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Can u give to much fruit to a irn

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:42 pm
by griffo
hi i have just got my first irn. 8 weeks old...
he/she is not eating the hand mix any more, he /she is eating bird seed, He/she can not get enough fruit, Apple and corn can u feed them to much????

Re: Can u give to much fruit to a irn

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:05 pm
by ellieelectrons

My understanding is that birds will rarely overeat but they will eat the high sugar foods (such as fruit) first which can amount to poor nutrition. I have a problem with over-feeding my guys sugary treats. My avian vet suggested the following rule of thumb: 80% low carb veges and 20% higher carb veges or fruits.

Hope that helps.


Re: Can u give to much fruit to a irn

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 6:53 am
by Sparkles
To survive, every bird must eat at least half its own weight in food each day
So u can give peas, apples without the seeds, grapes. these are the main food i give my IRN and he likes it.You can also give him/Her Sunflower seeds..So i hope this information helps u.If u have anymore doubts ask me.

Re: Can u give to much fruit to a irn

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:23 pm
by madant darshel
Hi guys,

I feed my birds a very good parrot mix but they also get, nearly every day, some type of fruit. The ones they love the most seem to be the ones my kids eat a lot of to. Kiwi Fruit, watermelon, apples, pineapple, rock melons, in fact any type of melon, strawberries, pears, even lettuce, gabbage, carrots, they love corn on the cob. Just about all of it they seem to go for, haven't tried pumpkin yet. We cut them up to small pieces they can hold onto and that's about it, I don't take out any seeds etc.

I also have really big cuttle fish hanging around the cage for them to chew and they really get stuck into that. Thistle is also a really good plant they seem to enjoy. I have a dirt floor in one section of the cage where the wasted seeds tend to grow into palnts, they like stripping that to. They also use this for their nesting boxes.

That's my two cents worth, hope it helped in some way.
