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This is my first Ringneck and have a couple questions

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 8:12 pm
by BBattaglia2009
I just got a 6-7 week old ringneck. i have lil concerns. 1. she stands on 1 foot is that bad or good?
2. i feed her watermelon, formula, seeds.. she tears all them up is that good?( especially the watermelon) and how long do i feed her formula. and even when i fed her alot she still wants more is that normal? she whines and crys and also too one of her feet is hot and the other foot is cold. reason i'm lil concern because i read on the internet that if the she is on 1 leg immediately take her to the vet something is wrong. :cry:

Re: This is my first Ringneck and have a couple questions

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 11:34 pm
by SCB -SA
hi, is she sitting on the perch when she lifts her foot?
Thats how they sleep, like little one legged monsters, and naturally, the foot that is drawn up against their body,
and hidden will be warm , and the exposed one she is standing on will be cold. :-)

Foods you are giving her are fine, just slowly on the fruit when they are small, formula you will feed until she is weaned, which varies from bird to bird. Read up on the posts on weaning feeding etc.

And yes they are little pigs and tend to want to gorge themselves silly... make sure you arent over feeding your baby as that can cause problems...

Oh yes about her legs, as long as she can stand firmly on them, and perch, and her legs dont constantly slide form under her, i dont think there is anything to wory about.

Sorry its so long, but hope it helps.
Good Luck