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the ultimate foraging toy challenge

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:07 am
by InTheAir
Hey there,

Ok, it's not really ringneck related, but it is parrots and might interest you... I was showing my boyfriend some videos of kea and found this ... l0DNaVQ-P4
Our first thought was whether we could make one for Nele...

Oh, and those of you that think your ringneck is a bit on the distractive side might take comfort from this one ... wg4Yg4gFoo lol


Re: the ultimate foraging toy challenge

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:06 am
by ellieelectrons
Thanks Claire. They're fantastic! I'd be sooooo disheartened - designing the ultimate foraging toy that takes only one minute to figure out! Remind me ever to get a kea as a pet!


Re: the ultimate foraging toy challenge

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 12:19 am
by Fidgit_Green
unfortunately i never got the chance to meet a kea in the wild, and the couple that i did meet were kept as though just big budgies in a cage.

while watching that second clip i started to get so home sick and started to think about how awesome it would be to have a kea as a pet.
when i started to think about getting a irn, it was because i could knew that you could teach them to do all sorts of things like that, but when i see the keas do things in just minutes just out of natural instinct it gets a little disheartening to think i could get fidgit anywhere close to something like that.
especially when all he seems to want to do is chew small things into even small things.

i would absolutely love to have a bird that is a natural problem solver like me.
but dont get me wrong i still love fidgit to bits.
but a pet kea would be pretty cool though.

thanks for the clips, they were awesome

Re: the ultimate foraging toy challenge

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:10 am
by InTheAir
@ Ellie; and Dave was annoyed at how fast Nele solved the latest puzzle we bought! We definitely will remind you not to get a kea if it every comes up! If you watch a vid of kea eating a shearwater chick you really won't want one!

@ fidget: ugh, I can't imagine keeping a kea in a cage like that! I feel that our ringneck doesn't get enough stimulation from foraging and flying around our house!
We have been pretty impressed by our ringnecks problem solving abilities, the foraging wheel took him 30 seconds of contemplation before he went straight to the solution, same with every other toy we have given him. I doubt our bird is exceptionally bright for his species... And added bonus of the ringneck is it only destroys the house, not the car aswell! Lol
I was slightly homesick, that's why I was showing Dave nz wildlife videos! ;p


Re: the ultimate foraging toy challenge

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:33 am
by Fidgit_Green
before i got sick i had been a dairy farmer for about 7 years, and after 4 years of being disabled and not able to do much of anything, i still believe myself to be a farmer and no matter what i do i will always be a farmer, so even though i have settled in here in oz after 2 years i still long for the beautiful green hills, the sweet smell of the pine forest and the salty taste of the sea air that you just cant get over here.
i cant believe im saying this, but i even miss the smell of sulfur from places like Rotorua.
no matter how settled and accustomed i get to living in oz, ill be a born and breed Kiwi boy trough an through.


Re: the ultimate foraging toy challenge

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:17 pm
by InTheAir
I just found a link to this article on another parrot site: ... 2dtc2.html
And I thought Nele was mr mischief for flying off with a coin now and again....