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Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 11:59 am
by AJPeter
A DK stands for Directory Knicker, in the days when ladies wore whalebone corsets and were 64" hips
they would pile on the under wear starting with flimsy nylon peticoats and panties to thicker cotton ones ending up with wollen short sleeve vests and cuffed legs knickers with a mylesta camisole vest, tucking everything into a pair of mylesta directory knickers!

The DK were once sold as a set and old ladies got used to ordering these by the bra size so when they became too expensive they were split up but the DK retained the bra size/. You know l used to travel in Ladies Underwear, it was alright in the summer but a bit chilly in the winter!

Thank you for allowing me to drag out that hoary old cheshnut again/

Today Billy chirped as l was playing the organ and l went over to see what she wanted and she dived for her nesting box "Funny" I thought and then l suddenly realized she wanted her breakfast of porridge, so l cooked her some, she loves porridge and wolfed it down off a teaspoon. I offered her a segment of a satsuma but she turned her nose up at it so l pushed it between the bars and lo and behold she was supping it later.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 12:20 pm
by sanjays mummi
Were Directoire knickers the ones with elasticated legs? (wrist clamps), if so, my German friends mother wore them, they would be hanging on the line. Sanjay doesn't mind Satsuma, in fact he quite likes oranges, and relishes the juice. As I don't eat porridge, in fact, the only breakfast I can stomach is a cooked one, Sanjay has never tried oatmeal at all. Years ago we cooked it for our puppies in cold weather, tho'.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 12:00 pm
by AJPeter
You are right they did have eleasticed legs!

I offered Billie some coconut ski yoghurt with pomegranites seeds but she was not keen so l offered her some ski yogut on its own, you could see her sampling the taste by rolling it around her tongue. Oats are good for their feathers.

I aslo remembered to roast some cheshnuts but Billie was not in the mood, so I ate them they were lovely. I am not keen on oranges and as they do not keep Billie only gets a segment when it is hot.
ie Summer/

Does Sanjay get the cooked bacon rinds?

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 12:13 pm
by sanjays mummi
No, his wild cousins get them, he shares the egg white. My late husband detested oranges, but loved marmalade, very strange. I started early today, but by the time we closed, my hands were like blocks of ice and my joints were locked and screaming with pain, herself said "is your jacket warm enough?", I said "yes, shall I wear it behind the counter?", then threatened to come in wearing my thermal gardening clobber, which didn't go down well. When I got home, it was hot soup, and way too many carbs to accompany my painkillers. Sanjay likes carbs.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:51 am
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay is pleased, mummi is Not working today, I woke up with swollen, painful joints because I got so cold yesterday in the shop. So having left a message for herself, I fired off an e mail to elf and safety. Its time the big boss paid out for a door which is fit for purpose. I'm seriously considering leaving. Sanjay thinks this is a brilliant idea, he thinks he will get more time out of his palace hmm!

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 11:47 am
by AJPeter
Plenty of other shops crying out for volunteers, take your pick you should not put your health at risk becasue of the cold. They say a change is good for the soul.

I was playing the organ aobut the time we have breakfast and Billie chirped so l went across to see what she wanted. No to a shower, so to a spray no to a neck rub and then my penny dropped she want her porridge. "No it is too early!" I told her and went and started to play again.

All of a sudden there was this dive bomber behind me that tried to land on my hair over shot the landing adn ended up on the book case. I gently lifted her back on the cage, only injury? Pride. So l went and made some porridge for her and for me, came back and fed her three teas spoons. She also had a piece of a satusuma to wash it down and then she had an afternoon nap.

Sanjay knows what side his toast is buttered there are no flies on him. It is a bit of a shame you could not see the year out but your health and Sanjay come first

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:11 pm
by sanjays mummi
I love the job, but the pain is excruciating and that stoopid remark about my coat was the final straw. Ah well, at least I tried, I'm in no hurry to work anywhere else either. Billie certainly sounds demanding!, Sanjay is more subtle, its more dive bombing or semaphore, rather than full on attack.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 1:35 pm
by AJPeter
She has got a lot on her plate with four dummy to hatch it is a big responsibility, so l can excuse her impatience. She was bashing them today l cannot see in so do not know what she was doing if I turn the box around to get a peep she moans like the dickens.

Where does the coat fit in?

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 3:24 pm
by sanjays mummi
When I was putting my coat on, ready to leave, I complained at how cold I was, and in pain, milady asked if my jacket was warm enough and I pointed out that it was, But, I couldn't wear it when I'm behind the counter. Anyway, Billies eggs will be phoning Parrotline (a bit like childline) and reporting her for chick abuse, if she keeps bashing them!.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 11:48 am
by AJPeter
Dummy eggs are used to being bashed, l expect she is getting a bit exasperated with no results but the bashing is intermitent. "How much longer do l have to sit on these eggs?" She asked me.

"How about 5." l replied

It seems a little cruel to make her give up the chance of a brood but by all accounts if l take them away she will only lay again. She has stopped eating the cuttlefish bone which is a good sign, and no more dive bombing, the lady downstairs told me as l got back from church that Billie calls out when l am gone. Which is rather nice to know you are wanted.

So no charity work today?

To be continued

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:00 pm
by AJPeter
Billie is not the only problem child Internet Explorer is giving me hell, l have disabled Ad ons but it keeps saying Not responding like a naughty child who sulks, and shutting down. This usually happens after a few a shakes of the screen so l sent that message before it got the chance to shut down. I have two buttons on the task bar one for IE and one for MyMSN and when it started to play up l clicked MyMSN and here we are, but already it my computer has told me that IE is not working and has shut down, gosh I hate computers!

Have you told Milady you are not working in the cold. What does Sanjay think of the extended time with you, watch out he does not get bored and says "Not respondiing!" Billie loves to come up to the top for a neck scratch she turns her head one way and then the other to make sure l scratch porperly, when she has had enough she ducks out form my hands and goes down.

Got to go

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 1:01 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay loves a kissy and scritch too. No, I was tempted to go back for my next shift on Tuesday but the weather forecast forbids it, the shop isn't open on Sundays. So, is Billie trying to break her babies out?, she must be wondering what they're doing in there (don't ask!). Its rather like Jack, my 3 yr old grandson when he goes to the bathroom alone, the mind boggles.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 12:31 pm
by AJPeter
Your grandson is growing up fast soon he will shut the adults out when he has a bath.

Billie really surprised me today l went out to the kitchen to make our porridge and she sang so beautifully normally l get summond by a swawk or chirp if she is feeling in a good mood, she wolfed her porridge four teaspoons it was a good job it was made with half water.

I looked in the pet shop for some new bedding but could not see anything but when l checked her bedding it looked okay with a nice depression in the middle for the eggs.

I had to go down to the doctors this evening so l covered her completely but when l got back she was making noises so l uncovered her and she came out and sat on my shoulder a little bit of preening and she wanted to go back so l lifted her in and got a chirp as a thank you, if l can persuade one of my friends to take us to the vets for a check up in January,

however l must weigh her soon.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 1:37 pm
by sanjays mummi
The deed is done , I called in the shop door still wide open I told her I cannot work in a freezer, she said "All charity shops have their door open", I said No they Do Not! And another customer said Rubbish! to her. Anyway, chestnuts and figs were back on the menu, himself broke into sing song too, from sheer joy!

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 5:42 am
by sanjays mummi
An update, elf 'n safety e mailed me, they are investigating apparently there should be a warm rest room (no there isn't), they should provide warm clothing (which they don't), hot drinks (offered but refused because they are vile), and with the laminate floor warm footwear, (having a giraffe?). I await the outcome. As for himself, he is his usual cocky little self today birds can be surprisingly self important, can't they?

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 12:30 pm
by AJPeter
After Billie retired for the night l was writing my christmas cards and she started to protest so l threw back the cover and she sat looking out, l opened the door and she came to see what l was doing.
"Do you want me to put your name on the christmas card list?" I asked
"No thanks l am trying to give them up"

Still l am a bit worried as yesterday she pooped a gallon and today nothing at all, also l thought she looked as if another egg was on the way, could have been constipation because later the bulge had disappeared. But no poop.

No singing either today shame.

Elf and safety need the work, they are almost as bad as weights and measures who would descend on our pet shop and start weighing bags of dog meal, l complained but all they said our shop was the most excellent for training novices as our weights were always spot on.

If you were paid it would be a different matter, l expect her lady ship will say to Elf and safety, "They are volunteers they do not have to work here. Actualy l can remember the market stall traders were up in arms because H&S said they had to provide water for their work force to wash their hands!

On some of the stalls you could not tell the difference between spuds and Spud both were equally dirty!

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 2:33 pm
by sanjays mummi
That's where you're wrong, without volunteers, the shop would close and animals suffer she is desperate for volunteers, people keep leaving I wonder why?, another volunteer is arthritic and waiting for a hip replacement, she complained and got nowhere, it seems to me, the RSPCA care more about animals than humans. Anyway Sanjay Always signs his name to the Yule cards, letters, and birthday cards he deems it his right!.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 10:55 am
by sanjays mummi
Eeeooow! Great big green splats!, that's Courgette for you, Sanjay, I said, this is gross! He said it was My fault for feeding him Courgette. Anyway, the shop door was closed yesterday afternoon, And today, elf'n safety didn't waste Any time putting the big boss in her place!.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:30 am
by AJPeter
Does Sanjay eat anything? I chopped up some cabbage for Bille and she threw it out of the bowl but yesterday I was a bit worried because there was no evidence of a poop, l was beginning to think she had done it behind my back but this morning l was so pleased to find a poop big enough to fill a ten gallon hat and all the right colours too!

Howver this morning there was nothing again but just as l was putting her to bed l saw she had pooped when l was not looking maybe she is shy Mary Ellen a big dollop on the cage floor. Phew.

Was the shop open with the door closed or closed with the door closed? Does this mean you will go back?

Was the courgette raw?

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 12:51 pm
by sanjays mummi
The shop was open, door closed. The Courgette was raw, and the splat would have done a Mollucan cockatoo proud! (have you seen the size of a Mollucan??, No I am Not going back, after the winter solstice I plan to do a bit of redecorating,

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 3:26 pm
by AJPeter
Our Pet shop had a Mynah bird and you should how much they poop all over the walls, l was only too glad when we sold it as muggins had to do the cleaning none of our young staff would do the cleaning.

However l have never seen Mollucan Cockatoo poop its not that, I make it priority to watch birds poop you understand?

Sanjay will be pleased to have your company, if you give him any more courgettes you will need to extend the decorating, unless you incorporate the splat into the wall pattern.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 3:36 pm
by sanjays mummi
Fortunately, Sanjays do do is confined to his lower Java perch and newspaper lining, a big cover around the back of his cage catches any food splatter. A Mollucan is Huge! I met one once, and it fair put the wind up me when it sidled along its perch in my direction. It is easily the biggest parrot. When my daughter was small we called in a haberdasher shop and there was a Mynah bird when it said hello the expression on my 3yr olds face was priceless!.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 12:09 pm
by AJPeter
I would expect a Moll to say How do you do? Billie really disgraced her self today instead of facing out and poop inisde her cage just for a change she pooped all down the front of the cage, it even dribbled onto my carpet for good measure.

"I suppose you think that is funny?"

No answer was the stern reply.

Do you think your daughter would remember the mynah?

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 1:24 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay ought to be ashamed, he "detests" my grandson, yet Jack blurted out yesterday, he has bought Sanjay a pressy. (well, his mum has, to be pedantic). I can't shift the dark green stain, Sanjay is baffled by my efforts. I received a phone call today, milady, pleaded with me to go back, "everyone misses me" apparently, what she meant was nobody wants to put in the hours I did, To stop the pleading and in spite of being told I could choose my own hours, I said Id Think About It she replied "brilliant I will see you soon", needless to say, I still don't want to go back. I doubt of I will. No my daughter doesn't remember the time she found out birds can speak humanese.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 3:01 pm
by AJPeter
You need to be assertive, l used to think that was a bunch of fives but it being able to say what you want with out getting angry or tongue tied, You have to be able to tell milady that you need time off over christmas but you would not return unless the shop was warm and no drafts, the formula is to say to your self "I'm all right, She is a all right."

Have a nice Christmas break.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 2:42 am
by sanjays mummi
Assertive?, oh yes!, and I'm not going back regardless of any conditions met. I don't celebrate Christmas, I celebrate the Winter Solstice on the 21st, but your kind wishes are much reciprocated. Sanjay is non plussed, for almost a year I have been rushing around getting him and myself "sorted" in time for my bus. Today we are much more relaxed. He has actually broken into sing song!

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 11:58 am
by AJPeter
How nice of Sanjay, l get summoned with a squawk, tonight l forgot to cover her completely and she made a lot of banging nosies in her box and then came out although l offered her my humble apologies she was thinking of 29 lashes with a cat of nine tails on a dead man sea chest, but it was soon sorted.

Are you one of the sun children of the seventies who wore a flower in their hair? I do not celebrate Christmas either as l believe if you go to Israel in December you can quickly see that the Romans would not have called a census when the roads were all muddy and the weather too cold, more like September but l just go along with the flow.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 12:54 pm
by sanjays mummi
No, I have never been a hippy or tree hugger, but I initiated into Paganism in the late seventies, and I am now a Pagan author and minister. How very astute of you!, I figured a lot of discrepancies out, years ago. Anyway I digress, Today we have had the undoing of the knots, Sanjay is very adroit at undoing the leather knots on his toys.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 1:35 pm
by AJPeter
Billie is not interested in toys, they hang and hang she had a rope toy which in the end l took to pieces and used as bedding, since she has been taken with sitting on eggs she has no time to preen in front of the mirror

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 1:51 pm
by sanjays mummi
Does Billie like bells? Sanjay has a.beautiful bell Santa brought him a couple of years ago he adores ringing it for service. I change his other toys every few days so he doesn't get bored.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 11:50 am
by AJPeter
Last year l bought a swing for Billie l screwed it into the ceiling l have a photo of her sitting on it but she did not like it because she wobbled. She has not been near it again. But on the swing a l hung a bell from a toy she never played with, l explained you can ring it for room service, but l Oh no she preferrs to sqwark. "Come here NOW!" sort of thing.

In the afternoon the sun comes round and shines into my LR, Billie sat inthe sunshine and then decided she wanted a bath in the water bowl but it was too small so l misted her and got carried away and she was wringing wet when the storm clouds went over. I had to go out and she sat on top of her cage singing for me to come back Sweet!

She spent nearly 20 mins in the sun preening and I thought the eggs had got the cold shoulder but she went back to them. This morning l decided that her bedding was getting old and even mite infested so l changed it to sheets of news paper and wood chips, it made a nice bed, clean and dry.

I bet Sanjay looks forward to getting his favourite toy back must be galling to disvover that his mummi has removed it. I would not put up with that! Have you had this months Parrots mag? There is an article about teaching you parrot that a carrier can be fun!
And this has given me an idea our local pet shop has lot of cages for small animals and one on of those would be ideal for taking Billie out into the garden next year.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 12:32 pm
by sanjays mummi
Gosh! Is it out already? I will pick it up on Monday. All himselfs toys are favourites, he loves his swings so much, he sits on them and reduces the wooden bits to sawdust!

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 2:09 pm
by AJPeter
My copy is delivered by carrier parrot. :lol:

I have an idea one of the ways to get her to stop sittng on her eggs would be to distract, cross word puzzles might be the answer does Sanjay do puzzles l know Billie would if she could.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 3:12 pm
by sanjays mummi
If an intricate knot is classified as a puzzle, then yes he does!.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:28 am
by AJPeter
She played a practical joke on me today, yesterday l decided to change her bedding and l lined her nesting box with several layers of news papers and then packed in some wood shavings. She was not happy with this and klicked most of the wood shavings out over night but this morning l discovered a very wet pile of wood shaving under her pooping perch.

I smelt some it just seemed wet but l was worried she had eaten some wood shavings and passed them out as a poop? I had to wait until this afternoon when she had a normal poop. The right colour and plenty of it and not a sniff of wood shaving anywhere not that l go round sniffing parrot very often.

She does enjoy a neck rub and sits at the top of the cage twisting her neck one way and then another, indeed she wanted another neck rub this afternoon after l discovered her practical Joke!

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:36 am
by sanjays mummi
I was musing this afternoon about Parrots and Xmas trees personally, my flat is too small for one I have a tabletop silk Poinsettia "tree" instead. Anyway, what I want to know is how IRN's react to them?, do they perch on them?, and I bet they chuck the baubles and tinsel etc off. My Siamese and Burmese cats shimmied up them!

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 7:45 am
by sanjays mummi
I called at the newsagent, but my Parrots mag isn't in yet, its usually around the 21st of the month. However, Lidl had passion fruit and Dragon fruit I don't peel the Dragon fruit, I just wash and skewer it himself Loves ripping it apart to get to the miniscule seeds.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:56 am
by AJPeter
Billie is not into ripping, and she totally ignored the dragon fruit.

This morning she wanted her porridge but she had not pooped. "No poop no porridge"
however l relented and gave in and she had her porridge. She likes to sleep it off but today she let fly with a great big poop sat there grinning like a cheshire cat

We had visitors this afternoon but Billie would not come out so l turned her nesting box around so she could see what was going on. After a while Billie came out and agreed to sit on my hand and she followed this up by sitting on Shirley's shoulder. And as were talking Billie started to prod shirley's cheek, l said Oh look she is kissing you but this got to be too much especally as I told the story that Billie bit Gordon on the neck and l told his wife it was a love bite! Billie woud not come back to me and l had visions of her moving in with my friends, but Shirely went up to the cage and Billie hopped off her shoulder and after that my friends left, it was getting Billie's bed time.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 2:17 pm
by AJPeter
Bought Billie a small cage it had a wheel and tiny little house l gave those back it will be all right to sit out in the garden when it gets warmed. And only cost £15.

Billie was quite intrigued with it she had a good look from the safety of her cage, and she sat on my arm to get a different look. I explained that it was for sitting out in the garden when the summer comes.

"NO Porridge until you have pooped!" Oh you have and l am standing it/ She loves her
porridge sprinkled with grape nuts. That reminds me l must get some more or there will be hell to pay. And that is like paying through the nose!

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:10 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay has a little pet carrier, its his escape module, should we have to evacuate the building. I washed curtains and cleaned windows today, and the bamboo blinds were up, it was beautiful and sunny, so himself was in his element looking at passers by, and noting the traffic, of course we chorused "ooh I say" and "oo'er missus!". He spent the rest of the day very upbeat and affable, with little outbursts of sing song.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 11:40 am
by AJPeter
How lovely to inter react with Sanjay, Billie used to sit on top of the cage and watch people coming and going But now she spends most of her time in the nesting box, recently if she comes out for breath of fresh air but if l look at her she scurries back down.

But when she came up for her porridge and after eating all she could l lifted her down to sit on the mouse cage, And l was able to do that again later in the day but with her tail bent all out of shape it makes flying very difficult for her and the second time l put her on the cage she wanted to go back herself but when she took off she crashed landed on the floor.

This is one time l would be pleased to see her moult and never again will l spray her just to let her sit in the box! I put some new bedding stuff in and she just threw it all out! she loves coming up for a neck scratch and leans against my hand to make sure l dig in hard, on cold mornings she loves to cuddle into the palm of my hands.

I always have warm hands a blessing on cold days but where do you put hot hands in Summer?

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 11:54 am
by AJPeter
I leave my windows smeared and grubby in the hope if Billie fly to freedom she will see the dirty window and be able to pull up in time. Of course that is my number one excuse for not cleaning the windows!

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 1:27 pm
by sanjays mummi
I received an e mail from elf 'n safety today they have even ordered the boss to instal a thermometer And to ensure it doesn't drop below 60 fahrenheit. Poor Billies tail!, they say having children deforms the body. How much longer will this last? It seems to be really dragging on. If Sanjay IS female, he hasn't got a maternal bone in his body thank goodness!.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 12:16 pm
by AJPeter
Soon l shall know more about bird keeping than Betty Crockett and up to now l have been led (up the garden path) by well meaning members into believing that when Billie rubs herself on me she is masturbating, nothing could be further from the truth!

Mind you l was worreid as Billie has not pooped for 24 hours and yet her abdomen was enormous either she was going to an egg with twins or explode and l would have pooh all over the walls.

Which reminds me of long ago soon after l left home of cooking a lovely Christmas dinner turkey and all the trimmings. I was very full after that but decided to round it off with a Christmas pud. It says on the tin (if you listen hard enough) "Do not allow the pan to boil dry"! I filled it up put the lid and went and sat down to watch Chirsmas TV and fell asleep.

! awoke to an enormous explosion

To be continued

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 12:37 pm
by AJPeter
Knowing full well that IE would cut me off with out a penny l thought the better part of valour would to send the first part off.

Part 2.

Christmas pudding all over the kitchen walls, worse the pan which was still glowong red had landed on my beautiful vinyl brick effect floor and burnt hole in it, the hot plate had got so hot it blew the fuses. I just laughed and laughed, l thought it was so funny but would l laugh if Billy exploded?

So she came upon my shoulder and started to rub herself on me, l thought with that amount waiting pooh to be passed out some would leak onto my shoulder, and after I put her back I felt my shoulder my hand felt wet and sticky so l pulled off my shirt and sure enough as God made little green apples she had. I cleaned myself up as she dived for her nesting box, thinking she had got poop on herself l dragged her out two arms and a leg, and mouthing me just show me that what l was doing was not the done thing, l grabbed her and turned her over, clean as a whistle!

So l put her back ion the cage and she went down to her perch and sat eating seeds as if nothing had happened, but then she pooped. A gallon at least! And my penny dropped.
When l turned her over l saw that she had been pulling out her feathers around her anus as she did the in Janauary and they grew back.

But now l realize that when she rubs herself on me it is to clear her anus from a blockage and dried pooh is the very devil to remove so from now on l shall mist her under carriage more often and provide a cloth to put over my shoulder and she can rub herself on me as oftern as she wants.

All good stories have a happy ending

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 12:46 pm
by sanjays mummi
That reminds me of dogs having blocked anal glands, only to be emptied in the bath!, its a revolting job, otherwise expect skid marks on the floor. When a female Samoyed is near her time, she loses her tummy fur, I think you can guess why. Sanjay has had a good day, crowned with greeny yellowy passion fruit seeds.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 12:51 pm
by AJPeter
Whch doee not help answer Sanjay mummi's mail, Good old elf and safety trust them to come up trumps. 60f is still a bit chilly Bille tells me she is cold when l wake her in the morning and the temp is 60f

Well today a adapted an old perch which meant cutting the end so with a hammwe and old kitchen knife l made a very good job and when l came back into the LR Blllie was on the cage floor anxiously waiting the out come, after l fitted the perch into the new cage she came out for a closer look but delined to go in just yet, was before the poop drama.

Since Sanjay is a male name l hardly think she will turn out to be female!

Ah a new post has crept in well it wlll have to wait

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 2:45 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay was Sanjay when a liar told me he was a DNA tested male, but at 5 yrs old, still no sign of a collar and tie jobby,

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:16 am
by AJPeter
What a difference a day makes! This morning when l uncovered her she was in her nesting box which is turned away from the front but she came up for a cuddly. I had already worked out a game plan and l had the kitchen scales ready. So l prised her off the top of the cage and put her on the scales she did not struggle. 301 grams Golly Miss Molly l was so shocked after she flew back l grabbed hold of her for a second weighing 301 grams.

She was 275 on the 11/11. Its a diet for you my girl l told her and l am sick to death with you hiding in the nesting box all day, so l took one egg out she knew one had gone but she sort of shrugged her shoulders and sat on three.

Then l prepared her dishes, and cut back one seeds. She came out for a nosh and l grabbed the three eggs and took her nesting box out tipped the contents into the trash bin and stached her eggs back in the dummy box behind the clock.

And what a good day we have had, twice she flew to my shoulder as l played the organ, she pooped a dollop at 10.30 and at least three more times, she has been preening all day.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:29 am
by AJPeter
Her tail has straightened, and she played with her toys yes she did look for the nesting box first round the back of the cage and then on the floor under the table, but she went by herself to the new cage and reached down through the open door to test the perch, but decided any more forays in this direstion will wait another day.

I misted her under neath she was a bit shocked by this cavellier approach that she tucked into the greenery bowl which has not been looked at for weeks she also attacked the parrot stick vigourously, when l went out to cook my porridge l told her she could not have any as she was on a diet she took that on the chin. Billie has been and down the sides of the cage all day, keep that up l told her and we will soon have your weight down.

I steamed cleaned the upper perch and sleeping perch and to celibrate she has been preening on the sleeping perch all day, she even allowed me to cover her up at 4 pm sitting on the sleeping perch but as soon as l sat down she came down to give the parrot stick another bashing. But it went all quiet at 5 pm. She has had an exhausitng day and so have l.