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I would like to put all my IRN together

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 6:29 am
by dalia

my name is Dalia and I am actually in Egypt. I would like to say that this site is great and I really apreciate the fact that we can share experience and be well advised. I have 3 couples of Ringnecks 2 greens, 2 Lutinos, 2 Turquoises. I would like to move them in a very big cage all together only one of them is tamed 3 of them like to come to take food from my hand. Shall I forget this stupid idea and keep them in couples as they are or get them all together and see what is going to happen. I am scarred to do it honestly... What would you advise me to do? :?:

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 6:32 am
by Mikaela
Do they all get along extremely well?

If you can avoid housing together, I would.

These are some VERY aggressive birds and will kill/mame eachother. I would worry about a cock (*giggle* sorry cant say that word without giggling) fight for the females attention.

If obtaining different mutations is your ultimate goal, try caging the birds together that will mutate the color you are going for.

Many here can tell you exactly what mutate into what, however this is not my area of expertise. Jeremy is very literate in mutating, PM him and he will tell you what colors make what. I also believe Melika and Neo have some knowledge on this.

I never plan to breed, as I have two girls so I havent put any effort into educating myself on it, at this point. Other than what I have had the opportunity to read as I go through posts.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 7:33 am
by Neokireina
If your going to house them together. You need to keep the cocks and the hens apart. That would be at the very least two cages.
I do know that some people have successfuly colony bred these birds BUT they need a LOT of space for this.

I have my birds set up like that at the moment as I have limited aviaries. Cocks in one flight, Hens in another. No breeding boxes. Rigneck hens are very agressive during breeding season and some will kill or injure other hens. I had hens fight over a box. One hen has it's toes bitten off. These hens are together now, but only after the males were removed and the box taken away.

Can I move them all Together

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:36 am
by dalia
Thank you very much all of you for your prompt reply. I will definitely separate the boys from the girls :oops: rls but it is a shame because we are moving house and we will have lots of space so I thought that I would do an outdour aviary with a nice tree in the middle but I think I need to do 2 aviaries next to each others....It is a shame ... my bird paradise... will remain a dream... :cry: I will try the experience only with the lovebirds, the cockatiels and the budgies...

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:00 am
by Mikaela
I learned two things today! Im such a good girl :D

Me, knowing little about breeding, admittedly, only talks about stuff I have experienced rather than just read in books. I leave the pros to the breeding and educating on the topic.

And ya'll always do a great job :!:

But, I learn more everyday. I was thinking the males would fight for the females attention. Now mind you, I must have been on crack at the moment not to have put 2 n 2 together on how mean the hens are. I have to deal with two of the things daily. :roll:

Should have named then Hateful and Hatefuller, would have if I thought hatefuller was a word. :evil:

Sorry, but Baby bite me yesterday and Im upset about it! You get use to not ever getting biten, then you turn your back and BOOM attention NOW Mama. She cares very little for her human borthers and gets very sick of the level of attention they require. I turned around to talk to the baby (I know we have to stop calling him that, he is 5 :oops: It just started and never ended... like a nick I suppose but we HAVE GOT to STOP) Agree? Or not a big deal? Chime in older moms, grandmoms, dads, whatever.

I tossed her lil arse back in her cage and showed her the boo boo. Told her it hurt and she was too big to be carrying on like that! Stay away from me until you can be a good girl! I sat on the couch and made sure she could see me because she was a puffed up pouter too.

She watched me a bit, then eased down her rope onto her condo. Hopped off the condo onto the floor, scampered across and gave me a peek-a-boo on the side of the couch with those big ol mouse eyes.

And we are back in love. No treats today though. I'll show that hussie where biting gets her. She might work me over but she'll not play me like a fiddle.

Actually, she cant go a day without a treat, she would withdraw. She may have a treat if she does something super sweet or super cool, otherwise nah ah. *knows she is lying and will give that baby a treat probably by 7 am... such a sucker for that girl.*

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 1:50 am
by Carly
I wouldnt even house all the hens together. As already stated by Neokireina, Hens are very agressive, and are perfectly capable of murdering other hens. One hen I had even tunnelled into the next flight to kill another hen.

If you are going to build an avairy, why not just have one big avairy divided into three sections and keep your birds as male/female pairs?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 4:01 am
by Mikaela
Not to be morbid but some do have morbid curiousity, if not we wouldnt have so many forensic experts. Anway, my guestion is: how do birds usually kill other birds?

I know when Baby and Boo get into a good fight they start going for eachothers eyes. :shock:

Care to elaborate?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:20 am
by Carly
Mikaela i'll PM you the details because im not sure its relevant to dalia's question..

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 8:38 am
by Mikaela
Wow. Way under-estimated how mean hens can be. VICIOUS.

Thank you for your message. I have learned so much here and learn more every day. Love this place!

For some, especially new parronts, it could be the difference between life or death, happiness or misery of these psycho birds. :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 7:08 pm
by Neokireina
Truth be told I have all 10 ringnecks in one aviary at the moment. BUT I can only do this because breeding season is over.

Now I think I said before a friend of mine has colony bred the ringnecks. BUT it's a very LARGE area.

Before next breeding season I will split them all up again.

Re: I would like to put all my IRN together

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 9:59 pm
by Daydream
I have an aviary 8m long 2m high 1m wide Would this be large enough to colony breed my ringnecks?