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Two new IRNs and two new cockatiels

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 7:30 am
by ayeshasyed
I am new here and new to IRNs, but have had many other types of husband and I recently bought two cockatiels and two IRNs. We were told we have a male and female of each. Everything seems to be going well but the IRNs are supposedly 1 year old and we cant even get them out of the cage. We have had them for 2 days and have barely heard a sound from them :( I want them to make any sound so badly but they are quiet and still for most of the day. The male cockatiel gives a "good morning" song every morning and the female makes a few noises but she is very sweet shy and quiet. She is the only one we can hold. The IRNs just sit and look at us all day mostly.... I assume this is normal because they are scared??? How can we interact with them without scaring them to death or should we wait at least a week?? I stay at home so I am in the same room with them at least 80% of the day. I am also wondering if they will molt soon or if they may have already..we live in UAE.

Re: Two new IRNs and two new cockatiels

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 12:05 pm
by SunniDai
I am certainly no pro when it comes to dealing with ringnecks, but I would personally just leave them and go about your day as you normally do. Talk to them but let them see what you do in a day. We had two that we rescued and they bit HARD when we first got them. Now they are stick trained to step up and go about their day. We still can't touch them, and probably never will be able to without a bite, but they can be lifted to perches with sticks and we are all ok with that :)
After about a week or so of letting them watch what you are all about, try again. Leave their cage door open. I have found that if they can come out by themselves, the trust builds quicker. But like I said, that's just my opinion.

Re: Two new IRNs and two new cockatiels

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 12:34 pm
by AlphaWolf
Hello there,
So congratulations for your new FIDS! So first thing to note is that it's going to take TONS of patience in your part. As they are still new to their surrounding they are really scared. It will take some time for them to acclimatise to their new environment. It can take days or weeks, my Aero took him around 3 weeks before he was really settled down. As they are all new and scared they won't make any sounds at all. They don't want to alert us monsters to their presence. But in a little while they will start and just won't stop, trust me. So what you should do know is just try to avoid all contact except change their food and water for the first couple of days. Don't stare as this is a predatory attribute, and trust me super hard to do. For now just do normal actives in front of them but don't make them the centre of attention. Read, talk in a gentle voice, research online just be calm and no sudden movements. Try to research on a good diet! Keep updating please. I'am by no means a expert so I hope the pros come here to help! By the way, what did you decide to name them!

P.S. I live in KSA, so I'am technically a neighbour! Hoe are pet supplies there in dubai!

Re: Two new IRNs and two new cockatiels

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 1:04 am
by ayeshasyed
Oh im so glad to hear that someone else lives in the region....I thought it would be strictly Americans or Brits here. We just moved here 3 months ago so I am not really famaliar with the area but there is a "Bird and Fish Market" where they have about 40 little shops with literally thousands of birds stuffed in cages. I feel so bad when I go there and there are a couple supplies stores but all they have is seed and cages maybe a few toys. So I am just going to have to order online for everything.
Today I opened the cage.....well everybody came out and they can all fly... :o no clipped wings. so my bedroom was an aviary for a while but I had to catch them and the only way I could figure to do it was with a towel because I dont want them to be scared of my hands and I dont want to get my finger bit off lol. I have pretty much ignored them until now except for the female cockatiel...she will step up on command now and eat from my hand so thats good for me. We didnt pick names yet I want to know their personalities first
AlphaWolf wrote:Hello there,
So congratulations for your new FIDS! So first thing to note is that it's going to take TONS of patience in your part. As they are still new to their surrounding they are really scared. It will take some time for them to acclimatise to their new environment. It can take days or weeks, my Aero took him around 3 weeks before he was really settled down. As they are all new and scared they won't make any sounds at all. They don't want to alert us monsters to their presence. But in a little while they will start and just won't stop, trust me. So what you should do know is just try to avoid all contact except change their food and water for the first couple of days. Don't stare as this is a predatory attribute, and trust me super hard to do. For now just do normal actives in front of them but don't make them the centre of attention. Read, talk in a gentle voice, research online just be calm and no sudden movements. Try to research on a good diet! Keep updating please. I'am by no means a expert so I hope the pros come here to help! By the way, what did you decide to name them!

P.S. I live in KSA, so I'am technically a neighbour! Hoe are pet supplies there in dubai!

Re: Two new IRNs and two new cockatiels

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:39 am
by AlphaWolf
Hi, great to hear that your female is eating from your hand already, I have mine for 3 months and he still doesn't eat from my hand yet. Consider yourself lucky! This is not strictly british, there are south-africans, australians, americans, Britons and tons of other people. I also am new here but I admit that pet quality is very low. Where are you planning to buy online, I think is the best place, and they do international delivery. Flighted is way better than clipped, because they get their natural characteristics and because they are less likely to bite. About returning your bird to it's cage you use this technique by ellieelectrons. You let your birds fly out a hour before darkness, and when it becomes dark they go back on their own!

Re: Two new IRNs and two new cockatiels

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:50 pm
by AlphaWolf
Any new updates?