almost took three years before all eggs were fertile. The female would work the nest, mate, and the pair would feed each other. This went on for three years but I got no babies.

Also, the birds you are breeding, were they hand fed? If they are, you could expect more time for them to successfully reproduce. Do you know how old your ringnecks are?

The only thing you should do now is just give them a proper diet, privacy, and lots of time and love :wink: . I promise, the wait will be worth it. Besides, this extra time will allow you to get to know your birds.

Hang in there buddy :D .

Best Wishes, IMRAN-C

Re: breeding my indian ringnecks

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:05 am
by jcleroux
Thank you very much for the reply man appreciate it allot just had trouble with my password couldnt loog back in