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Breakfast club

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 4:06 pm
by rebecca malka
The slideshow ... =slideshow

And the films:

The Breakfast Club but not at Tiffanys :
DSCN8033.flv video by rivka1502 - Photobucket

The Breakfast Club but not at Tiffanys :
DSCN8007.flv video by rivka1502 - Photobucket

The Breakfast Club but not at Tiffanys :
DSCN7985.flv video by rivka1502 - Photobucket

My birds are only after the seed, not the fruit . Bye for now!

The 19 birds starring: In random order, not order of appearance!

Pirate (Pirate) & Maman, their birds; Angel, Charlie, Maya, Sonny & one who we are still awaiting to name!

Danny & Tzackanit, and their birds; Bonnie and INDY!

International, Ringo and Goldie

Kacholi & Princess and their birds; Bianca, Romeo and Juliette.

[IMG] ... CN8004.jpg[/IMG]

[IMG] ... CN8003.jpg[/IMG]

[IMG] ... CN7992.jpg[/IMG]

Re: Breakfast club

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 8:20 pm
by Joanie
your pics are beautiful and your birds are gorgeous! what is that golden colored plant they are eating?
how many birds do you have? looks like they have it good there with you.

Re: Breakfast club

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 10:16 am
by rebecca malka
[quote="Joanie"]your pics are beautiful and your birds are gorgeous! what is that golden colored plant they are eating?
how many birds do you have? looks like they have it good there with you.[/quote]

Thank you and I am glad that you enjoyed seeing my birds. I have a total of 19 at the moment. What they were eating is a type of palm nut. Here are the photo links. ... CN8019.jpg ... CN8023.jpg ... CN8025.jpg ... CN8024.jpg ... CN8021.jpg ... CN8020.jpg ... CN8022.jpg

The little green nuts are packed with seeds they are from a type of spruce tree. The palm nut is from a tree which goes from pod, to golden seeds, which my birds prefer, to green fruit, to orange sweet fruit to the bare branch or what I like to refer to as the aftermath!
The crows, ravens, and yellow vented bulbuls enjoy the yellow sweet fruit. The pigeons, sparrows and mynahs as well as my birds enjoy the seeds.

Now if I can only figure out how to pload pictures life would be so easy!

Re: Breakfast club

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:27 am
by pinkdevil
They look like they are having a ball, foraging.
Allows you to watch how they would behave in the wild. :)