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SO excited...stepping up!

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:04 pm
by ShirleyBird
Lol. I know its a small task, but I feel like I conquered the world! Lol. Shirley is stepping up on command 90% of the time now. I still have tons of work ahead( she steps up on a stick only, ands she still doesn't like hands being close). I'm currently working with Verne, who has no interest and will happily climb down to the floor and walk to the living room play tree... I open the cage in the mornings and say "Come out and play?" and Shirley happily comes to the fold down part and looks @ me like are you getting the stick or what? ....I'm Verne likes to wait until she's on the tree and calls then is ready to be walked to the funny to watch! They are just as easy to return, I just say"Go home and Verne is on the way down the tree and making the trip down the hall. Shirley of courses waits until I go get Big improvement for only 2 1/2 mths of having them( considering they are NOT tame).

Re: SO excited...stepping up!

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:22 pm
by ShirleyBird
[quote="Ariahna"]Congratulations Shirley. It sounds like they are coming along very nicely. You are doing such a great job with them! I can't wait to hear what they do next. :D[/quote]

Thanks! I am blessed enough to be able to stay home and care for our kids, so I'm able to spend a bunch of tiny training sessions throughout the day. Its kinda like having 2 new babies, I'm eager to see how much they can learn! I always have thought of myself as a cat person( being they are independent and only do what they can't for force them to do anything ...kinda like I have definitely been converted! I am proud to say...I'm a bird Person ill have lots of stories to share soon...especially about my little shy Verne.

Re: SO excited...stepping up!

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:08 pm
by DeeDeeLutino
Thats amazing!
This birds are sooo smart they are like little babies!
My 4 month old tweety gives me a certain look at me from inside his cage when he wants me to come and feed him by hand...he eats from the food plate but he just loves to eat from my hand, then he starts bobing his head from side to side and this means take me out! so what i did was i taught him he only comes out if he steps on my finger , at first he was hesitant so ill give him a little push and he will step up and i would put him out, now he steps up willingly all the time :D