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Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 12:53 pm
by AJPeter
His nibs will be pleased. I had two deliveries from Northern Parrots today, the F10 xxconcentrate disinfectant came plus the spare Arcadia bulb, 2 bags of millets, two bags of pellets cant remember the name but she likes thin green pellets best although she crunches all the pellets, some so called large cuttlefish bones which l would have said were only medium some new Feather up and a paket of Shaws egg biscuits it was like Christmas here and Bilie wanted to help unwrap all the items.

I was thinking that if Billie does not like the sprouts then l shall eat them on my cereal, or as an alternative veg! But she is going to have the bowl shoved under her beak until kingdom come. She refused a shower today so l did not press her, she still has her dog bowl of water on the book case.

Everytime l try and leave the LR she flies to my shoulder and even when l duck she still manages to land on my back, but she has not eaten any of the large cuttlefish bone l wedged into her perch, and the carrot gets a look in every so often but as it is so good for her leave it hanging in the prime spot. She still loves the Bursa fig l only give her a half each day,

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:12 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay loves "red cross parcels" too!. Goodness! Are you fattening Billie up for Christmas? :-bd
My daughter is Furious, she needed help with a few issues surrounding her housing etc, and contacted Adult social services, the woman she spoke to promised to help, and then reported my daughter to Childrens services because she has two children!, they are NOT at risk or anything!, so I contacted the woman and put her straight on a few things, these suits really get my goat sometimes.
Sanjay won't eat pellets, and has got egg biscuit he isn't keen on, I daresay it's because he wasn't given them in his infancy, when I got him, all he had in his bowl was wilko parakeet seed, :ymtongue:

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 11:39 am
by AJPeter
Alan who had Billie before me only gave her Sun flower seeds, no fruit or veg and no other seeds, but lm glad she has such a varied diet and no l am not fattening her up for Christmas, she only has two millets sprays a week.

AGH! I offered her a spoonful of sprouts and she looked at them and pushed the spoon away, so l offered one between my finger tips, she took it gingerly and just like the lady she is spat it out"! There are more ways to get parrots to eat what is good for them so l will put a load in her seed bowl tomorrow hope fully she will eat some. The vet recommneded that l take her seed bowl out at lunch time and put pellets for the after noon but as she is eating the pellets l do not have to do that, so l will try that idea with the sprouts. Just as MissK recommended that we eat the stuff we ask our parrots to eat l tried one of the sprouts and it has a nice nutty flavour.

The good news is that Billie has ignorred the cuttle fish bone, and although she attacked me when l took the covers from behind the settee l think she saw this place as a potential nesting site, so now l fold them up and leave them on a chair.

Councils are so stupid! When our HA put up the service charge by 50% to £152 a week l asked the Housing office did they want me to challenge this? Instead they decided that l was a new customer and charged me the housing tax £879 pa. I had a terrible time trying to tell them l already got housing benefit, at one stage they sent me a solicitors letter saying l had to go to court for non payment which l just ignorred which made matters worse they threatened to sent the baliff in to seize my property! In the end they agreed that they had set up a new account but apology? Not on your Nellie, What got me goats was they wanted three weeks to investigate my complaint, but still; hounded me for non payment of counciil tax!

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 11:55 am
by sanjays mummi
I get pension credit because of my disability, so my rent and council tax are paid by dwp, including the service charge which is a lot cheaper than yours.
I love bean sprouts, but his nibs doesn't. Sanjay only eats seed now and again, he much prefers his fresh fruit and veg. His millet sprays last a few days, but he is such an active, bizzy little person I don't have to worry about his weight, the breastbone is a good gauge, and his is lean.
My daughter is with Luton borough council and they have caused her more headaches than Bedford borough council ever did, when I phoned Bedford borough council to get help for the old boy next door with severe mental health problems, they were on to it straight away, they completely blitzed his filthy flat, and now he gets three care workers a day, including one who does his laundry and shopping for him, And takes him to stay with his old sister for a break at Easter and Christmas. So, naturally my daughter expected Luton borough council to be efficient, No chance!. x_x

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 10:35 am
by AJPeter
Success!!! Put the seeds in first and then the pellets and topped that off with the sprouts, she scoffed all the sprouts and dug down to the seeds. So l feel happier about the sprouts now, will start the next batch tonight they take two to three days of watering...

What with the cut backs Birmingham CC dont want to know, they, the police and our HA just pass the buck, l now have a noisy tenant next door a young man in his twenties a drug addict at least he would have a short hold tenancy. My discount of £140 off the electric bill has come.

Billie will eat a millet spray in a day, but gets a bit sick of them half way through and drops it so l pick it up and give it to her later, the parrot stick lasts longer, She got very wet in the shower looked like a drowned green rat!

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 11:05 am
by sanjays mummi
Ooh! Maybe I will get my warm home discount soon, as well. It's a great help. Did I tell you? My daughter switched to a company called Utilita and they aren't doing anymore this year! Said applications are closed, yet it's the DWP who pay it, not the actual company, and applications aren't supposed to close until the end of February.
Glad Billie ate the sprouts, himself would have thrown them overboard, it's getting quite cold in the evenings now, I've got a feeling we will get a white winter this year, brrrr! :^o

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 11:46 am
by AJPeter
Yes l was very cold when l; went down to the church this morning l had to warm my hands on the radiator as l was playing the organ for the service. Tommorrow l shall drag out the winter woollies, it is cold tonight, they are forcasting monday of next week it could be 37 f at night! BRRRRRR!!! For the last couple of night l have had the Electric blanket on it s lowest setting, it switches itself off after an hour, but can be switched on for 9 hours, a great blessing,

This morning l tried the same formula seeds then pellet and then sprouts but Billie boxed clever by digging down to the seeds straight away. I am getting the next batch ready because she still likes the sprouts.

Emma knocked on my door tonight, she wanted to know whether l had a spare Tv ariel? No l told her l have cable l do not use free view. Billie has so much to choose what to eat so l was glad she picked on the Pomegranite for a snack she seems to be off peppers, the last batch l bought are mostly green she hates them so l cut one open to show her the seeds
and some spilled out so l picked them up and treid them, it nearly blew my head off! She does not touch the grapes or oranges.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 12:14 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay doesn't always touch green peppers, if I leave them on the windowsill they sometimes ripen to orange or yellow. Emma can buy an indoor ariel for her TV from Argos, only a few quids, they ask the strangest things don't they?, I've had requests for bottle openers, wine glasses, electric fires etc etc, it doesn't happen now the junkie brigade have gone. Goodness, the clocks fall back next weekend, the summer disappeared really quickly, but my morning glories are still flowering. Sanjays moult seems to be getting on with it at last!, it's been in two minds for ages!, he thoroughly enjoyed his glycerin and rosewater spray this afternoon, :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 10:53 am
by AJPeter
BUY? People like Emma dont buy things, l had a saw which l leant to a neighbour but never "saw" it again, l don't lend things if l cannot afford to give it away I say "Sorry" and get called names! Well the deed is done all my winter clothes were dragged out of their hidey hole in the cupboard above the stairs, and all my sumner clothes packed away until April of next year.

Billie was picking out the sprouts and dropping them on the floor but after she uncovered the seeds she tucked in. I normally give her two tablespoonfuls of seeds and a sprinkle of pellets but l have reduced her seeds to one table spoonful and a half of a TBs of pellets and half of sprouts. The next batch l am leaving in for three days to see what she makes of them.

She still likes hot chilli's l keep away after she has eaten them as she stinks. At the moment she is asking top be covered at 3,30 pm but as from Sunday that will be 2-30 pm!! I do not mind as long as it stops her layng. In the mornings I pull a curtain to let the light in and then uncover her, she sits on her sleeping perch shell shocked for about 10 minutes then l gradually pull the curtains right back and switch on her UV light, l have discovered she likes to go to bed as slowly as soon as she asks to be covered l turn off her UV lights and partially cover her cage and then after 5 minutes she goes in and l cover her up completely,

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 12:49 pm
by sanjays mummi
Good old lidl had good old chestnuts, and Sanjay has demolished half a dozen!.
Got my parrot mag, read the article on wing clipping and I feel thoroughly vindicated in my anti clipping policy, it's barbaric, but then I'm the same when it comes to tail docking and ear cropping in dogs. I haven't unpacked my winter clobber yet, but I'd had the good sense to leave my cashmere camel coat out, and boy did I need it this morning, it was decidedly frisky!.
I haven't had my warm home discount yet, maybe next week, :!!

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:15 am
by AJPeter
The warm home discount is paid to your supplier about January and he takes it off your bill. My local Asian supermarket might have chestnuts in l will pop out on Friday to have a look. Ah! I have go down and pick up a repeat prescription tomorrow, and if l time it right l might get a local bus that will take me to the Asian Supermarket, but it is too far to go to Lidl. Billie ate a lot os sprouts, but she wanted to eat everything in sight some pomegranite, some fig, and a tour round the bowls. :ymapplause: She got a round of applause for pooping from the top of the cage, and wheniot was shower time she went down the clothes horse and sat in the bath water up to her knees, do parrots have knees? Anyway she was cey wet when she came out.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:18 pm
by sanjays mummi
My warm home discount is paid directly to me, I have pre payment, and when I top up my meter key, it goes on to the key.
It's a pity it isn't paid towards gas, it would make more sense, but "every little helps".
Sanjay has plenty of prickly pear, as I bought two large punnets last week, they last for ages in the fridge, so the chestnuts should last out,
Jack and Isabel are on half term holiday at the moment and driving their mum potty!, pets are much better than children, :-!

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:55 am
by AJPeter
Billie waited until nearly 4 pm before asking to be covered and as soon as l sarted to cover her she went straight in and upto her sleeping perch, l sat down to watch the Tv with headphones and about an hour later remembered l was supposed to pick up a repeat script, so dashed down to the chemists only to find it closed at 4,45pm! So when l got back she was calling out so a few words to let know everything was all right and l left her, earlier l had turned off her UV light at 3,3pm, The sprouts were very curly and she had not found a way ot eat them yet, they were allpushed up to the edge of her seed bowl, but one good thing she has been eating lots of different things the pear got a bashing and the pomegranite, peppers there is so much choice,

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:07 am
by AJPeter
Pre payment meters are more expensive than metered but it makes sense to pay it direst to you. I have a dual fuel with Southern Electric and pay £53 a month for both. Blllie likes the temp at 75 f plus, but the LR is the only room l heat, oops l have a wall heater in the bathrooom.

I have not tried her with prickly pear, how prickly are they? Also l forgot to get cheshnuts, might remember after l pick up the script tomorrow. Glad l do not have kids, on the news a man has just been jailed for killing his baby daughter when she would not stop crying. Its about time they taught kids at school about parentating.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:36 am
by sanjays mummi
My daughters neighbour has a son in Norwich prison for killing his baby daughter, they need anger management courses rather than parenting skills. Prickly pear are very prickly BUT the ones I buy have been "shaved" and aren't too bad, you can always pop a rubber glove on just to be on the safe side.
The news story which I loved this week was about a 23 week foetus which was found to have a tumour as big as herself on her tailbone, during a scan, the surgeons performed a Caesarian, removed the tumour, then popped her back into mums tummy, she is now a thriving, healthy little girl!.
Glad Billie is enjoying her nosh, and signs of hanky panky :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 11:13 am
by AJPeter
They need something, it is distressing to hear of another baby killed by a father because of crying. Its a bit like people who keep dangerous dogs and then have babies, the dogs are jealous of the attention a new born gets, then attack th baby and have to be put down. Pity the owner is not put down as well.

Went to the PAK stores today to see if they had any cheshnuts, no. I got loads from them last year. Also picked up my script. Luckilyl have not seen any prickly pears but l do not know if Billie would eat one. I put up some Kiwi fruit and she ate most of that. She dived into the sprouts and made a good go of them l was very pleased.

There are some lovely miracles out there, :ymapplause: I do not understand that bit about hanky panky.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 12:54 pm
by sanjays mummi
Dogs do not get "jealous", that's a common misconception, the high pitched sounds of an infant or child screaming triggers primeval instincts in a dog, especially Bull breeds, it reminds them of prey, and their instinct takes over, not just with children, but small animals/dogs, one of my Samoyed girls was flayed by a Staffordshire Bull terrier, he hurtled at her and she shrieked in fright, locked his jaws, and only a lit cigarette on his tackle made him let go, Daisy had extensive suturing, but survived.
People should Never leave a dog alone in a room with children, we never left my daughter, no matter how loving and loyal the dog is.
Hanky Panky is the saucy behaviour Billie gets up to when she is feeling broody.
I am painting my tiny north facing wet room, a gorgeous shade of rose pink, it looks lovely and cosy already. Daddi used Dulux "light and space", but it was a waste of money, the room still looked dingy!. ^#(^

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 12:25 pm
by AJPeter
You are very brave painting, l would not dare, my carpets are looking very thread bare and in some places there are holes in the carpet but l am crossing my fingers that l go before the carpet goes. I have wallpaper in all the rooms except the kitchen it used to have wall paper but on the revamp they took it down and emulsioned the walls. Emma was able to re-decorate her place because her walls have emulsion.

Billie was throwing the sprouts out this morning until l told her that she had to eat them, I did not replace the parrot stick with its sunflower seeds because l want her to eat the sprouts, she does eat most of them. Would a pot plant survive in your wet room?

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 12:45 pm
by sanjays mummi
I have three pot plants on the wet room sill, a cacti, a sansevieria (mother in laws tongue) and an aloe, but it isn't an aloe vera. Be careful you don't trip on that carpet, you could get the RBL to buy you new carpet, because you're an ex serviceman, or you could put rugs down to hide the scruffy areas.
I finished the room today with Sanjay calling every now and then to make sure I had not snuck out without his knowledge!, it only took half a 2.5 litre tin, and it didn't need a second coat, thank goodness!, Very cosy, bright, and tropical,
The weather today was lovely and mild again, but I know when we get to the first week or so in November, we will see a marked change, trees will shed their leaves rapidly, and the misty nights will arrive. Sanjay is sporting his new head feathers!, they grew in very very quickly. :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 12:06 pm
by AJPeter
What is RBL? Have problems on my Vista Mozilla Firefox browser, picked up an unwanted PDF file converter and tried to get back to Firefox but it crashed, so l tried to restore Firefox and have a folder with old Firefox data on the desk top and now Firefox and IE wont load, so l am writing from my Surface Pro 4 Tablet, good ot have an alternative. Have done several System Restore and a restart but still cannot get Firefox to load.

Billie eats some of the sprout l think she Is resigned to them now. So far she has not touched the new cuttlefish bone, but wants more shoulder rides she had a lovely shower this morning climbed down the clothes horse and nearly went under water l have to watch her carefully in case she tried to step off the clothes horse thinking she could reach the bottom. She came up to the top wringing wet. Her tail is nearly the proper length. :ymbilly: :ymbilly: :ymbilly: :ymbilly: :ymbilly: :ymbilly: :ymbilly:

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 12:28 pm
by sanjays mummi
RBL, Royal British Legion, just prove you served, and funding comes from your regimental benevolent fund, you choose the carpet and supply measurements, they pay for the carpet And fitting. Your library will have details of your local branch.
You might have to take everything out, and reload it again, I had to do that once, with our old PC.
I slept 14 hrs last night, and I went to bed early, woke up in pain, as usual, so it's been a lazy day today, apart from sorting Sanjays cage etc out, he had a spray shower on Friday, so he isn't due another just yet. It's surprising how quickly feathers and tails grow back with Feather Up. :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 7:39 am
by AJPeter
I have a membership with Which computing and have sent them a SOS hope l might get remote assistance shall know in two or three days. Joan in Florida reckons l should have looked at ad ons and deleted the one l did not want. I did a Systems Recovery in January do not want to do another.

Royal British Legion I suppose I shall have to buy a poppy this year. Billie gets a daily shower, sometimes she goes down the clothes horse and gets very wet today she did not.

You should sleep regular hours too much sleep is bad for you, l sleep 9 hours with about 4/5 visits to the bathroom. Now the clocks have gone back Billie wants to go to bed at 2.30 pm! And she is tut tuttering under the covers as l watch TV with head phones. Dinner is Shepherd's pie but with my weight steady at 12 stone l can afford to add Grated Cheese next week. Yummie!

Sundays I go to church and play the organ today l made an awful mess of chords and was concentrating so much l bit my lip and left a blackman's pinch on my inner lip. Is that racialist?

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 10:13 am
by sanjays mummi
I can't do regular hours, because If I'm not tired I don't sleep, last night was a case in point, I got woken up in the wee hours by one of the Croatians banging around in their kitchen, right above my head, I was wide awake, so I got up for about half an hour, then went back to bed, it was just fitful dozing after that, eventually I fell asleep, but woke up about nine, not tired today tho', got my windows done, hung winter curtains and washed the voiles.
When I took the curtains next to Sanjays cage down, to wash, he got very very stroppy!, started squealing and shouting, I had to remind him whom they belong to!
Oh great, so now it's pitch dark at 5pm, sigh.
I always buy two large poppies, for my grans two brothers, when daddi was here, we would buy a wreath and put it on the memorial in Bedford Park, where one of her brothers is buried, he never made it to the front, he died of Spanish flu. There was a big field hospital set up in Bedford park, I like the PDSA's blue poppies too, for all the animals who died in war, the memorial at Hyde Park is lovely, =:) ,

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 5:19 am
by AJPeter
I hate the idea of glorifying the dead, let the dead bury the dead, of course at Halloween people do glorify the dead, I just hate it! The good news is l have the tablet back, that is until l load my book in Word, that crashed yesterday and every thing froze up. so it will be good to see what happens today. I did not have to take it down to Curry's. However l need a new winter jacket and thought l would see what M&S can offer, l might if there is enough time l would then pop into Curry's.
Billie bombed me several times this morning she sees the covers as hers, and when they were behind the settee she actually attacked me as l took the covers out she thinks they are nesting material. Everything is an hour earlier than yesterday but she will want to be want to be covered at 3 pm which of course was 4 pm yesterday.
Do you bang on the ceiling to let your Croats know they are making too much noise? I found with Emma she likes to sleep late getting up at midday so if she disturbed me in the night l do not worry about disturbing her in the mornings! I usually play my organ in the mornings. Billie likes, to join in especially on the Theatre organ styles, (~~) (~~) (~~)

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 11:06 am
by sanjays mummi
Samhain greetings to you both (~~)
I usually bang on the wall, my ceiling is twelve feet high, or if they are stamping around I stamp on my floor, then I hear them kicking off their shoes.
A gorgeous hot Indian summer day here, what a treat, I got chatted up on the bus home by an RAF Veteran, hoping to see me at a church parade for the highlanders on Sunday, he can O:-) hope, and keep hoping!, I'm not attending any church service, it sticks in my throat at how most conflicts have religion at their base, and even the SS had "gott mit uns" as their motto.
Besides, I don't need or want a man in my life.
Fireworks last night, set a few dogs off!, Sanjay stopped noshing and had an "ooh I say!" moment, then went back to his food, it takes a lot to separate Sanjay and his tummy. That strange guy was in the supermarket today, bald head with long straggly hair at the bottom, flowery dress, high heels etc, I don't know whom he is trying to kid!, a woman would wear a wig or hat, And know lipstick never goes over the edges!

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 6:20 am
by AJPeter
I talk to men and women on the bus l do not see it as chatting them up maybe he just wanted to talk to someone, my favourite open line is "Room for a small one?" When there is a crowd at the door l say "Make way for a Gentleman." Some quack is bound to say "where l cannot see any gentleman" I reply "It takes one to know one."

I play the organ at most church services l was due to play on Remembrance Sunday but the church secretary knows l hate these services so it has been rescheduled. My tablet is working ok but the Vista computer is heading for a Systems reset.

Billie was helping me put the shopping away, as l transferred the mushrooms to a paper bag she wanted to grab the bag and then wanted to take a bite out of every mushroom! As l put the stuff away into the fridge she started to bite chunks out of the egg box, she is sitting on the door of her cage looking as if butter would not melt in her mouth.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:24 am
by sanjays mummi
Nope, the guy was definitely chatting me up, I know the difference at my age.
What a change today, exactly true to form, the day after Samhain cold, windy, wet and steel grey. I was so glad I shopped yesterday. I didn't accomplish much, always jet lagged on Tuesdays, but Sanjay is never put off, he isn't sure what to make of my winter curtains, but they're still ok for climbing on!. Parrots seem to climb more than they fly, I daresay it's because of their natural habitats. :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:54 am
by AJPeter
I would be flattered if a pretty female chatted me up. It is good to have my browser back again if only for 6 months MSN are not supporting Vista after that. Just bought a scrambled egg maker in the M/w, l like scrambled eggs, but cannot be bothered to go through the making and cleaning needed.

Billie needed a lot of coxing before she would have a shower, l think we are coming to the end of showers, I forgot to get anymore figs she we shall run out by Sunday. Still no chestnuts in our neck of the woods. Billie likes to fly to my shoulder just before l go out of the room. I make her poop first she did all over the cage and got told off. She looked very upset.

Has Sanjay flown to your shoulder recently?

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 1:19 pm
by sanjays mummi
No, not for a long time. I do scrambled eggs in the microwave, but I don't use any special gadgets, just a bowl, take it out and whisk every few seconds and voila!.
We had a lovely sunny day, but much colder than Monday, Sanjay loves it because he can see a lot more through the bay window.
Why no showers for a while?, is your flat a bit too cool?, Sanjay will have his spray showers, but I always turn the heating up until he is dried and aired. Still waiting for my warm home discount, I might ask the guy in flat 1 if he's had his yet. :-t

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 10:50 am
by AJPeter
I have a shower on Sundays, Wednesdays and Friday, and although Billie was reluctant to go for a shower yesterday today she could not wait to get under the water. I recycle the bath water down the loo to save money and bath was a bit full of water however unperturbed she went down the clothes horse and sat in the water over her back, l had to watch her carefully in case she stepped off the lower rung into deep water, she got very wet. I had turned up the LR fire and it was lovely and warm when we got back. But because she was so wet l l turned on the hair drier but it was obvious she did not like it so l turned it off again.

Bed time and she called tp be covered at 2 pm but with a late biscuit l managed to keep her up until 2.30 and after l covered her l watch TV with the light on but but wearing headphones and she did not bat an eyelid. She has hardly touched the fig so she will get it again for tomorrow, which should make the fig last out until shopping day. I get up at 5.30 am and can see the sunrise its the only way l get to spend time with her, but l found going for a walk after she had gone to bed to be too difficult with watch the TV so l went for a walk this morning after l played the organ.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 12:28 pm
by sanjays mummi
I looked at halogen heater info on line, and it said they are only good for sitting next to and don't heat a room, which I found rather strange.
Anyway, I unpacked my winter clobber today, found a few summer items for the charity shop.
I love a nice hot shower at this time of year, when the disabled shower was originally installed, I couldn't get a decent hot shower, it was set to just warm water, but then it packed up after a few months, and the guy who installed a new one had left it well alone, since then I can have the water as hot as I like. Elf n' safety can be a proverbial pain!.
Another sunny day but chilly, hence the decision to pack my summer pretties away, Although I have lighter clothes for wearing around the flat, coo!, just think, if Billie did decide to go a bit lower on the clothes horse, she might develop webbed feet! :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 11:20 am
by AJPeter
That is what l said to her, "Quack Quack!" She had another shower today bur did not go down the clothes horse so was not very wet. She insisted on riding on my shoulder as l prepared the next batch of sprouts she eats most of them, and l have to admit they are very tasty! She eats most things in her cage but recently she has started to crack open Almonds but still has a struggle with Brazil nuts, l give her a helping hand by cracking one end.

Played the organ and then went for my daily walk this morning and there was a cold wind blowing, So came back and had lunch cheese and biscuits, fruit salad with fat free yogurt and a coffee, I drink a lot of herbal tea and fruit juices. :D

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 12:11 pm
by sanjays mummi
I drink herb tea and juices too, not keen on fruit teas tho'.
I give Sanjay shelled nuts because he might damage his beak otherwise, especially on Brazil nuts, he quite likes almonds but not as much as walnuts, I tried pistachios, as their shells are half open, but he didn't like the faffing around and time it took to get the nut out.
My favourite meal is a Caesar salad, but when it's cold I like a bowl of tomato and basil soup and sandwich, I have yogurt every day, never tire of them. Oh goodness!, I spent ages this morning trying to get sense out of an east European shop assistant whom barely spoke a word of English, she kept getting things wrong, why on earth can't employers employ people who Can speak our language fluently?, ^#(^

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 10:45 am
by AJPeter
Ask me another do. I would have thought trying to open a Brazil would strengthen Billie's beak, she cannot manage walnuts but almonds are a breeze. When l go shopping next week l shall look out for more unshelled nuts as all the one we have left are left overs from last year. I cannot be bothered to go to Lddl's chestnuts or no chestnuts. Last year l bought a load and froze them but as l started to use them in June they turned out to be maggoty. :((

Had a lovely stew and rice tonight l treat myself to an extra stockpot tub and and after it has melted spoon most it down my gullet. I am looking forward to wearing my new jacket l bought from MS tomorrow at church. Billie gets impatient with things too and she loses interest in them. It is like that with toys I bought a new toys some weeks ago she looked at it but now it is ignored.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 11:37 am
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay has ignored toys, but he takes renewed interest after a while. I received a letter today from DWP to say my warm home discount is being paid, it's the first time I've received such a letter, so that's reassuring.
Ooh! A nice new jacket, I hope it's lovely and toasty, daddi bought a cashmere overcoat from John Lewis, it was reduced from £350 to around £90.00, it was beautiful and warm, he only got to wear it once, but it gave him so much pleasure, the charity shop did really well after he died.
Sanjay has had a lovely sing song and chortle sort of day, he likes the sunshine as much as I do, :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:52 am
by AJPeter
Billie wanted to be covered at 2.30 l stood by the cage she gave me a lovely singsong and so l covered her up turned off the light s and sat watching TV in the dark wearing headphones but after an hour she was moaning, so l uncovered her and she flew to my shoulder, she was like glue even when l went to the toilet she still sat on my shoulder, however when we shared a biscuit she went back eventually at 3.30 pm l covered her up and she said not a mumbling word! It was quite warm when I went for a walk this morning. I forgot to buy anymore figs last week and we ran out today but the good news is she will gets some tomorrow. You could have made a cashmere blank out of that coat, taking it all to pieces and then sewing it back again. Cashmere comes from a goat in Afghanistan. Its going to be cold tonight Billie has two fleece blankets covering her cage so she should be warm tonight.
Wore my new jacket to go to church yesterday, l looked every inch like a beau! Somehow l missed the emails yesterday my humble apologies.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 11:06 am
by sanjays mummi
Apology accepted, it was bitter here this morning, the wind was bitingly cold.
I don't need blankets or throws, besides, that coat would be really appreciated by someone on a budget. No chestnuts in lidl today, still, he still has a few left over from last week. I popped into the poppy shop for my big poppies, the lady who served me has an invite to the Royal Albert Hall do, apparently there are two, one in the afternoon, and the one her maj attends in the evening, tbh I've given up watching them because it's the same old thing year after year.
Billie makes me smile, she is so cheeky!, moaning so she could have a shoulder carry. Sanjay was overcome by curiosity today, he was so eager to see what he was getting, he very nearly landed on me!, When it comes to his tummy there is just no contest! ^#(^

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 11:18 am
by AJPeter
Asda have some nice chestnuts £2 a bag, we scoffed some, Billie likes me to cook then gently in the M/W so that the skins come off easily, however they did not have any figs today. Had an accident l was peeling some carrots and the peeler broke, l am thinking of nipping down to Tesco tomorrow, bus both ways l might get some figs with a new peeler and anything else that catches my fancy.

Billie called to be covered at 1.30 pm l told her she was joking however as time went by l turned off the cage lights and then partially covered her but she would not go in every time l went near the cage she hopped up onto the threshold eventually she let me close the door and cover her and she never said a mumbling word after.

Once Sanjay get used to landing on your shoulder he will become a pest like Billie who doe snot let me go shopping or out without flying to my shoulder l have to duck and she turns in mid flight and lands on the cage again. She had a lovely shower this morning climbing down the clothes horse and standing in deep water both her wings were under the water l worry she might lose her footing and end up end up in water out of her depth.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 12:25 pm
by sanjays mummi
As long as there's no plug, and you supervise her showers she should be fine.
I don't peel the chestnuts, I boil them for ten minutes, and that's all, himself likes them skewered, so he can bore through the skin to get to the kernels. It's all foraging. When I bought the vacuum pack of skinned, cooked ones, he wasn't half as interested.
It's been a dismal dreary day, it's a wonder we got any daylight at all, roll on the winter solstice!. I got my Tesco clubcard vouchers yesterday, I said to Sanjay "every little helps!" :x

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:18 am
by AJPeter
I recycle mine and Billie's shower water and to that l keep the plug in, that is why the water rises above the lowest rung. But l watch her carefully, l leave the bathroom door open and keep looking at her as soon as l see her climb down l get in close.

Tesco had chestnuts, their slimmed milk powder is £1.59 and Asda is £1.88, but they did not have any figs well the sort she likes, l bought some dates and she turned her nose up at those, also soft dried figs. I put 4 chestnuts in the MW for 45 seconds and then their skins just shrug off. My scrambled egg maker arrived l shall try it out tomorrow.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:24 pm
by sanjays mummi
A new gadget! What fun. Boiled chestnuts peel easily too, but he likes DIY. My nearest ASDA is in Biggleswade, my daughter has one in Luton, but says their food is mostly out of date and not reduced, I go to the Iceland store, as well as Tesco, we have two in the town, and two Tesco stores, daft!.
Another nasty day, yet only a fortnight ago it was hot and sunny. I can't believe Donald Trump got in!, nasty, racist warmonger, just keep that red button out of his reach, still, we can always hope he gets the bullet, literally.
Sanjay didn't bother with a fly past today, he stayed very close to home, and hinted he wanted a different seed in his seed bowl, not that he eats much of it. I tried pellets once and they weren't cheap, but he wouldn't even look at them. Still, fresh fruit and veg is much better for him anyway. :-bd

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 11:36 am
by AJPeter
Billie likes pellets especially the long ones, she crunches them up. Also she likes the sprouts.she eats from all the food bowls but particularly likes pear. she peels it and laps up the juice, she has learnt to leave it for a while and then come back for another lick, l love the way she puts out her tongue to taste the juice. She enjoyed a green pepper seeds today.
She will eat peeled chestnuts but wont touch ones in their shells. I bought a load of nuts in their shells, Hazel, almond Brazils but not walnuts. I give her a shelled walnut in a paper twist and she goes for that. I also bought some watercress and she enjoys pecking at that. My Asda does not have food out of date, however there is a bin for food coming up to the sell by date at cheaper prices.

I am glad Trump got in it will be a break from the corrupt establishment if Clinton. DT has never held public office before so he is bound to be a rough diamond, l would not hold much store in the newspaper reports there was a lot of mud slinging, I would like to see him given a chance to prove himself.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 12:32 pm
by sanjays mummi
Trump is a racist, self serving warmonger, he said a lot of unforgivable things, all that mud slinging was disgusting. If anyone can bring about WW111 he can.
Sanjay quite likes pears, the riper the better, but his native foods go down much better. I might visit the market again soon, as his stock of prickly pear, guavas, and bitter gourd are running low. They might have chestnuts too. :-!

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:44 am
by AJPeter
Is Liddl in the market? I spent a day at home with Billie apart form a walk around the park and l bumped into Emma from downstairs she was coming back from the dentists and told me she has to have a back lower molar out so l told her about Michael who has to go into hospital to have three teeth out, he came by on Wednesday and wanted some money so he could buy dutch courage but l bet they wont operate is he has a belly full of beer!

Billie tried it on at 1.30 wanting to be covered so l started by turning off the lights but by 2.30 she got very insistent and unladylike like in her language. But l ignored the rude comments and was ready at 3 pm to cover her up but she would not go into her cage when l was buy the door but as soon as l moved away she hopped back in and started to ring her bell and bash the babble ball, but as soon as l advanced on the door she stood on the threshold and would not budge, so in the end l used a perch to put her on the top perch, then slammed the door shut and covered her up, but l did not go but watched TV with headphones, she was quiet as a church mouse. :ymdaydream:

Re: Billie2

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:03 pm
by sanjays mummi
No, lidl is Not, lidl does not sell Sanjays native nibbles. We actually got sun today, so himself decided he wanted the squirty bottle, his down feathers are moulting, what a strange year for moulting it's been, protracted!, and in an odd sort of order, he's being very contrary.
I received another letter from DWP, this time it confirms my winter fuel allowance, I don't usually get one of those either. Did you see the post about an IRN "calling" first thing?, obviously not covered up at bedtime. :-ss

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:44 am
by AJPeter
I do not look very often at IRN posts and l missed that post Billie sleeps 17 hours a day covered and this evening she was bleating under the covers she could hear the telly l just ignored her, and soon she gave up and went to sleep. She likes to be woken slowly l open the curtains a little and then pull off her covers and we sit in the gloom until it gets lighter. She lets me know when she is ready to poop although l try to get her onto the wing of the cage sometimes it happens too quickly and goes all over the cage YUK :(

You were lucky it was doom and gloom all day, at least it stopped raining. I went for a walk around the park as usual. 20 years ago l bought a load of pour and store bags Poly-lina and now they are coming up to the end of their life but I have discovered all sorts of people sell them. Amazon.

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:53 am
by sanjays mummi
Goodness! I've never heard of them, but, didn't they do well to last so long?.
We had the grotty weather today, but the pansies in my window boxes are starting to open, and a lovely splash of colour.
Sanjay is sitting on his middle plastic perch looking down, and making squeaky noises!, how peculiar!, :?:

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 11:51 am
by AJPeter
Has something frightened him? Billie makes little squeaky noises when she sees a spider or fly and we had a lot of fruit flies this summer but thanks to the tip of Apple cider vinegar they eventually got the message. GO HOME! Billie was very good tonight she went in almost straight away, and although l watched TV she did not murmur.

I had shepherds pie tonight my favorite, that was spell checkers word l would have used Favourite. Dismal day today, no walk because l went to church this morning. Well l have been very fortunate Billie has not laid .an egg, but must wait for December and January to be out before we are out of the woods/ I found a luggage strap which when l first showed it to Billie she went ballistic, I think she thought it was a snake so l found it lurking in a drawers so l put it on the floor to see what she would make of it, she was eyeing it up so l pushed it under the table out of sight. That will be my secret weapon to stop her going onto the floor!

Re: Billie2

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 12:19 pm
by sanjays mummi
Good idea, I use my nylon "feather" duster to keep my little minky off things. Glorious weather here, always is on Armistice Sunday. Favorite is the American spelling, I believe, like center, color, and behavior. Well, look what they did to the Cocker Spaniel! #-o
I had a very silly reply to my helpful one, so I've told him/her to do some research, why ask for help then insult the helper?.
Trump has climbed down somewhat, but now his Iron curtain dividing Mexico from the rest of the US has become a fence, oy vey! x_x

Re: Billie2

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 12:25 pm
by AJPeter
I still would like to give the man a chance to prove himself. Parrots is in some interesting articles, cage cleaning, and I was just about to write some more when the fuse blew! I think the computer gets too hot l have the tower in a cubbey hole and a blanket l wrap around myself to keep warm my have got draped over the computer. It blows a 13 amp fuse every month, still wont have top put up with it after Feb I might get a new all in one then with Windows 10 installed I have a Surface pro 4 tablet but the screen is a bit small.

Where was I? Oh yes Parrots, Sulphites in dried food, sulphur is added to prolong shelf life, an article on encouraging parrots to talk, quite a good read. Northern Parrots cat is in, l wish they would do willow sticks Billie likes to chomp her way through them at night. The only place l can get them is Pets at home, maybe l shall have to make up an order.

Billie was singing along with some Johnny Cash songs, l had the volume up loud, made me wonder if she is deaf.