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Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:16 pm
by sanjays mummi
Parrots teeth must be rarer than hens teeth. But then, Billie Is a hen. Sanjay has peaches, he loves peach and nectarines, he seems to prefer white grapes to the purple seeded ones. No he doesn't have mood swings, he just likes a toy to pick a fight with.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:58 pm
by AJPeter
Billie has become very posessive of her cat box once inside she wont come out, l had to tip her out but later l relented and ler her use it again l went to move it with her inside and she reached through the grill and bit my finger, right on the inside fleshy part, a big tear in the skin blood every where, fortunately l am one of those lucky people that stop bleeding almosrt straight away. But it is very painful.

So after she came out l took the box and hid it. She was looking for it later, l shall let her have it when we go out in the garden tomorrow, l did try a nectarine but she was not keen, l must try peaches
She will eat red and white grapes but not black grapes. I buy toys but she just ignores them, l used to make foot toys for her but really she just prefers the millet spray neat, the time l rapped it up in an envelope after a few minutes she got bored and dropped it.
She did have a nice shower today (none yesterday), and we sat out for an hour in the garden under shade. Should l push the cat box out into the sun? I think she prefers the shade.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:13 pm
by sanjays mummi
Birds probably prefer dappled shade, I wouldn't expose Sanjay to direct sunlight, doesn't Billie get hot in her cat box?, I know they have grilles etc, but even with our windows open we get hot on days like this.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:38 pm
by AJPeter
It was quite breezy this afternoon and we had a good number of people who came and said hallo, she has a mouse water bottle on the cat box door, some orange, and she usually tells me if she has had enough. I have a picnic table the upon which the box sits, she does not like being at grass level.

I took a water bottle for me and squirted her with some water/ The look of reproach she gave me could have frozen my heart but l closed my eyes and crossed my fingersm and it passed over head unoticed.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:04 pm
by AJPeter

Lessons have been learnt, measures taken.

It all started when we had a heavy downpour and l thought we Billie and I would not be going out into the garden. So l let her play in her cat box. After about an hour she got bored and went in to her cage, by this time brunch was ready so l sat down and put meal next to her cat box, the table is a bit small. She enjoys cornflakes dunked but today she refused them, then she came onto my shoulder
l thought she had changed her mind so l offered my hand to help her down and she bit me.

And then she got two more bites in, I was so startled l got up and grabbed the box and headed for the door she flew at me and bit me on the neck. No more cat box! I came back in and forced her into her cage and ignorred her cries for three hours!

Then l relented and let her out, she came onto my shoulder and reached round to kiss me on my lips, how lovely she had been very good not biting at all this afternoon but she has flown to the door several times. l took her on my shoulder and showed her the cat box was not in the bath room, but she kept flying to the door.

So l have decided that if it is sunny in the days ahead to allow her to go out in the garden in the cat box but not to allow her to play in the box. After all enough is enough!

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:07 pm
by AJPeter
BTW Just has a virus attack from IRN had to sign in again. All these spammers are leaving their calling card now!

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 1:37 pm
by sanjays mummi
Ooh I say!, you didn't have a very good day, then?, I thought mine was bad enough when a customer threw three ladies tops in my face, because I had the temerity to point out our no returns policy, (we have a changing room in the charity shop), I don't get paid nearly enough to be assaulted, in fact, I don't get paid at all!. Sanjay has been a little sweetie, very affectionate and obliging, long may it last!

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:09 pm
by AJPeter
Yes, let us hope Sanjay continues in his sweet way. Billie has been very good today l went to church this morning and played the organ for the hymns and hers. I thought how l played was terrible but several people came up and said how well l played, l joke with and say "getting better!" One lady once said "You are better than nothing!" I pull her leg and say "Nothing is better than me!"

How ever Because Billie has been so good l took her out into the garden in the cat box, but first l took out her rags she has been chewing, l think she was shocked there was nothing in the box and after half an hour she wanted to come in. But the rest of the day would not let me out of her sight, and everytime l headed for the door she flew to my shoulder, We had a lovely shower she on the perch and me clothed she was her old self ducking and diving, I was as wet as her. Today it is Shepherds pie day and l have to use the oven, she does not like the noise it makes or the blast of hot air when l open the door so l have to leave her in the LR.

However when it was time to be dished up she was sitting on her usual place with bib and braces she got stuck in and then hung on the door watching every morsel on my fork, it is very disconcerting, shortly after swallowing the last spoonful she wanted to go to bed, and helped me with blankets.

When she is good she is very very good, but when she is naughty she is very very naughty. On Youtube there is a Macaw who says "Naughty!" I say that to Billie but she gives me the wet fish stare.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:34 pm
by AJPeter
I meant to say people are so inconsiderate, does your charity shop open on sundays?

I used to be in the rag trade myself and was in shop a run by Mr Meerpuri , he gave a lot of trade because l could pronounce his name the way he liked, how ever he was in was Uganda when General Amin took over and kicked all the Asians, Europeans and Chinese out, Mr Meerpuri saw the writing on the all and got out with is family before the ballon went up and opened 5 clothing shops in London, one in the Walworth Road.

How ever I was showing him my samples to him when a lady threw a wobble because he would not give her, the money back on a pair of long trousers she had bought for her six year old who had worn out the knees. "This is not Marks and Spencer, we sell cheaper than them, put your boy in short trousers" Funny enough l was a clerk at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurt, when Amin was an officer cadet in 1960, he failed all his exams but that did not stop him becoming a General!

My best friend Anthony bought all his clothes from charity shops, he even bought clothes for me, but you would not see me dead in a charity shop! He shocked me by buying female clothes in the charity shops, he even had the nerve to wear them to ladies day at Royal Ascot, topped off with an enormous ladies hat that even Mrs Topham would have been proud to wear!

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:17 pm
by sanjays mummi
I wonder If you met my brother in law? He was a pay clerk at Sandhurst, but in the mid sixties, I was stationed at the Cambridge Military hospital, not too far away. You might like to be seen alive in our RSPCA charity shop, it is clean, modern and well lit, it doesn't whiff like some do, our clothing is colour co ordinated too,and customers tell us it is ths best CS in Bedford, the ones who have the good sense to try before they buy, anyway.
Sanjay did Not like this mornings visit from the grandchildren, Jack is way too hyperactive, and Sanjay gets very flighty when he's around, so much so, he clings to the bars panting.But after they left, I gave Sanjay a misting and dried fig after which he settled on his bedtime perch and had a siesta. Btw, our shop does Not open on Sundays,the buses are not great on Sundays, and volunteers would have trouble getting in unless they happen to drive.I am having a long weekend, as I am going to Windsor for the day on Thursday, cruise along the Thames, lunch and cream tea,so I am not working on Friday or Saturday, bliss! And think of all that Sanjay time!

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:30 pm
by AJPeter
Yes l might have done the there were a lot of permanent staff besides us National Service wallahs, but l would imagine the pay corps did not have anything to do with us Royal Army Service Corps clerks, l was there between 1959 and 1961, as a Model room clerk in Old College.

Anthony dragged me around all the charity shops between Redditch and Brownhills some of the best were Sue Ryder, Cancer research, and the RSPCA shops. Anthony and l would have a good laugh in these shops the ladies must have been bemused by our antics he would call me his sugar daddy and l would call out "Come on Mother!" Sadly he died of a heart attack in 2008. He lived in a mobile home called Chic Dux with his sister 23 years older than him, and he traded in Bohemian Dux figarines. They were showmen.

Thank you for the invitation, the next time l am in Bedford l will look you up and buy something.

Are you taking Sanjay with you on your cruise? Although I tried to stop Billie biting me by fending her off with a spare perch several times l took her out into the garden and we spent an hour in the shade nodding to passers by. The hard part was trying to get her out of her the cat box and into her cage. I tipped the box up but she held onto the grille, just then a caller came and after l got back she was sitting on her cage door grinning at me. I held out my hand and she stepped up and l slipped her into her cage and shut all the exits while l took the cat box out, she was very annoyed but calmed down later she sat in my shoulder as we watched Primeval and when the Dinosaur roared she huddled up close. Sweet!

We had a baked potato and beef burger for our tea, she settled for the corn on the cob. At 6 o'clock she wanted to go to bed.

Was the Cambridge Military Hospital in Aldershot?

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:54 pm
by sanjays mummi
It was indeed! Not far from Camberley as the crow (IRN?} flies. No, it wasn't National Service by then, although my late husband was a Junior Leader. We get cross dressers etc in our shop, they never pass muster as female though, the walk, the Adams apple, and big hands and feet let them down. IRN's must have teeth after all, Sanjay says children make his teeth itch. No, he won't be coming with me, it will be a long day, coach ride each way and he won't have the homey comforts of his palace, I will get up extra early so he can play out, and make sure he has fresh water and food, and, as always, I will leave Classic FM on the radio for him. If it is feasible, he can come out to play again after I get back, much depends on what time I get back.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:52 am
by AJPeter
I used to leave Classic FM on for Billie but she prefers the TV, Eden or Animal planet. In the afternoon she has to watch what l watch and that is Tour de France, she is quite happy everytime l glance at her she is engrossed. After brunch she wanted her box, so we went out in the garden for an hour and sat in the shade. I left her in the sun while l set up the table and chair then put on the table in the shade she definitely prefers the shade. She was very good when we came in meekly going into the cage while l hid her box. Then she had a quick shower, before watching TV.

I was amazed when she wanted to go to bed at 5.30 pm so l checked and yes hurry up. She helped me pull the blanket over her cage, because it was so early l told her l was not going to turn off the tv. Then she strated to did a tunnel to Australia or that is what it sounded like but after ten minutes there was this little cry of distress and l let her out. She sat on top of the cage for half an hour preening and then said she wanted to go to bed. "Are you sure?" I asked her and yes she was.

Does Sanjay want to go to bed early?

I did my basic two week training at North Camp the huts are still there and are now part of the British Army museum then l did my clerical training in the buildings on Wellington lines but they have gone now. My first posting was to the Army inteligence unit at Maresfield in Sussex also gone but when l got there on my scooter after numerous punctures they sent me back as they did not want any more NS clerks, l arrved back in Wellington lines when a QMS inspection was on and they posted to the first posting available. RMAS!

Anthony was a bit like Kenny Everett. Ant just liked wearing womens clothes. I am not looking forawrd to the summer holidays screaming yelling children in all direstions. Hope you have a grand day out.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 2:09 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay goes to bed at 8pm regardless of BST but has a late night if I've been out that's not very often, tho'. My basic training was Guildford, trade training Aldershot, I was at BMH Cambridge, then West Germany. And I did a stint in Belfast, where some of my relatives still live. St Omer bks have long gone, as has Tournai.
Anyway, when I was stationed at Aldershot, we had a Major Parrot!.
Tomorrow is definitely a Sanjay day, he can drop his cat balls on my head from the chandelier, but I draw the line at earring and nose stud removal!, it takes too long to find where he's chucked them!. I haven't made any serious attempt to get him into his pet carrier but I suppose I will have to bite the bullet soon. Do you read "Parrots" magazine?, there's a Q&A page and someones having problems with their IRN since they were burgled. Btw, Sanjay likes Eastenders, the music is his signal for bedtime antics, if it's a 7.30 start, he starts tucking into supper, if it's an 8pm start, he starts signalling with his wings "b e d t I m e"

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:08 pm
by AJPeter
How nice, how old is Sanjay? I find Billie likes a routine, and the same set words. When she wont get off my shoulder, l say "I'll get the big stick." And she steps down very quickly. When l have to towel her l find it best to face her and hold my hands apart with the towel draped over them, she charges the gap and l gently close my hands and lift her up she does not struggle. What time does Sanjay arise?

When people bring in something for your shop to sell is it sent away for valuation? A big mistake of CS time ago was to let gems go for 6d. I remember on a jumble sale at our church some one let a valuable Moorcroft vase go for 30p! With the words 30p is better than nothing! Ant used to pick up beautiful things at Charity shops, he knew how to bargain with the staff.

A couple of years ago on TV they showed a series on Sandhurst and the cadets. In my days you had to drag me to church, and l was amazed how they let the officers grab the best seats at the front
it is only since l became a christian that l realize the best seats are at the back!

As a clerk l was fortuante to go on exercise with the cadets to Portugal Santa Magreida north of Lisbon
and to Northern Island Magaillerbrae near Port Stewart, then it was nissen huts now a prison. We were not allowed to wear civviies In 1960 all the locals drank Guiness and one day l had three pints in a hosue with a bar in the front room and on the way back to camp l flaked out. I remember someone stopped and gave me a push with his foot, "Its alright he's only drunk!" But they ran over my spectacles and l was sent to Belfast for them to be repaired l stayed the night in a Military hopsital outside Belfast. Sandhurst has its own hospital.

No to reading Parrots mag but intend to

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:34 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay is just coming up to four years old, and today I noticed a turquoise ring next to the paler green one. I remember going to church parade and watching my beautifully bulled shoes flake, they were like patent, and it all just cracked and crazed, and fell apart. But that's not the reason I am not a Christian!.
Today Sanjay had a lot of playtime, we watched Animal SOS this morning, apparently it is illegal to keep a bird in a space which is too small to stretch it's wings.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 2:48 pm
by AJPeter
That is intesting, l did not know of this law. But it makes sense. I am having quite a lot of problems with Billie, she gave me a lot of cupboard love, sitting on my shoulder, everytime l turned my head she kissed me on the lips. I thought she wanted the cat box but oh dear when l bought it in she flew at me biting and scratching, so l got a towel and carefully put her in her cage, while l took out the cat box.

I decied to buy a small bird cage from Northern parrots it looks too small for her to stretch her wings but it is only for going out in the garden. Today l sat out without her, she did not seem to put out by this. Tonight l covered her cage as usual, but all of a sudden there was this distress call little bleats, so l uncovered her and re-arranged the blankets so one botted out the window and the other the TV
She thought this was very novel and came out and sat on a blanket watching TV. But soon after she went down.

I bet you never ironed your boots before you bulled them, it stoppped the polish from cracking. Just as we put folded cardboard into our turn ups to make them look better. l was so naive that l totally believed the men when they said if you urinate into you boots it makes the leather softer, but the next day we went on a route march, and l had to report sick with blisters and got booked for deliberately making myself ill!

At Sandhurst we were allowed to wear shoes, and on parade one day we had to mark time and my fluorescent pink socks flashed, l got two weeks in the cook house for that!

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:03 pm
by sanjays mummi
Nobody ever.told us to iron our shoes my husband Never put cardboard in turnups because by then they didn't have them The coach took us to Runnymede birthplace of democracy, we sailed down the Thames, past Windsor Castle Eton College and Beryl Reids adorable "Honeypot cottage", we had a superb ploughmans lunch on board, then sailed back to Runnymede. Then we visited Her Majesty's gardens, I shopped and even bought Sanjay a heart shaped seed bar. At 4pm it was cream tea time in the cafe, Earl Grey with lemon for me homemade scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam. It was cool on board both boat and coach but the outside temperature was line a furnace. I saw some rather splendid Manderin ducks.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 12:38 pm
by AJPeter
How nice! I was going to tell you that once l went with a party by coach to Windsor where three of us hired a rowing boat l think they are called skiffs. We rowed to Egham and turned round to come back but the tide had turned and we only just made it back to the coach! Did the tour organisers show you the spot where Eton school boys would swim naked in the Thames?

NS days we wore kharki trousers with gaiters, those days are best forgotten!

Was Sanjay pleased tp see you? Poor Billie is having a very frustrating time she wants the cat box, today l made her go into her cage before l fetched it, and put it on the table and then opened her cage. After spending an hour in the sun we came in, but l had a job getting her out of the cat box in the end used two perches and after a lot of shilly shalling she got on one and was put in the cage with door closed while l took out the cat box. In a few days time that little cage l ordered from Northern Parrots will be here and she might take to it in a better way than the cat box.

At least people will be able to see more of her.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:02 pm
by sanjays mummi
Much nicer than a cat box, more ventilation too. No, we weren't even told the Eton boys skinny dipped, eeoow! Think of the pollution they could cause. Yes, I think Sanjay was pleased to see me, but he was more pleased to see the big heart shaped seedy bar Is brought back, if it was good enough for Windsor, it was good enough for his more modest palace. Jet lag today, and aching, so I'm glad I begged a long weekend off work. They should bring National Service back, far too many unemployable yobs around these days.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:18 pm
by AJPeter
Are yobs male? Are you being sexist? Two years compulsory service would be okay but the cost would be prohibitive, l think they should be made to do voluntary work or have their benefit cut.

Today has been a diamond day, Billie was on my shoulder and l went into the bath room to inspect the plumbing she has given up trying to see whence the water flows, but she flew to the clothes hiorse and l turned on real water for her. I left her alone fro a few minutes and when l got back she was upside down faning her tail. She got really wet, and was ready to come out on my shoulder.

After Brunch Billie went into her cage so l could get the cat box, and we sat outside for an hour and then a neighbour joined us, and we enjoyed the sun another 30 minutes it was funny watching her when my neighbour talked she sat on his side of the cat box and when l talked she sat on my side.

There were no problems with getting her out of the box when we came inside. She wanted dinner early because after a tiring day she wanted to go to bed at 5.30 pm. There was no noise from her as as l watched Tv for two hours and so l came into the bedroom as l left l thanked for such a nice day.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:46 pm
by sanjays mummi
Real water? Is there another sort?. Actually quite a few of our volunteers have been sent by the job centre, the trouble is, some are only interested in adding it to their CV, and are not thorough, and a few Weeks ago £70 disappeared from the till, when the Job Centre sends them, they don't need to fill out an application form and supply referees. So quite frankly there boss takes a jaundiced view of this "work for benefits" idea.. If NS would cost too much, maybe Boot Camp would work just as well. On the subject of volunteers being sent by the JC, quite a lot are no good to us anyway they have quite serious mental health issues, one girl is partially sighted, and can only put one item through the till.
Anyway, Sanjay was in an affable mood today,and stayed up a wee bit later, going to bed at 8.15pm, partly because he was sharing an orange with me.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:59 pm
by AJPeter
What time does Sanjay get up? When l uncover Billie she looks like death warmed up, and it takes her a few minutes before she poops, that done she is on the move demanding l get a move on.

Real water, when l go for a pee l call it inspecting the plumbing and if Billie is sitting on my shoulder she is curious about the splashing water, but when she has a shower it is with real water.

That is terrible about the stolen money and a charity shop too! So scrap the voluntary work idea, it will cost too much.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 1:24 pm
by sanjays mummi
That's not all, AJ, we get shoplifters too. Mostly they steal from the window, brand new designer label handbags, a beautiful crystal lotus candle holder, and we can't block the windows off, then there are the empty hangers..... We had dogs and cats who accompanied us to the bathroom, the dogs had the savvy to wait outside, just in case they got bathed. With one exception, daughter had a Boxer bitch who would leap into the bath with you if you forgot to shut the door, "bath with a friend" took on a whole new meaning.Sanjay hasn't seen my wetroom, and probably doesn't care to. I was bathing my grandson Jack this evening, he's two almost three, he wouldn't get out, so I pulled the plug.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 2:01 pm
by AJPeter
Poor little bugger. Make the most Jack soon he will soon shut out. I worked in a clothing shop, RGPecry for a number of years and a man grabbed an armful of clothes and ran off l chased after him but every so often he would drop a garment, so he got away.
Today has been one of those beautiful days, no biting, no screaming, does everything without having to be told twice. She went into her cage while l fetched the cat box and then went into that with out a murmur. We were sitting under the shade of a lime tree and when l dozed off. Billie is a bit funny in that she does not like me dozing, lf l have been asleep too long she beeps just to make sure l an still alive, also she does not like me kneeling either. Now l was dreaming about my neighbours using a flat iron on my arm to smooth the skin when Billie beeped and l found the sun had moved round and was now on my arm!

We came in after an hour and watched TV. I was debating whether l would do some cooking it is Shepherd pie tonight we both love that when she started getting agitated so l started the cooking and we sat down to a repast fit for a king, she scoffed hers in her bowl in record time but left a few scraps and then wanted to go to bed, l was still eating mine, but she insisted. After l had cleared away the dishes l was sitting down to enjoy watching tv when she made a lovely call and l lifted the blanket and she was sitting by the door to be let her out, I thought she wanted to watch the Tv. She is a bit short sighted and likes to sit on the back of a chair situated half way between the Tv and her cage, but now she did not come out but made a round of her dishes looking for the last of the Shepherd pie l had already cleared away!

So after not finding it she thought the better part of valour would be to make strategic retreat and so l covered her up again, not a peep. She sleeps 15 hours. BTW do you know where l can get a pair of spectacles for short sighted parror?

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 3:54 pm
by sanjays mummi
No idea, we had a myopic Persian cat years ago, could not find her spectacles either. I thought only Road runner beeped?, has Billie been watching cartoons?. Jack visited, Sanjay went into conniptions, I had to cover the cage because he was panting, I had a nephew who had a similar effect on our dogs, he walked in and they were out of there!. When my daughter was waiting for the taxi, I picked a flower from my little front garden, Jack likes flowers, he looked at me sternly and said "Granma! you will get into trouble!", so we had to explain that it was My garden.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:36 pm
by AJPeter
How literal do small children get. Billie has done everything by the book today she went into her cage and the cat box materialised like the Tardis, Billie has taken an aversion to the water bottle l put on the front of the cat box so she could have a drink it has a red top which makes her see red!

The Travelling cage for a small bird arrived today, how small is small? Billie helped me assemble it but l put my finger in her beak again and blood was the consequence. Gone are the days when she listened to my complaint "That hurt" A couple of finches maybe a wren or two, but an Alexandrine?
Think again! I was hoping she would go inside to try it out, no way.

I put it in the loft, it might be handy to have a small cage in hand, sort of thing. But since she is better behaved with the cat box the need for a small cage has gone. However she tried it on at bed time hoping the cat box would materialise again, l just ignorred her and eventually she got the message and got on her sleeping perch/

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 2:05 pm
by sanjays mummi
Coo!, Billies a bit of a Carnivore isn't she?. Sanjay was stressed again today, there are guys right outside laying new pavement, so I let him stay out as long as he wanted, and play with his cat balls. After a while, he went back in and started eating his peaches and strawberries. The poor little lad hasn't been having much luck lately, what with Jack bouncing around like Tigger, and now these nasty noisy men too close for comfort.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 12:46 pm
by AJPeter
What l want to know is what happened to Monday? All of a sudden at 3 pm l realized it was tuesday and l have not done the weekly shop and the cupboard is bare! I had a rumage around in the Freezer's bottom and found a liver casserole with three slices of bread and marge and a yogurt it had to do.

We had a collie called tigger but it started to mount my sister so my parents gave the dog away and the new owner lived in Hertfordshire. Tigger had a way of thumping the door with his tail to let us know he wanted to come in and weeks later we heard the Thump thump and there was Tigger! He had found his was back to Croydon must have been 60 miles. They gave him away again and we never saw Tigger again.

As long as l keep my hand and face out of her beak we are all right! Not to speak of the neighbours who clump around in their boots. My neighbour has been reasonably quiet. Well l have not heard her above the air conditioner and over head fan which between them make a dickens of a noise, so l turn up the hifi to drown them out, and becasue l cannot sleep with all that noise l stuff my ears with plugs!

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 1:03 pm
by sanjays mummi
It would have been better to have had the dog castrated, no point in passing the humping problem to another person. Sanjay was much more philosophical about the road works today, and quite affable, he burst into song this afternoon.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 12:22 pm
by AJPeter
Billie does not sing, does not talk, but she has a raucous shriek, a wicked bite but a lovely temperment, just like today, l did my shopping, came back and played the organ, but she was making a lot of noise and flying to the door l thought she wanted the cat box untii she started to paddle in her swming pool and the penny dropped she wanted a shower! Then we had brunch together and after she knows the ropes too well she was sitting in her cage waiting for the cat box to materialise. And so we spent an hour in the garden, l put her in the sunshine but she made it clear she prefers the shade.

We both agreed it was time to come in, but she would not come out of the cat box so l left her to make up her mind, then after dinner l was going to close down the cage but again she made it clear that she prefers the top up and the blanket covering it raised. Is there any need to talk when she says so much already!

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 7:07 am
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay may have a better nature than Billie, he never bites, a little nibble maybe, virtually a kiss. But he has a wicked way of making a chuckling sound when he scores a hit with a cat ball dropped from the chandelier on to my head. Misting showers are "in" at the moment, Almonds are out of favour, he just loves walnuts best of all, closely followed by peanuts in their shell. He still hasn't been able to finish the big seed heart I brought back from Runnymede last Thursday!,

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 12:16 pm
by AJPeter
Sanjay is a Ring neck but Billie is an Alexandrine, she had a very rough first two or three years of her life, mostly she is very sweet and loving but sometimes especially when she gets frustrated she lashes out, and l do tease her. So l get my just deserts.

In the pet shop we had an old Macaw and when he bit you he would dance and laugh, l think he loved the taste of blood, when Billie has biten me she turns on the charm.

Today was a first, she joined me on the table with her cornflakes, mostly because l dip her cornflakes in water but mine are in milk, l had to go out to the kitchen and when l got back she was standing on the rim of my cereal bowl for one minute l thought she is going to dive in but she turned around and left me with a nasty taste in my mouth suppose she pooped in my cereal? It left me wondering what Parrot poop tastes of, but before l could find out she flew back to the cage.

We were having a nap this afternoon and the answer came to me, parrot poop tastes of parrot poop!

Billie will pick up a monkey nut but as soon as she tastes the peanut inside she drops it. She does not like nuts period, although for a while she liked cheshnuts.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:08 pm
by sanjays mummi
Eeeoow!, have you ever seen a dogs "eeoow" expression?, one evening when daddi came home I gave the dogs a Bonio each to stop them barking, Luke, our baby, put his down to go and have a pee, meanwhile, Amy, his granny, had scoffed hers at speed and had her eye on his, not wishing to get scruffed by him, she peed on his Bonio and stood back, Luke came racing back and went to pick it up, and That was the classic "eeoow" moment! He curled his lips and nose up, and walked away, so Amy got her wish and scoffed it anyway. I gave Luke another one.
When we visited Henlow pet centre, there was a blue and gold Macaw, he was hanging upside down in the middle of his cage by his talon, as we walked by, he shouted "Oi!" In a very deep male voice!, turned out he was a she hmm, very feminine Not!

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:14 pm
by AJPeter
Because our Macaw was in the middle of the shop the local children used to teach it swear words and on day a gentleman said to me "Is your parrot saying what l think it is saying?"
"No it is saying Fraggle rock!"
I thought Charlie was a female but he could wolf whistle and many a lady came to me to complain.
Good for Luke,

I was reading aboutClaire and her BF letting their birds share a meal and this made me feel jealous so l have been trying to get Bilie onto the table when l eat a meal,this evening she sampled 7 grapes and decided they were not good enough for eating, she ate from her bowl but thought it was too risky trying to eat from my plate maybe another time.

We both has a lovely day together.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:34 pm
by sanjays mummi
Amongst the potty mouthed parrots on YouTube, which do not amuse me (stoopid owners) there is an extremely funny clip, Baby, an Australian sulphur cockatoo, you cannot understand her profanities, but the interaction between her and her owner is absolutely hilarious, well worth watching. Sanjay hovers, like a hummingbird above my plate, but would rather wait nicely on his cage door for a morsel.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 12:17 pm
by AJPeter
How do you like you parrot poop in the mornings? Billie is not sure of the etiquette involved in coming to my table although she is gaining in confidence. I was going to say that when l got Billie last year she bit me a lot but as she had more sleep she stopped and last night my down stairs neighbour had an hour long row with someone at 3 am. I was sure this would affect Billie but she took it on the chin and was well behaved all day.
She wanted her box and was not going to take No for an answer, so l took her out in the rain then we came back l had just got her out of the box with some millet spray and the sun came out, so did we but it started to rain again after half an hour and she moaned like the dickens so we came in.
I just left her to make her own way home/

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 1:36 pm
by sanjays mummi
Aww, poor Billie, talk about adding insult to injury. One of our foster carers has a tiny ginger kitten, eyes not open yet, and offered it to me when I remarked it was the image of our old "MacGregor" from eons ago, I said Whilst I would love to have him, Sanjay would most definitely Not!, if it grows to MacGregor size, it will be bigger than next doors Jack Russell.
We had the same weather here today, which kept a lot of potential customers at home. Sanjay and I shared a piece of chicken at teatime.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:48 am
by AJPeter
I tried Billie with Chicken but she thinks it is to near the wick, but we shared Shepherds pie today she ate everything and came and begged more off me. We had the best sleep last night in ages but that did not stop her refusing to go back in her cage, she wanted to spend the night in the cat box.

Some Flemish rabbits grow to the size of large cats, in some videos on Youtube you can seen how parrots keep cats in order, but it might be different to established bird.

Billie and I sat out in the garden this afternoon for an hour, it was very pleasant.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 12:27 pm
by sanjays mummi
When my late husband was a boy, he bought a bunny from the market which grew into a Belgian Hare. I don't understand Billie preferring the cat box, you'd think it a bit claustrophobic. I shared cooked broccoli with Sanjay today cooked or raw, he likes it just the same, but I never give him things like shepherds pie etc,

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:13 pm
by AJPeter
Today Billie had a shower onher own, l checked her several times once she was on a lower part of the clothes horse but she seemed to enjoy the privacy but it left me a bit worried her poop was very waterery, maybe because it was in my bath!

Later l fancied she was showing a hormonal atack by bleating and heading for the floor but she seemed alright later, but could not settle at bed time, l covered her as usual but after a few minuites this little voice said "Anyone there?" And l uncovered her for awhile, but soon she wanted to be covered again.

Billie does not get much of the shepherds pie, the corn and some peas, crispy potato edging and that is all that is left l have eaten the rest. In the mornings l make up for her fresh veg bowl with brocoli
but she throws that out, she likes sugar snap pea pods , will eat a little carrot. Her fruit bowl contains some fresh peach but that is a heave ho as well, she likes white grapes, and pear sometimes apple.

Today l picked some fresh blackberries,she tried one but was not keen. I left a bowl of grapes and blackberries on the table and she has sampled some grapes but not blackberries. Billie was gnawing the cat box today and l discovered she had biten through one of plastic shutters. So l taped it up with sellotape. I shall have to watch her, or buy a cage to take her out.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:26 am
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay loves late summer, because he likes orchard fruits, Damson plums, raspberries and blackberries are on his menu, he is also partial to nectarines and "Saturn" peaches, the little flat ones, even though they are fiddly to remove the stone from. Today he decided to play with my specs, he removed them very deftly, and threw them on the floor, several times, he obviously prefers me without accessories!. I was late home today, but Sanjay was very philosophical about it, extra playtime makes up for it,

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 12:15 pm
by AJPeter
Billie does not like me wearing specs either, but when she cannot lift them she bites the plastic off. She is hates plastic, but she was very annoyed when she discovered l had taped up her attempt to escape by biting through the cat box, so she started on a new spot, but l put my foot down no more biting plastic please.

Billie does not like blackberries, actually she does not likes much fruit it is easier to contrate on what she does like. she like the cherries but l thought gatting the stones out to be too fidly so they are off.

I was getting dinner ready and she was sitting on my shoulder and l ran the kitchen tap immedaitely she was down my arm for a dip so l took her into the bath room and she had a quick shower on her own, she was not very wet when l turned the taps off, l thought it was getting too late for a shower.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 4:47 am
by alvittos
Well she did not like the whole pomegranite so it is back to quarters hanging up, recently with this hot weather l have covered her age with blankets and not put the top down, l thnk she apreciates the extra space under the blankets

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:51 am
by sanjays mummi
You've changed your name AJ,, but I shall continue with AJ. Sanjay has just eviscerated Two Passion Fruit!, now he is starting on his Kiwi fruit. He asked for a misting this morning.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 12:21 pm
by AJPeter
Yes please, where that other post came from is any ones guess, alvitos? Maybe it is a cog ignite? But if you are going to use big words it could be snail mail, eviscerated sounds like elvis cremated and probably is.

However, misting is no longer any good for Bilie she has to have a shower in the bath room, l think she wants this because she can eviscerate in my bath, actually she is in the dog house becasue she won't stop chewing the cat box so until l can find an alternative wire box, such as a budgie cage and l cannot afford those travelling boxes sold by Northern Parrots, Argos sell a collapseable cage but l think the mesh will be too big. And the wire cage l bought form Northern Parrots is far too small!

She would not come out of the cat box today, no amount of turning it upside down made any differnce she just hung on, so l undid it and took the top away and she still would not come out so l tipped the lower section on its side and forced her out, but she was not very pleased.

It might be a blessing in disguise, because everytime l doze off in the sun she wakes me with a "Are you all right?" Squeak. Now she will be left behind when l go out to sit in the sun. It was a year ago thatl was sitting out in the sun and she was thrown out of an upstairs window, it is amazing that a year has passed, none too quickly l hasten to add

Billie does not like Kiwi fruit and she turned her nose up at the passion fruit l bought before and as l have to eat up her remaindes l l do not like Kiwi or passion fruit.


Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:04 pm
by sanjays mummi
If "Alvitos" was trying to be you, how very sad. Eviscerate, literally, he completely empties the shell, and then some. Elvis was buried in his favourite car, I believe. Anyway, I love Kiwi fruit, they contain an entire days RDA of vitamin C. But I'm not a lover of Passion fruit, and its the seeds himself loves so much. Erm, did Billie literally fall into your life? Did someone throw her?, aww, if that was the case, I hope they got their comeuppance!.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:30 pm
by AJPeter
Last year l was sitting on my sun lounger in the shade when l saw a neighbour with a cat box, she was trying to entice something into it. So l walked across and saw this small green parrot on the end of the cat box. I put my hand out and it ran up my arm l used to work in a pet shop and have no fear of animals. I took the bird into my upstairs living room and put the bird on the back of a chair while l drew the curtains.
When l went back down Alan whoose bird it was said it attacked his budgies and he threw it out of the window. He offered me the parrot cage, it was huge and well battered. It had plywood all over the sides with messages "My name is Bella and l bite!" Inside were two wooden planks with stainless steel bowls one with seed and the other with water. A metal mirror with three bells, and a hanging wooden cube toy. The cage was filthy!
I helped Alan down from his upstairs flat and he helped me with putting it in my flat. The bird was on the pelmet, Alan did not say good bye or anything and when l asked 3 months later if he wanted to come and see the bird he said no. His story was that he had the bird for about two years and got it off a friend. Alan said that the bird went to sleep anywhere and flew around his living room with the two budgies and a dog. He only gave sunflower seeds with no fruit of vegs.
When Alan was evicted none of the cleaning companies would go in it was so filthy, dog mess every where, in the end our HA got some gypsies to clean the flat out.

So l inherited a bird, l re-named it Billie after Billie Holiday the jazz singer. Bought a new cage. Billie has laid ten eggs this year, had hormonal urges which l think she still has, eats like a horse, her weight has been steady at 257 grams for 6 months. She does not talk but tells me what she wants by looking, and making sounds. I am very fond of her.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 1:31 am
by sanjays mummi
I don't know who is more fortunate Billie, or you. If Alan couldn't keep his own environment clean and tidy, he obviously couldn't keep an animals clean either. Billie might surprise you with a word or two one of these days, maybe Alex's have quiet talking voices like some IRN's including himself.

Re: The adventures of Billie the wonder parrot

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 12:00 pm
by AJPeter
I think Billie is going through a hormonal relapse, so l am reviewing all her triggers, no more sweet food, grapes corn; no carbs, ie bread and potato, no fatty foods Shepherd pie is out! More flying she has become very lazy also no more lap dancing, limit the shoulder time, no more dark places such as the cat box, she was very upset when l would not let her have the cat box today. Early to bed and dark sleep for 12 -15 hours. She can chew through the plastic vents on the cat box in minutes and could escape so again l am looking for a wire cage but there will not be many sunny sit out days this year so l have all winter to look for a budgie cage with handle that does not have plasic feeders.

This idea of having her join me for meals on the table could back fire becasue today she was scoffing corn flakes and all else dipped in full cream milk and that is out l might have to eat my breakfast in the Kitchen. Dinner time she was not interested in salad off my plate.

Billie has again shown symptons of the hormanal attacks by bleating and diving for the floor of the cage where she sits. i was reading somewhere that too much water, ie showers could be bad for her.
I took drastic measures last time by moving the cage around and even moving the cage to another room keeping her to strict diet regime and no more cuddly. I hope to nip this attck in the bud and we can return to some normality.