Bird pooping 24/7

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Bird pooping 24/7

Post by Jessandeli »

My Baby IRN is pooping all the time, everywhere its not diarhea. Is this normal?

also how can i train him to poop in a certain place?

Please help ;/
Invader ZIM
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Re: Bird pooping 24/7

Post by Invader ZIM »

Boy, this is sort of embarrasing for me to say, but here goes...

My male IRN "Rickey" usually goes every 15 minutes, but if he eats something that has extra moisture in it, like an apple slice or even bananna, he'll tend to go a little more often, and it will be more messy.

What I did was make this into a game. Every time I saw him go, I'd say to him "You made a poopee!!"

IRN's being intelligent animals, my little buddy quickly picked up on what I meant after a few weeks. And if he did it on me, I'd just tell him "Yucky!! don't make poopees there!" And when I saw him make them in his cage, I'd tell him "good boy"

It takes patience and time, carry him with you if he's tame enough and let him watch you clean up his mess where you don't want him to mess, complain a little to him, but don't yell, just let him know your displeased that he made a mess and he'll realise in time that he needs to go only in certain places.

Right now, Rickey knows before I can play with him, that he needs to make a "poopee." And he'll squat and do his business and then run over to my finger to play for a bit. After about 15 minutes, I put him back in his cage and tell him to go have a yum yum and make a poopee, and after he does he runs back to me for another round of playtime with me.

I'm starting to get him to the point where he warn's me when he has to go. He only did it once, but when he was on top of my computer monitor he exclaimed "I made a poopee!!" Which was a good start, but it was too late, and I still had to clean the back of my monitor. :)

They are just like little kids, make chores into a game with them, let him be with you as you clean up after him and he'll soon realize your taking care of him and he will eventually learn that he doesn't want to dissapoint you.
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