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The best way to Introduce Pellets?? NutriBird P15 Pellets

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 12:29 pm
by Wakizashi21
How should i introduce these into cheekos diet??

I have put them into the cage but havnt seen him nibble on them was wondering the best way to introduce the food to him?

He loves his appples and mangoes! but need him to be on a healthier diet and not just seeds only.

Re: The best way to Introduce Pellets?? NutriBird P15 Pellet

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:33 am
by MissK
Hi Wakizashi,

Can't believe nobody responded to you.

My bird was not impressed with pellets for quite some time. He seemed to think they were related to foot toys. He nibbled a little just because he saw other birds doing it. I tried soaking them and he showed a slightly increased interest and ate just enough for it to show in his poo. Still not enthusiastic. When I tried him on Harrison's he showed enough interest to eat a few, in the tiny size. Small wonder - their primary ingredient is sunflower seed. But he still could not be called a fan.

Taking inventory of all the costly bird foods I've bought, I concluded Rocky was just going to HAVE to eat those pellets. I have the bigger brain; I keep the bird; I pay the bills: it was up to me to find a palatable way to present them. Enter the food processor. I pulverized the various types of pellets into a coarse powder. To serve, I put a scoop of crushed pellet in a bowl with a ground grain mix he likes, add a little hot water, and stir. I wait for the water to cool and the dry stuff to soak some up. Then I pour off any excess water and serve. He likes it best as a damp grit, but the Budgies like a little more moisture.

Now my bird eats pellets. I am *hoping* that once he has exhausted our current supply I'll be able to skip the pulverizing step. I don't plan to ever stop giving him the grain powder mix, though, so it won't matter either way. He does tend to wipe his beak on the cage bars, schmearing them with mush, but he's a parrot, so what else is new?

I would suggest, based on my experience, that you first make sure you are offering tiny bits of pellets, not large pieces. Mix them with something he likes, or embed them in a soft fruit. Try soaking them (don't forget to cool before serving). If nothing works and you're sitting on a bag of unused pellets, go ahead and try smashing them to powder and soaking - at that point, what have you got to lose?


Re: The best way to Introduce Pellets?? NutriBird P15 Pellet

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:34 am
by Melika
I used the following technique on the Harrison's website to convert a particularly STUBBORN cockatiel- and it worked! It worked even faster than I thought it would! I would give it a try. I imagine it could work with just about any kind of birdie bread, you can even make the bread from the pellets themselves that way it tastes like the pellet you're using. I didn't put the food on a towel like in the Harrison's link, I just used the food dish. I liked it because you removed all other foods, but the bird was still eating, even if it was only the millet until they began munching on the bread. ... ird-bread/

And here's a recipe to use the type of pellet you're using to make your own birdie bread:

BeBe's Birdie Bread

Posted by: Ken Highfill - May 8, 1996

2 6 oz jars baby food sweet potatoes
2 jars baby food tropical fruit
1-1 1/2 cups pellets or 4 tbss hand feeding formula
3 eggs and eggshells (crushed)

I recycle pellets left in our birds' bowls (We use uncolored pellets). Mix eggs and baby food. Use a little in a small blender/processor to crush the egg shells (calcium source). Mix in remaining ingredients. Put in paper cupcakes or muffin tins- 4 tsps each. Microwave 1-2 mins until firm. Or bake in toaster oven at 400 degrees for 15 minutes till firm. Makes 12 servings. Serve warm, but not too hot. Cockatoos - 1 each, conures - 1/4 each. Save remainder in fridge and warm before serving. Very nutritious and they all love it.

Re: The best way to Introduce Pellets?? NutriBird P15 Pellet

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:22 am
by Wakizashi21
Hi Melika and MissK,

Thanks for the awesome advice honestly it really got me excited again to feed him the pellets. Iv going to try both techniques and get back to you on which one works.

Just given him a spray shower as he was out in the garden for a few hours today (with part of the cage covered to get some shade + water). and he is looking happy today. just re arranged his cage go get him to think about his environment rather than being all repetitive.

I have got some egg shells from protein but he doesnt eat them, i have the quicko egg food supplements. he doesnt really eat them at all.

Need to try different ways to get him interested. Ill have to take the recipe to my sisters so she can show me how to make them. Do you guys freeze any food? (like fruit or anything)

Re: The best way to Introduce Pellets?? NutriBird P15 Pellet

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 2:06 pm
by MissK
Good luck, Wakizashi!

If you pulverize, just do a little, in case of it not working out, though you could always rebind the powder, I guess.

By all means let us know how it goes. Once the bird will eat the food, you'll have a lot of satisfaction watching him do it. I know I do.

I have not used the freezer, except for some homemade pellets which, honestly, I forget to give him since they're in the freezer. I had a chat with my vet about using frozen veg mix intended for humans and she basically felt that was fine.

BTW, love your handle. So much fun to say!


Re: The best way to Introduce Pellets?? NutriBird P15 Pellet

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:01 pm
by Melika
Wakizashi21 wrote: Do you guys freeze any food? (like fruit or anything)
I have used already frozen food and stuff I have frozen myself. It's an easy and convenient way to give 'fresh' foods. I most often freeze the Sweet Potato Mash that I make listed here ... f=3&t=8078 (scroll down to the picture to find it quickly).

Once I did find someone who used the shredder tool in the food processor to cut veggies quickly and froze individual serving sizes for his/her birds.

Re: The best way to Introduce Pellets?? NutriBird P15 Pellet

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:28 am
by lola13
I'm trying to gwt Lola to eat them pelletsd and also kaytee and tropican. I thought I'd try 3 different kinds. Still no luck, been put in bird bread,mash,soaked in warm water and orange juice. Mixed in with veg,fruit and some seed and still nope she won't eat them.
I'm going to try then muffins see how that goes. Lola is only 11 months and she's trying some fruit and veg only if its on a skewer so I can't complain.

She gets 2 tablespoons of seed before bed so I know she's eaten

Re: The best way to Introduce Pellets?? NutriBird P15 Pellet

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:57 am
by Skyes_crew
All of my birds, except for my Alex which I handfed, came to me eating seed. I never gave them an option. I put a bowl of pellets, based on beak size, in their cages and left it there. Within days they were eating it. Maybe I just have odd birds???

Re: The best way to Introduce Pellets?? NutriBird P15 Pellet

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:43 am
by lola13
I thought of doing that but then got told I'd have to weigh them. But Lola is untame so shed never step up to be weighed. So at the moment I'm adding all sorts of fruit and veg with the pellets and seeds and she's going through it.

I think you do:p

Re: The best way to Introduce Pellets?? NutriBird P15 Pellet

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 10:29 am
by Skyes_crew
I knew it lol...well they do say that pets are just like their owners :D

Re: The best way to Introduce Pellets?? NutriBird P15 Pellet

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 12:14 am
by lola13
Then mine should be nervous recks haha!:p

Driving me crazy with these pellets!

Re: The best way to Introduce Pellets?? NutriBird P15 Pellet

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:30 am
by Wakizashi21
Update : sort of crushed my pellets mixed in with alittle bit of seeds to persuade and added water and left to cool down. the parrot started to chew on it slowly slowly. iv done only alittle bit to check how much he eats so i can be sure hes not just eating the seeds but the pellets too.

Re: The best way to Introduce Pellets?? NutriBird P15 Pellet

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:30 am
by MissK

You might be interested in seeing this thread: ... =3&t=17491
