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into the wild..

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 12:50 am
by daniele
hey guys! :)

the wednesday just before easter we took bollo...


..down to the vet. one of her tail feathers had broken off and was bleeding and neither of us wanted to pull it out.. so we went to our avian vet who is really brilliant and she fixed her up no wuckas. when we got home we probably got a little blase and had her on one of our shoulders 'cause her wings are clipped but she pretty much flew off as soon as she got outta the car.. :o and did she take off. i was like.. i can't believe this is happening to US! she flew to a giant tree across the road and we very regrettably threw a jumper up there to coax her down.. :roll: don't do that it's really stupid!! she took off again and across a neighbours fence.. :( i was hysterically knocking on neighbours doors and searching in their backyards. couldn't find her. what a nightmare. :!:

we made up 350 flyers and on good friday did a massive letter drop and stuck 'em under peoples windscreen wipers.. it's a big job. which way do you go? how far do you keep going? we had coloured ones printed too and stuck 'em on phone boxes, the local blockbuster, the local bottle shop, bus stops. keeping a long story long, nooch, we were so distraught we went to birds'n'all to look at birds.. a few $$ later we were the proud parents of 2 olive scaly breasted lorikeets!! totally different energy to the ringneck.. :shock:


last wednesday after the easter break we get this phone call from a lovely lady named donna and she said.. 'i've got your bird!' :shock: :o :) a friend of hers had found her in a park. she was eating figs the little darling, and this lady gave her to donna, who volunteered at this place called mulabillai and just happened to be a wildlife rehabilitator. :!: donna was walking her dog a way she never normally goes and she saw one of our posters on a phone box and called us and now we have our gorgeous bird back!! it's an easter miracle! donna was so lovely.. i will be eternally grateful. they had her in a nice little cage and had fed her apple and stuff.. and they live in the street right behind us! she had a little scrape on her wing too.. poor baby.. and i think she must've had quite an adventure because she had an extreme makeover while she was away.. she lost all her tail feathers!! they look like they've been ripped out.. her poor little bare butt! we're hoping they grow back?? anyone been through something similar??

with birds it seems you learn the hard way.. our first two birds sprocket and morph had their wings severely over clipped.. we were pretty green and took them to a pet store. mistake. never do this. we ended up losing our beloved morph. r.i.p. and with bollo we were really cautious about not letting the same thing happen so her wings probably should've been clipped more. :| everyday i learn something new.. like lorikeets.. they squirt.. A LOT! :D to think.. this time last year i had no birds.... now i have 4!!! they're like heroin.. ha ha. we reckon in five years if we can keep these ones alive we'll get a macaw.. DREAM BIG!!!

couldn't post photos of the other three without including the sprockatron.. i wonder what she thinks about all these birds that come and go? she's a strong, beautiful, amazing bird and she's my girl.


Re: into the wild..

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 7:05 pm
by Ring Neck
What a story, glad you got him back. Nice lorikeets by the way, I have a Goldies Loirkeet and he goes to the washroom alot and very messy. I can't imagine two of them. Good luck with them.

Re: into the wild..

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 2:55 pm
by bec
glad you got her back!!!
love the olive scaley breasted loris!!!!
i have one called mutley hes a total charmer

Re: into the wild..

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 4:05 am
by daniele
ha ha.. mutley! i love it!! they ARE total mutleys.. we ended up calling them chilli & gonzo.. i call them my chuckleheads!!

4 birds = lotsa mess!! i got a squirt in the eye the other day.. bird poop/fact of life.. i'm cool with that.. 8)

Re: into the wild..

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 8:46 am
by dotfish
Glad to hear that you got her back. My Alex is just 2 months and he already doing his trial take offs in side the house, but best part is he takes off and land in my hands. I am just enjoying so much with this guy

Re: into the wild..

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 8:11 am
by daniele

bollo's tail feathers are growing back quickly! they look like they'll be nice and strong! :)