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RiSi is still not my closed friend :-((

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:20 am
by Desai
I take utmost care of my RiSi. He takes food from my hand let me put hand on his head but when I try to touch his chest n legs he get angry and bites me. Also, it has been almost 15 days and still he so far speak only one world. I try my best to teach him additional world but he is not speaking. He is around 2 years old. Also, I have to cut into small pieces his food and feed him by my hand then only he eats otherwise eats less. One day I hold him in my hand and put on my lap but he was not comfortable. Otherwise he is very calm and quite and does not make any noise. Likes my mobile too much and wants to listen to songs and play with it.

Please help me...


Re: RiSi is still not my closed friend :-((

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:58 am
by MissK
Hi Desai,

Have patience. Two weeks is not even the blink of an eye to your bird. Many Ringnecks are known for not wanting to be touched beyond the head. Try to relax and enjoy the company of your bird. You must have a relationship before good things will develop. Make sure you offer him the same kind of food he ate before you brought him home for his bowl.

Good Luck!

Re: RiSi is still not my closed friend :-((

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:05 am
by Jen&Bug
MissK is right, it takes much longer than that for a relationship to develop, especially if your bird has lived elsewhere and is adapting to his new environment.

It sounds like he is getting comfortable with you, if he's starting to play with objects like your mobile phone. Let him explore and watch what he does (as long as he doesn't break it!) - this is his way of showing you his personality and his interests.

You might find that the best things about your relationship turn out to be things you didn't expect. For example, you might have been expecting a talking parrot, but actually you might have a parrot who will make you laugh every day by exploring your house and playing with your stuff. This is one of the best things about my Indian ringneck - they are such funny birds! Every bird is different, and you shouldn't feel bad if he isn't doing exactly what you expected.

Good luck.

Re: RiSi is still not my closed friend :-((

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:14 am
by Desai
Thank you soo much.. I was too much worried. I got it. I will not expect anything from him until he wants to do it himself.

Thank you all again.
