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jumps down & runs

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 1:57 am
by Darlene
I have watched training videos on how to teach your parrot tricks or just about anything, starting from basics. I have seen parrots on perches in pet stores. They all stay on there perches. How do they get them to do that?? I have a two part problem: 1) My IRN runs and won't let me catch him or step up. 2) He won't stay on a tee perch so I can work with him to start with ( stepping up ). He jumps down and takes off. ... Training my German Shephard was easier then training my IRN. By now he knows he doesn't have to be afraid of me. I haven't bitten him like he has me. I don't poop on him either! like he does me. I'm the one that should be running from him!

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:09 am
by Mikaela
Is your bird clipped?

If not, I highly recommend doing so until some training is complete.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:03 am
by kyria
Yep! Mik is right.. get both those wings clipped

Also get/or build a stand that is about your chest/shoulder height (approx. 3.5 foot) so that its too high for it to jump down from.

Both my IRN have their own stands that have little rungs all the way up so that they can walk up to perch and they love it there.

Cheers !

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 8:07 am
by Dani03
Just so you know...wing clipping is important because when they are clipped they have a dependancy for you. Fully flighted birds get weird and standoffish. Clip those wings if you want to train.

Dani and Prinny

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 7:25 pm
by Darlene
Thank you for your replies. Yes my Luna's wings were clipped (both wings) when I got him last April 05, when he was just weaned on solid food. He has had a molt since then and I am wandering if they should be trimmed again. When I took him in to the avian vet for his well check up, he said they didn't need to be trimmed yet. He was 7 monthes old. and he could fall too hard when he jumps off. And it is a risk that he can break his breast bone if he lands too hard. He doesn't seem to be afraid to jump off things even when he knows he can't fly, but he just flutters to the floor.
He doesn't like to be handled or picked up very much. He's too busy :) He just doesn't like to be in his cage or told what to do. He is fearless about jumping down and runs when he is on the floor. ..(.I should glue his little feet to the pearch) :lol: Just kidding. He has a perch tree and spends time up there, but jumps down if he thinks I'm going to reach for him to step up. Does anyone else have this problem?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:54 pm
by kyria
Actually now that I think of it , Jordan does this from her/his cage to the floor, which is rather high but onto carpet so the landing is rather soft.

S/he hates the cage and just wants to be out and never! stays still for one minute when she has floor time (just like you describe of Luna). But I make sure I handle her/him often even if she seems to not want it, s/he is going to get use to it, like it or not.

Now what i was realising, in all this, from what you were saying, is that the only place s/he does stay still and perched is on a small stand my husband made for her/him that can be placed onto a table top or on top of her/his cage. I guess the fact that she/he cannot see the ground past the table top, stops her/him from jumping off like the way s/he does from her cage floor.

Maybe you could try a perch on a table somewhere ?? worth a shot ??

Just a thought:-


Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 1:49 am
by Darlene
Hey! good Idea. our suggestion of putting a play gym or perch on a table or surface that he can't see the floor below might help. His perch tree is about five feet high and on a carpet also. He sometimes hangs onto a perch tight and flaps his wings really fast like he is getting ready to fly. And he can see the floor or carpet. It doesn't hurt when he lands. But I'm wandering if his wing feathers are growing just enough to give him a little too much lift when he goes to the floor. And he is getting too much confidence about jumping off things. Would just a wing trim help with this over confidence thing? Luna is never in his cage unless we will be gone or at night, or if there is too much activities to be safe for him to run around. So now when I catch him, he must think he has to go in his cage and that is why he runs from me. He just doesn't want to be confined. He has a large free standing cage that any parrot would be happy in. But not Luna. So when I do hold him, he might feel too confined. He only likes to be cuddled when he is sleepy. He doesn't want me out of his sight. so when he is in his cage he can't keep track of me. I will try holding him more to see if this will help the running from me problem....Thanks

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 7:36 pm
by darkcloudchild
My Male Green looks identical to your boy, and it sounds like they have ALOT of the same personality.

Loki is very jumpy. He doesn't like hands coming towards him and will always run, unless he decides it's time for him to step up. Of course, it's alot worse with they guys trying to do it versus me. He'll come to me alot easier.

He also loves to hop, jump and do all sorts of things. He also flys alot. I don't have him or Kozmo clipped. She could care less about flying, and he loves to do it just to show off. He's full of energy, and this is one way I think he lets some of it out. I don't think trimming him will really help with that at all, but you'll know if it's time for him to be clipped if he can actually starts getting some lift when he flaps his wings.

Now, I don't have trouble getting either of my babies back in their cage though. They know that they always get a treat when they go in, and we've never had any trouble.

Hope that helps, because he sure sounds alot like my Loki :)

Re: jumps down & runs

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 10:47 am
by AJPeter
They train us, we get bitten if we do not do what they want, my bird is untrained she is about 8 years old and does not talk l rescued her about 4 years ago, shortly after she settled in l said to her "Do you do that at home?" And she replied "This is my home!" She steps up if she wants to, but she is very loving we have to have loads of good night kisses before she is ready for bed, sometime she sits for ages on my shoulder and when l look round at here she reaches forward and kisses me on the lips! Sweet. They are creatures of habit set up as routine and you will; have no bother with them.