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Extra Urine

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 5:10 pm
by amazhar
My indian ringneck has been for two days or maybe more unrinating a lot. his urine is clear white liquid with maybe small poop which doesn't look bad. He has been eating only apples for those two days because I can not find any seeds that suits him in the area these days.

Is it normal?

Is it because of the diet or could it be some kinds of bacteria? I will try including seeds as soon as possible into his diet so I can examine correctly is the apples are the problem. I just wanted to get you feed back

Re: Extra Urine

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 6:30 pm
by InTheAir
There is a very good post on food for ringnecks; ... f=3&t=8078

This should give you an understanding of your birds dietary needs.

Re: Extra Urine

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 10:32 pm
by MissK
Hi. I think the diet of just apples is most likely to be affecting him. For Heaven's sake, give him also different foods. Check any short list of toxic foods (avoid avocado, onion, chocolate, and junk food for people, raw beans or tomatoes, eggplant just to be sure - there are probably others). If you are eating a vegetable that's not on the toxic list, share it with him. Honestly, green beans, green leafy vegetables (no rhubarb), carrots, peppers, corn, sprouts are all good. In addition to apple give him banana, kiwi, strawberries, blackberries (actual "blackberries", not just any berry that's black). And give him grains - oatmeal, cracked wheat, cooked rice. Just skip the sugar and salt that come with so many human foods.

If you have food to eat, your bird should have food to eat, unless you're living on pizza and coffee. Just make sure to give a little bit of a lot of things, not a lot of just one or two things.

If you still cannot figure out what to feed him, tell us what you are eating and we'll tell you what to share. Don't feed that bird only apples for even one more day!

You can do this. I have faith in you!

Re: Extra Urine

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 3:32 am
by ellieelectrons
Hi amazhar

Where are you from? Perhaps someone lose from your country can he you locate appropriate food for your bird. They do need a variety of foods
