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Parrot safe air fresheners:

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:16 am
by electronegative
I thought they didn't exist? Not commercially, anyway. I know you can boil orange peels and cinnamon and stuff to get a nice smell, but I actually ONLY like the smell of certain flowers. Very picky.

Anyway, I found this article that suggested high-quality/pure essential oils in a diffuser are safe to use as air fresheners around birds. True or not? I've read some really helpful advice that was confirmed by my vet on this site, so I don't see why they'd publish this article if it were dangerous, but at the same time...

Here's the article: ... resheners/

Near the end it mentions essential oils. It also mentions "extracts" just above the essential oils part.

Re: Parrot safe air fresheners:

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 3:05 pm
by sanjays mummi
I use plug ins, no problem.

Re: Parrot safe air fresheners:

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 3:15 pm
by AJPeter
I do not know which of us smells the worst, me or Billie, l do know that Billie smells and l stink but sometimes l smell but she does not stink, sometimes those plug in smell worse than me or Billie but l can honestly say that plugins have no noses so they cannot not smell only stink. I like Freebreeze best that smell is nice or should l say as Freebreeze does not have a nose that it stinks best?
AJPeter (the stinker)

Re: Parrot safe air fresheners:

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:43 pm
by electronegative
Wait, what? Sanjay, you mean the commercial glade plugins or similar? Or these diffusers and essential oils?

Also what's Freebreeze? You mean Febreze? I thought that was horrible for birds.

Re: Parrot safe air fresheners:

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 9:43 pm
by MissK
I've read that you can put a cut onion where there is a bad smell and it will clear it up overnight. I haven't tried it, but if you do, make certain Birdie can[t get to the onion.

Re: Parrot safe air fresheners:

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 12:34 am
by electronegative
Oh, we don't have anything that smells bad here. I tidy up the cage every day and do a thorough cleaning with scrubbing once a week, so there's definitely no lingering 'birdy' smell. It just... doesn't smell like anything at all, and I like my living areas to smell like flowers :)

Re: Parrot safe air fresheners:

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 3:32 pm
by AJPeter
if I had a shilling for every time l knew what l meant Electronegative when l wrote it by now l would be a millionaire, however l did notice this afternoon that Billie stinks to high heaven l put it down to hormones she keeps wanting to mate with me and rubs her rump on my shoulder and swings her her tail side to side, oh yes l try and stop her but she hides round the back of my neck and is extremely difficult to dislodge.
Is there some sort of dusting powder that makes them smell nice? Or perhaps l should rub her with onion?

Re: Parrot safe air fresheners:

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 3:47 pm
by sanjays mummi
I DO hope that last question was a joke, Sanjay has no personal odour as such, what I do get from time to time is a waft of a warm honey type of aroma from him. I never use febreze, I do use oils, incense oils in a burner, but only in my bedroom (I am Pagan) I have Ambi Pure triples, but not near himselfs palace. The only time his cage whiffs a bit, is when he has brassicas in there.

Re: Parrot safe air fresheners:

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 4:06 pm
by AJPeter
Sorry Sanjays mummi l am sarcastic old man it was meant light hearted.

Re: Parrot safe air fresheners:

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:47 am
by sanjays mummi
I guessed that, but just to be sure..... :wink:

Re: Parrot safe air fresheners:

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 7:25 am
by Melika
I'm not convinced the commercial air-smellifiers are safe for humans in the long run, much less our birds. Febreeze actually has a warning on it saying not safe to used around birds. Some of the compounds in artificial "fresheners" are suspected carcinogens while others are known to damage organs or cause nerve problems. Air "fresheners" just mask scents and add compounds into your already cluttered air. The best way to freshen your air is to open your windows and air the house out and keep a few house plants. I regularly get unsolicited comments that my house smells 'clean' even though I don't use commercial chemicals anywhere.

My logic button kicks in and says, "Canaries were used in mines to test for unsafe air because they died more quickly than a human would from it- ergo toxic to birds meant toxic to humans. We don't use non-stick cookware because it can kill our birds, so how can it be safe for humans?"

However, there are some things that are considered unsafe for birds but are okay for humans- tea tree oil for instance. In fact, many essential oils are also considered bad or toxic for cats, but have no reported issues with humans.

So while it is not exactly a pure method to find what is safe, I like the canary in a coal mine thought. I also happen to be allergic to all artificial scents (immediate headache, dizziness, and nausea at best) so essential oils are all I ever [can] use. :lol:

- - -
I'm gonna go off on a tangent here: Perfumes and colognes (including body sprays/mists). You do NOT need an aura of smelliness around you that fills the entire room! Please, for the sake of people with allergies, asthma, respiratory issues, etc. please please please learn how to use just a tiny bit. It's supposed to be smelled when people are up close to you and in your personal space, not halfway across the room. And when your smell mixes with the lady/gentlemen next to you? GAG. Keep your scents to yourself and it will be more appreciated by all and will add dignity to your own chosen scent.

Re: Parrot safe air fresheners:

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:35 am
by electronegative
Thanks Melika!

So, you're saying essential oils ARE safe for use around birds? If so, all of them or just specific ones? I knew artificial ones were generally considered unsafe, already tossed out all my wallflowers :|

Again, I don't have a problem with my house smelling weird, it just doesn't smell at all and I like it to smell lightly of fragrance.

Re: Parrot safe air fresheners:

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:44 pm
by InTheAir
Melika wrote:

- - -
I'm gonna go off on a tangent here: Perfumes and colognes (including body sprays/mists). You do NOT need an aura of smelliness around you that fills the entire room! Please, for the sake of people with allergies, asthma, respiratory issues, etc. please please please learn how to use just a tiny bit. It's supposed to be smelled when people are up close to you and in your personal space, not halfway across the room. And when your smell mixes with the lady/gentlemen next to you? GAG. Keep your scents to yourself and it will be more appreciated by all and will add dignity to your own chosen scent.
I couldn't agree more. There is nothing worse than someone's perfume invading your personal space! Especially the body sprays/deodorant!
Before we got birds, we had a house mate who put so much on every morning he would set off the smoke alarm and sneeze for about 20 minutes! We would start coughing and open all the doors and windows when he entered the room. :lol:

Re: Parrot safe air fresheners:

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 3:17 pm
by electronegative
I hate AXE. Like, I HATE it. It literally makes me nauseous.

Re: Parrot safe air fresheners:

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 5:50 pm
by AJPeter
My bottle of Flash with Febreze does not say keep away from birds, but it does say keep away from children

Re: Parrot safe air fresheners:

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:47 pm
by Little Buttercup
InTheAir wrote:
Melika wrote:

- - -
I'm gonna go off on a tangent here: Perfumes and colognes (including body sprays/mists). You do NOT need an aura of smelliness around you that fills the entire room! Please, for the sake of people with allergies, asthma, respiratory issues, etc. please please please learn how to use just a tiny bit. It's supposed to be smelled when people are up close to you and in your personal space, not halfway across the room. And when your smell mixes with the lady/gentlemen next to you? GAG. Keep your scents to yourself and it will be more appreciated by all and will add dignity to your own chosen scent.
I couldn't agree more. There is nothing worse than someone's perfume invading your personal space! Especially the body sprays/deodorant!
Before we got birds, we had a house mate who put so much on every morning he would set off the smoke alarm and sneeze for about 20 minutes! We would start coughing and open all the doors and windows when he entered the room. :lol:
Agree, agree and agree. It makes me GAG.


Re: Parrot safe air fresheners:

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:17 pm
by Melika
electronegative wrote:Thanks Melika!

So, you're saying essential oils ARE safe for use around birds? If so, all of them or just specific ones? I knew artificial ones were generally considered unsafe, already tossed out all my wallflowers :|

Again, I don't have a problem with my house smelling weird, it just doesn't smell at all and I like it to smell lightly of fragrance.
It would be good to research them individually. I wouldn't spray my bird down with them, of course. XD You might also want to research the aromatherapeutic effects of scents you might be wanting to use, to keep you from feeling wonky haha.

Re: Parrot safe air fresheners:

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:34 pm
by sanjays mummi
When I sit down next to an elderly couple on the bus, who reek of garlic And TCP, That's when I feel poorly!

Re: Parrot safe air fresheners:

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 3:04 pm
by AJPeter
Thank you Melika for your info. I hate the smell of curry, and do not like the taste either, personally not use plug ins or sprays l like my house smellig the way it is. Afterall it it has a bad odour and l cover that up with essential oils or something the bad odour is still there