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Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:18 am
by Greenpitbul1113
is it unhealthy to sleep with the bird in the same small room???

Re: Unhealthy???

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:14 pm
by Donovan
unhealthy for who?

mentally or physically?

Re: Unhealthy???

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:11 pm
by Greenpitbul1113
physically for me because of droppings etc..

Re: Unhealthy???

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:11 pm
by AlphaWolf
I hope not because I sleep in the same room now for months.

Re: Unhealthy???

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:14 pm
by MissK
A case could be made that it is unhealthy for you *if* you have an undesired reaction to the bird itself, or if you do not maintain the cage in a very clean condition all the time, also if there is not good ventilation in the room.

Some people just have trouble with healthy breathing around birds.
Other people can be very sensitive to the droppings.
It is not healthy for anyone to be exposed to the airborne dust of dried droppings.

My thought is that you could try it out, but be sure to maintain a reasonable humidity for humans - not so damp that molds and such are encouraged to grow, and not so dry your lungs are irritated. Keep the cage clean - this means wipe the perches and bars and grate so that droppings do not accumulate. You should damp wipe them, not brush them off dry, so you can minimize any particles in the air. Change the floor papers every day, and when you do, roll them to keep the mess inside, and don't scrunch or wave them around. Clean up any mess on the floor or carpet every day. Remember that keeping things clean and tidy is not only good for you - it's best for Birdie, too. I would put the cage across the room from your bed.

I'm not sure how the community would view this, but I, personally, wipe the grate and perches with baby wipes - the disposable moist cloths sold for wiping babies' bottoms. I get the plain kind for sensitive skin, so there are the fewest harsh additives. A less expensive way would be to wipe with a paper towel and a mixture of vinegar and water. Baby wipes do a very good job, though, and they come in a dispensing box, so are very easy to use. If the plastic pan gets messy I wipe that with baby wipes, too, or I might use the vinegar and water, since that's so big but also easy to clean.

If you try sleeping with the bird in the same room and you experience any ongoing coughing or other respiratory symptoms, you should consult a doctor and consider removing the bird to a different room. **These are my opinions.**

Re: Unhealthy???

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:24 pm
by AlphaWolf
Nice advice MissK,
Tbh I really near to clean the cage because Are panicks so hard. So I'am thinking do yo think I should let him fly around and then change his cage. Luckily for me, even though I have asthma (which I didn't have for 6 years), I didn't cough once, even though the cage is 2 metres near my head :D Thanks God!

Re: Unhealthy???

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:37 pm
by MissK
Dearest AlphaWolf,

Asthma is nothing to fiddle around with. You should have a healthy respect for the fact that if it goes wrong it can kill you quickly. I absolutely want you to change your cage papers every single day. You could even mist them lightly to be sure particles don't rise into the air you're breathing while you change the paper. You should also be sure you are not using dusty or musty papers.

Since Aero is not calm while you change the papers, you probably should let him out during that time. He might be happy to sit on top the cage and eat a treat while you are busy in there. Nobody should ever make their bird so upset it thrashes around in the cage, but you especially should not, because of particles that might be raised up into the air you breathe. I would also like you to provide Aero every opportunity to bathe himself.

Please promise me that if you have increased respiratory symptoms since the bird is in your room, that you will move him out.

Re: Unhealthy???

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:26 am
by AlphaWolf
Hello MissK,
Nice for you to care for my health :D . Don't worry I have a principal, it is to change the paper underneath EVERY single day. I also promise you that if my respiratory system gets worse will most definitely move the cage. About my asthma, I do know that it could return any moment now but it is really less likely. I lived with birds for 6 years and never had one asthma attack. I had it a couple of times when I was 5-6, and was given the inhaler. However, a very experienced doctor told us that the inhalers have a chemical which weakens bones and can lead to bone deficiency disease if used a lot. He said to use it in only important or emergency circumstances. However he gave us a awesome natural remedy. You boil water and put it in a saucepan. You then cover it up with a towel and you breath in the steam, it clears all the system. I used it for one month and then i never had asthma. Of course it could return any moment. Thank you for your advice MissK :) .

Re: Unhealthy???

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:56 am
by MissK
I'm so pleased to hear it, AlphaWolf. I like you and wish only the best for you - and Aero, of course! :D

Re: Unhealthy???

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:22 pm
by Greenpitbul1113
thanks for your help and valuable information both of you...
I appreciated it the most. I have become so absorbed by this small creature...

Re: Unhealthy???

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 11:38 am
by Melika
For everyday cleaning, before changing the papers I'll spray mist with a vinegar/water solution over the floor grate and through to the papers. This minimizes dust while changing the papers, as it is moist and won't fly away easily. It also softens any droppings on the grate, which I can wipe with a paper towel. I spray some of the solution on a paper towel for wiping down all the other bars.

My mother was allergic to birds and they were in my bedroom, so while I was living at home this was a necessity. I suppose it's habit now, but I think it's a good habit.

Re: Unhealthy???

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 3:49 pm
by sanjays mummi
I use an antibacterial spray on Sanjays perches, and change the papers too, every day, he sits on top of his door, or plays footie with his babble ball, if Im a bit late, he sits near the door watching me accusingly!

Re: Unhealthy???

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:39 pm
by MissK
Misting down, I think, is a very good practice.