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Question about Ringneck....

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:52 am
by mickpmc
Soon I will be buying a Ringneck parrot from a breeder that I can trust.
I just want to ask a few questions. I was thinking of making a breeding box (post) but
not for breeding, for it to sleep in it if it wants to. Most of the time it will only go in there to
lay eggs but If it gets cold, it can crawl up into it. I do have a cage which is 160cm (H) 40cm (W) all 4 sides of it. Most of the day the bird will be out of the cage, proably only if I go somewhere
or when it goes to sleep. In your opioun, is the cage an O.K size?
Also, when the bird will have it's bed time; whats a good time for me to tuck it in? I'm guessing
an hour before I go to bed. I'm going to make a sheet to put over the cage when its a sleep (becuase they feel more safe and protected when covered). I was thinking of buying a big nice (not too thick) blanket from St vinnies (cause they always get big blankets there) and cut it into 4 pieces each the size of the cages lenght. I might glue one end of the blanket to the top of the cage and on other end f it, a piece of wood glued to it. Thats for each side of the cage. So I can roll the blanket up to the top of the cage. If it's a windy night, I could attach a hook to the bottom of the cage so could connect the blanket to it so It dosn't blow up and scare the bird.
Another question,
How many hours can a Ringneck stay in a cage for until It gets angry? Somedays of the week I'm out for 7 hours; I know, it's pretty long. I'm thinking of asking one of my friends (who loves birds to bits) to come over and take it out of the cage and bring him/her inside. Is that a good idea, ifso. How many hours out of the cage? If the Ringnecks not hand reared, is is really hard to tame? I know some ways to tame a ringneck but could you please suggest some. Mines not going to be
hand-raised so I'm doing it myself. I'm going to be calling my Ringneck Sprout! Do you like the name, 10 points if you find out why I'm calling it Sprout!
Hope you can give me as much info as possible and more!

-Michael :mrgreen:

Re: Question about Ringneck....

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 2:21 am
by ellieelectrons
Hi Michael

Just wondering where your cage will be kept - inside or outside... as suggestions we can offer will depend on where the cage is kept.



Re: Question about Ringneck....

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 2:37 am
by mickpmc
ellieelectrons wrote:Hi Michael

Just wondering where your cage will be kept - inside or outside... as suggestions we can offer will depend on where the cage is kept.


It will ke kept outside most of the time but when I'm around its always going
to be with me. You know how you want somthing so bad and you get it and you take it
everywhere. Like when I was young I use to always take a blanket around with me and If
I didn't I got angry. Thats the same with a pet. So yes, both I would say. :mrgreen:
In summers we would find a spot in the loudge room as it can get quiet hot here in Australia, you would know you live on the Sunshine coast, "by the way, i'v been there before. nice place". I'm sure you do the same as I would, leave it outside one day then the next maybe put it inside.

Re: Question about Ringneck....

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 3:14 am
by ellieelectrons
Hi Michael
mickpmc wrote:I just want to ask a few questions. I was thinking of making a breeding box (post) but
not for breeding, for it to sleep in it if it wants to. Most of the time it will only go in there to
lay eggs but If it gets cold, it can crawl up into it.
If it gets cold outside then I guess a breeding box couldn't do any harm. We keep our birds inside and just give them a birdie tent that gets hung from the roof of their cage. Even when it's cold, they don't tend to sleep in it. Janey has slept in it once or twice.
mickpmc wrote:I do have a cage which is 160cm (H) 40cm (W) all 4 sides of it. Most of the day the bird will be out of the cage, proably only if I go somewhere
or when it goes to sleep. In your opioun, is the cage an O.K size?
I think the size will be fine. I just measured up my cage. It's the same height, about the same width but is a bit wider at the front.... so I think your bird will enjoy it. (I suggest you disinfect it with birdie-safe disinfectant before putting your bird in it if you bought it secondhand).
mickpmc wrote:Also, when the bird will have it's bed time; whats a good time for me to suck it in? I'm guessing
an hour before I go to bed.
I tend to "put my birds to bed" just after the sun goes down. I read somewhere that they need between 10 and 12 hours sleep a night or they can get cranky... I know some people keep their birds up much later, but that's what I do. I think I must be the equivalent of the mum who puts her children to bed at 7:00 pm until they're 15! lol
mickpmc wrote:I'm going to make a sheet to put over the cage when its a sleep (becuase they feel more safe and protected when covered). I was thinking of buying a big nice (not too thick) blanket from St vinnies (cause they always get big blankets there) and cut it into 4 pieces each the size of the cages lenght. I might glue one end of the blanket to the top of the cage and on other end f it, a piece of wood glued to it. Thats for each side of the cage. So I can roll the blanket up to the top of the cage. If it's a windy night, I could attach a hook to the bottom of the cage so could connect the blanket to it so It dosn't blow up and scare the bird.
Covering at night will be important especially if they are outside. If you are keeping the bird outside, you also need to consider whether the area will be safe from cats (at night & during the day), other outside predatory birds (during the day) and from the weather (wind, rain, etc.). Using the blanket sounds like a good idea - just check that it doesn't get too hot for them in summer - you may need something different in summer... and be careful if you are using glue near their cage. It probably isn't birdie safe.
mickpmc wrote:How many hours can a Ringneck stay in a cage for until It gets angry? Somedays of the week I'm out for 7 hours; I know, it's pretty long. I'm thinking of asking one of my friends (who loves birds to bits) to come over and take it out of the cage and bring him/her inside. Is that a good idea, ifso.
Most people who have IRNs will have to leave them in the cage when they go to work or school... so I'm sure the 7 hours you are away will be fine.... and I'm sure you have weekends that you'll be able to spend more time with him/her. With my ringnecks, I find they tend to get angry when they know you're there and their not out, or they know it's their regular time to come out and you're running a bit late for whatever reason. If they don't know that you're there, they're content to just do their own thing... but of course regular interaction is important to tame them and keep them tame.
mickpmc wrote:How many hours out of the cage?
It's probably good to establish some sort of routine with your bird so that it knows what to expect. (eg. 1 hour in the morning and a couple of hours in the afternoon or whatever you decide). It doesn't mean you have to stick to the routine religiously but it can help.... and they can definitely cope with more time with you on the weekends if you have it! Is there anyone else in your household who will be interested in the birds too? It is nice to get them to be friends with other people too.
mickpmc wrote:If the Ringnecks not hand reared, is is really hard to tame? I know some ways to tame a ringneck but could you please suggest some. Mines not going to be
hand-raised so I'm doing it myself.
You will be getting the bird young, so it will be hard but probably not as hard as getting an older bird. Both of ours were handraised. Interestingly, when we bought Charlie home, I almost didn't believe he was handraised, he was so scared of us! I think he only knew the guy who handraised him and he was scared of everyone else so we had to work really hard with Charlie to get him to trust us.... but now he does, and I find it hard to believe he was ever like that with us before! I think the most important thing is to have patience. I try not to force the bird into doing things but offer it treats to do what I want it to do. It doesn't always work, but I do try. With Charlie, he was so scared of my hands, I couldn't even get him to take seeds from my hand... so I started giving him seeds with a yellow baby aeroplane spoon (he seemed to like it because it was the same colour as him???). Over time, as he learnt to trust the spoon, I gradually moved the position of my hand when I used the spoon with him, gradually moving it closer and closer to him.... and eventually I was able to get him to take food from my hand... then I was able to get him to step up... and now he does all sorts of things... I've trained him to enjoy having a shower with me in the mornings - which is another way of spending time with your birds, to step up, to wave, to turn around, to "go to bed"... and I'm in the process of teaching him to dunk basketballs and a number of other things.
mickpmc wrote:I'm going to be calling my Ringneck Sprout! Do you like the name, 10 points if you find out why I'm calling it Sprout!
Hope you can give me as much info as possible and more!
I have no idea why you are calling him Sprout... but is a cool name!

I hope that helps. It's nice to see someone so excited about the parrot - just make sure you are prepared to have lots of patience and time and you will be rewarded!



Re: Question about Ringneck....

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 3:12 pm
by mickpmc
ellieelectrons wrote:Hi Michael
mickpmc wrote:I just want to ask a few questions. I was thinking of making a breeding box (post) but
not for breeding, for it to sleep in it if it wants to. Most of the time it will only go in there to
lay eggs but If it gets cold, it can crawl up into it.
If it gets cold outside then I guess a breeding box couldn't do any harm. We keep our birds inside and just give them a birdie tent that gets hung from the roof of their cage. Even when it's cold, they don't tend to sleep in it. Janey has slept in it once or twice.
mickpmc wrote:I do have a cage which is 160cm (H) 40cm (W) all 4 sides of it. Most of the day the bird will be out of the cage, proably only if I go somewhere
or when it goes to sleep. In your opioun, is the cage an O.K size?
I think the size will be fine. I just measured up my cage. It's the same height, about the same width but is a bit wider at the front.... so I think your bird will enjoy it. (I suggest you disinfect it with birdie-safe disinfectant before putting your bird in it if you bought it secondhand).
mickpmc wrote:Also, when the bird will have it's bed time; whats a good time for me to suck it in? I'm guessing
an hour before I go to bed.
I tend to "put my birds to bed" just after the sun goes down. I read somewhere that they need between 10 and 12 hours sleep a night or they can get cranky... I know some people keep their birds up much later, but that's what I do. I think I must be the equivalent of the mum who puts her children to bed at 7:00 pm until they're 15! lol
mickpmc wrote:I'm going to make a sheet to put over the cage when its a sleep (becuase they feel more safe and protected when covered). I was thinking of buying a big nice (not too thick) blanket from St vinnies (cause they always get big blankets there) and cut it into 4 pieces each the size of the cages lenght. I might glue one end of the blanket to the top of the cage and on other end f it, a piece of wood glued to it. Thats for each side of the cage. So I can roll the blanket up to the top of the cage. If it's a windy night, I could attach a hook to the bottom of the cage so could connect the blanket to it so It dosn't blow up and scare the bird.
Covering at night will be important especially if they are outside. If you are keeping the bird outside, you also need to consider whether the area will be safe from cats (at night & during the day), other outside predatory birds (during the day) and from the weather (wind, rain, etc.). Using the blanket sounds like a good idea - just check that it doesn't get too hot for them in summer - you may need something different in summer... and be careful if you are using glue near their cage. It probably isn't birdie safe.
mickpmc wrote:How many hours can a Ringneck stay in a cage for until It gets angry? Somedays of the week I'm out for 7 hours; I know, it's pretty long. I'm thinking of asking one of my friends (who loves birds to bits) to come over and take it out of the cage and bring him/her inside. Is that a good idea, ifso.
Most people who have IRNs will have to leave them in the cage when they go to work or school... so I'm sure the 7 hours you are away will be fine.... and I'm sure you have weekends that you'll be able to spend more time with him/her. With my ringnecks, I find they tend to get angry when they know you're there and their not out, or they know it's their regular time to come out and you're running a bit late for whatever reason. If they don't know that you're there, they're content to just do their own thing... but of course regular interaction is important to tame them and keep them tame.
mickpmc wrote:How many hours out of the cage?
It's probably good to establish some sort of routine with your bird so that it knows what to expect. (eg. 1 hour in the morning and a couple of hours in the afternoon or whatever you decide). It doesn't mean you have to stick to the routine religiously but it can help.... and they can definitely cope with more time with you on the weekends if you have it! Is there anyone else in your household who will be interested in the birds too? It is nice to get them to be friends with other people too.
mickpmc wrote:If the Ringnecks not hand reared, is is really hard to tame? I know some ways to tame a ringneck but could you please suggest some. Mines not going to be
hand-raised so I'm doing it myself.
You will be getting the bird young, so it will be hard but probably not as hard as getting an older bird. Both of ours were handraised. Interestingly, when we bought Charlie home, I almost didn't believe he was handraised, he was so scared of us! I think he only knew the guy who handraised him and he was scared of everyone else so we had to work really hard with Charlie to get him to trust us.... but now he does, and I find it hard to believe he was ever like that with us before! I think the most important thing is to have patience. I try not to force the bird into doing things but offer it treats to do what I want it to do. It doesn't always work, but I do try. With Charlie, he was so scared of my hands, I couldn't even get him to take seeds from my hand... so I started giving him seeds with a yellow baby aeroplane spoon (he seemed to like it because it was the same colour as him???). Over time, as he learnt to trust the spoon, I gradually moved the position of my hand when I used the spoon with him, gradually moving it closer and closer to him.... and eventually I was able to get him to take food from my hand... then I was able to get him to step up... and now he does all sorts of things... I've trained him to enjoy having a shower with me in the mornings - which is another way of spending time with your birds, to step up, to wave, to turn around, to "go to bed"... and I'm in the process of teaching him to dunk basketballs and a number of other things.
mickpmc wrote:I'm going to be calling my Ringneck Sprout! Do you like the name, 10 points if you find out why I'm calling it Sprout!
Hope you can give me as much info as possible and more!
I have no idea why you are calling him Sprout... but is a cool name!

I hope that helps. It's nice to see someone so excited about the parrot - just make sure you are prepared to have lots of patience and time and you will be rewarded!


Thanks Ellie!
Thanks for all this information for me. It's reallyt nice to chat to someone
who has a Ringneck or is getting one. I'm calling him (I'm saying him becuase
I hope for a male but, if a female I'll be calling her Ziggy) Sprout becuase I'm getting a green
one, brussel sprout! Also, because Ringnecks in my opion seem to grow fast "sprout fast".
Can I ask what the birdie tent looks like that you cover your birds with, please :wink: .


Re: Question about Ringneck....

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 8:36 pm
by ellieelectrons
Hi Mick

I have one something like this: ... t_Supplies
I didn't buy mine from that particular supplier though.

It doesn't replace a cover... but I thought it could replace the nest box idea... if the idea of the nest box is to provide a warmish place to go rather than make a nest. I also wash my birdie tent in the washing machine... which you can't do with a nest box.



Re: Question about Ringneck....

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:46 pm
by mickpmc
ellieelectrons wrote:Hi Mick

I have one something like this: ... t_Supplies
I didn't buy mine from that particular supplier though.

It doesn't replace a cover... but I thought it could replace the nest box idea... if the idea of the nest box is to provide a warmish place to go rather than make a nest. I also wash my birdie tent in the washing machine... which you can't do with a nest box.


Thanks Ellie!
That is a great idea, I will have a better look later :P .
What cover do you put over your WHOLE bird cage? is it just a sheet?
I might just figure out how to hook a hook to two ends to a blanket and just hang
it on the cage so it covers it up. But of course, if its a windy/rainy night I would bring Sprout
inside. If I brang my bird up to my relatives in the car, should I put him/her in a Budgie cage; will he get scared, have a heart attack?
My Nan and pops have a dog which is use to scaring away birds at there house, I should think twise :oops: .
They have a 2 story house, have any suggestion of keeping birdie safe?



Re: Question about Ringneck....

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:28 am
by ellieelectrons
Hi Mike
mickpmc wrote:That is a great idea, I will have a better look later :P .
What cover do you put over your WHOLE bird cage? is it just a sheet?
We basically have two big pieces of light material that we drape cross ways over the cage. It's the remnants of an old couch cover that my mum made for me just after I left home.

We keep our birds inside most of the time so it really just serves to keep the light out and provides a small amount of warmth.
mickpmc wrote:If I brang my bird up to my relatives in the car, should I put him/her in a Budgie cage; will he get scared, have a heart attack?
We have a smaller cage that we use to take our birds places. I've seen people house one IRN in the exact same cage that we use... so it's big enough for one IRN to live in but not for two. When I first got Janey I wanted to be able to take her with me everywhere. She doesn't seem to like travel that much, so I only travel with them when necessary. Neither of our birds get scared enough to have a heart attack but I wouldn't say they're overly fussed on travel. I tried travelling with Janey out of the cage a couple of times but she is too fidgety... and if she gets scared she can get a bit flighty... so I don't do this any more. I know some people manage to have their bird loose in the car.
mickpmc wrote:My Nan and pops have a dog which is use to scaring away birds at there house, I should think twise :oops: .
They have a 2 story house, have any suggestion of keeping birdie safe?
You do have to be careful of dogs. Not only can they kill birds but they can also frighten them... so if their dogs are house dogs, it's probably not a good idea to take your bird over.

The 2-storey house shouldn't be a problem. Even if a bird's wings are clipped, they can still fly downwards! I think the biggest perils for wing clipped birds are when they walk along the floor.... if you don't know they are there, someone could step on them by accident. For this reason, I try to always supervise my birds when they are out and about.

I hope that helps!



Re: Question about Ringneck....

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:56 am
by mickpmc
ellieelectrons wrote:Hi Mike
mickpmc wrote:That is a great idea, I will have a better look later :P .
What cover do you put over your WHOLE bird cage? is it just a sheet?
We basically have two big pieces of light material that we drape cross ways over the cage. It's the remnants of an old couch cover that my mum made for me just after I left home.

We keep our birds inside most of the time so it really just serves to keep the light out and provides a small amount of warmth.
mickpmc wrote:If I brang my bird up to my relatives in the car, should I put him/her in a Budgie cage; will he get scared, have a heart attack?
We have a smaller cage that we use to take our birds places. I've seen people house one IRN in the exact same cage that we use... so it's big enough for one IRN to live in but not for two. When I first got Janey I wanted to be able to take her with me everywhere. She doesn't seem to like travel that much, so I only travel with them when necessary. Neither of our birds get scared enough to have a heart attack but I wouldn't say they're overly fussed on travel. I tried travelling with Janey out of the cage a couple of times but she is too fidgety... and if she gets scared she can get a bit flighty... so I don't do this any more. I know some people manage to have their bird loose in the car.
mickpmc wrote:My Nan and pops have a dog which is use to scaring away birds at there house, I should think twise :oops: .
They have a 2 story house, have any suggestion of keeping birdie safe?
You do have to be careful of dogs. Not only can they kill birds but they can also frighten them... so if their dogs are house dogs, it's probably not a good idea to take your bird over.

The 2-storey house shouldn't be a problem. Even if a bird's wings are clipped, they can still fly downwards! I think the biggest perils for wing clipped birds are when they walk along the floor.... if you don't know they are there, someone could step on them by accident. For this reason, I try to always supervise my birds when they are out and about.

I hope that helps!


When I first get my Un-tambed ringneck. Will it be scared of me? Will it try to fly away
from me or go crazy in its cage when I'm around? Also, how long does it take to
teach it to step up; just want to learn the basics first,thats always good.
Could I just put it on my shoulder and walk around the house with it, maybe sit down
and hold it on my finger while I'm watching TV; let it walk on the couch? Or would it get
distracted and fly off? We have a dog at home. My younger sister got a beared dragon and
my dog isn't paying any attention to it. When I get my bird, will it be any different?
Could I teach my dog to not attack ot bark?



Re: Question about Ringneck....

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:41 pm
by SkyesMom
We have a dog. She is a bit older...she is fifteen this summer. When we brought Skye home and introduced her to Bandit, Bandit sniffed her head, Skye pecked at her a bit and ruffled up her feathers and now they walk around each other. Skye knows that Bandit is leery of getting to close, so she kind of struts a bit. Once Skye flew off of her cage, landed on Bandit's back and hung on, flapping her wings and digging her claws in while Bandit tucked her butt in and tried to get away from her, all while we were trying to calm Bandit down and get Skye off. It was almost comical if I hadn't been so worried about the both of them. Anywho, now they kind of take a wide path around each other. Personally I think Bandit is terrified of Skye and let's Skye chase her out of the room, which doesn't help teaching Skye that she really isn't as big as she seems to think she is. :wink:


Re: Question about Ringneck....

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 2:36 am
by ellieelectrons
Someone my husband knows has a flighted Princess Parrot. The Princess Parrot has free run of the house and she delights in picking up cutlery and dropping it on the dog's head. This sounds very dangerous to me and I pity the poor puppy! I'm hoping it's not as bad as it sounds.
