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RiSi so far speaks only one word

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 7:38 am
by Desai
My Risi so far speaks only one word. I am trying hard to teach some more words but he is not ready to talk. What shall I do?

Please assist me

Re: RiSi so far speaks only one word

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 2:45 am
by kiwilover
Your parakeet will most likely learn to say things you say commonly. you should speak often and say specific words, such as "Hello" "You're a pretty bird" or your birds name frequently.

Hold the bird in front of your mouth when you teach him, so that you have his attention.

Repeat words or phrases, Be sure to show lots of excitement in your voice. Your parrot will gradually begin to repeat after you.

Repeat certain words or phrases every time you do something, such as 'Up' when you lift your bird up

Reward with treats when your parrot mimics you.

Consider playing recordings of words you want her to learn for up to 5 minutes at a time - longer than that can cause boredom.

hope this helps :D