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Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 2:57 pm
by AJPeter
Don't speak too soon, the jury is still out.

Billie prefers Shaws egg biscuit to omelettes, she turned her nose up at seconds. She tolerates me putting my hand in her cage when l do the cleaning but oh no not later in the day. This afternoon l wanted to check that the water bottle was working, NIP!!

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 3:28 pm
by sanjays mummi
Ha! That will teach you!, Sanjay only allows my hands in his cage when he is out, even if he is just sitting on top of the door nibbling at my clothing or hair. Whenever I say "come on out then" he obliges nicely. When I do a big clean, he retreats to the chandelier and watches closely, probably making sure I do a thorough job.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 1:02 pm
by AJPeter
Yes they are funny, l was cleaning Billie's cage inside and usually she tolerates my hand inside but this morning she gave me a hard nip. I closed down her cage and took the upper perch out but l relented after all she is only a bird and l put back the upper perch, she came up to the top of the cage and offered me a kiss as if to say sorry.

She had a shower and then wanted to have a bathe in her swimming (dog) bowl so she got a second shower. She dropped another tail feather today l think it is the last one.

This evening she wanted to be covered at 4.30 pm and with covers on l was watching TV with the sound up and l heard this knocking sound so turned the volume down it stopped.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:11 pm
by sanjays mummi
Maybe it was Billie?. I popped out today to get compost for my begonia corms, and there was an Asian stall with rugby ball papayas, for some reason himself prefers a slice of these rather than the little pear shaped papayas tesco sell. If I halve a tesco one he chucks it overboard. Goodness knows what difference there is in taste. They both have little peppery black seeds. Anyway, its the Vernal equinox tomorrow what we Pagans call Eostre, you can see where the word "Easter" came from. I've told Sanjay No Easter eggs ta very muchly!

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 12:54 pm
by AJPeter
Billie and I did not think much of the eclipe, in fact we never saw it, l was waiting for it to go dark but it never did. But she has been behaving strangely today as if she some thing was up.

Herself has gone off corn on cob and pomegranite is also off, l am at my wits end (not that l have any) trying to find some fresh for her to eat. She still likes swede, brocoli, sweet peas, cabbage. The chicken l bought l have eaten it. I tried her with papaya but she did not like it.

The last time Gordon came she flew to his shoulder but today when he came she flew to my shoulder. Her downstairs has been very quiet, still mustn't complain.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 2:30 pm
by sanjays mummi
Funnily enough, Sanjay seemed a bit unnecessary when the eclipse was going on, it went a bit dull but not dark, then, as if to add insult to injury, the gas servicing guy came to do the annual safety check himself stayed glued to back perch on one leg the whole time he was here. I asked Sanjay "are you alright?" and he made his usual noise of assent. My boiler needs a bigger pipe, so it was "condemned". No hot water Or heating this time, sigh.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:33 pm
by AJPeter
You are having a tough time you should demand a reduction in the rent it is always a worry when the annual gas check takes place, a couple of years ago they condemmed my LR gas fire and l was fortunate that the HA allowed a new one to be fitted, but a neighbour was told last year that the money had run out and he would have to make do with an electric fire.

On a cold and frosty morning there is nothing like a gas fire going flat out to warm the LR. Most of the flats (21) here had central heating installed but that is too hot for me so l refused. The lady downstairs has central heating but she cannot afford to run it full on so she supplements it with parafin heaters. (Stink.)

We had a bit of a fight over the hamster cage Billie would not go in it so l had to towel her and she would not let go of perch, but a crafty hand hold from underneath and bingo she was in the cage and we went outside but it was quite cold so we came back in pronto, but l was pleased she gave the thumbs up to the perch in the hamster cage.

I sat down in my leather reclining swivel chair and something went bang and l could no longer swivel. I dug out the guarantee. Would you believe it? the guarantee ran out 9 days ago. So l ordered a new chair form Argos but they want 7 weeks to deliver, so l turned over the chair and lo and behold discovered a previous repair when a bolt sheared off so l put in a temporary bolt and it is okay. But l wondered why l had not claimed on the guarantee and l found out when l read it, the guarantee does not cover for wear and tear!

And l expect if l can buy some new bolts and cancel my order they will have taken the money already and will take weeks to put it back! Oh well such is life!

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:50 pm
by sanjays mummi
We canceled a three piece suite from Argos because it wasn't delivered when they said it would Twice!. Sanjay has emptied his millet holder Twice today, scoffed the lot!. Its only the pipework the baby gas man said, its too small, that's peculiar I replied it was put in twenty years ago, how come nobody has noticed before now?, he said its ok to use, but he had to condemn it to cover his back what a twit!. As it hasn't given me problems with its "too small" pipes thus far, I am using it anyway, it was bitter cold today.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 12:54 pm
by AJPeter
Gas men have to abide the regs laid down by H&S if something ghastly were to happen they could end up in prison, so be careful not to upets them as they could condemn your gas appliance and then where would you be?

I often think Argos buy slightly imperfect goods but l think it is the manuafacturers dumping their bad stock on Argos customers hoping we won't compain.

I give Billie a sprig of millet wrapped up in paper as a foot toy, but recently she has not eaten all the millet.

I bought a Dyson cool desk fan (Argos) and it so good l thought throwing out my pedestal fan (Argos) but now l have put that at the bottom of the stair case on an extension lead now if my stair well stinks of canabis l can switch the fan on from up stairs and do not need to have the window open so wide which was a worry in case Billie got out in the stair well she would be out of the open window like a shot.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:47 pm
by sanjays mummi
Have you ever planted "Crown Imperial" bulbs? This elegant spring showstopper smells Exactly like cannabis!, it is described as a "foxy" odour. I think Sanjay must be pregnant, another holder of millet went down the little red road today. The guy said He, personally Would use the boiler, last time he came out when I had problems with the boiler, he made matters worse, and a grown up gas man had to sort it out, he condemned the boiler upstairs for the same reason, both boilers installed at the same time, methinks he isn't considering the difference between the old system of measurements to metric.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 11:42 am
by sanjays mummi
Yus, Definitely pregnant, he demolished a cuttlebone in Minutes today!, anyway, read the Liberta article in "parrots" mag, now they issue a booklet with new cages, About Time!, all we got were smudgy diagrams on A4 paper, and the fun and games with the Liberta Discovery roof!, countless phone calls and they didn't know how it went on, finally, daddi thought he'd try "springing" it, and it worked, but only after he tied rope to it and braced himself against a wall!, fortunately the Raleigh roof bolted on. When I got home today himself was asking to come out and play, but he had to wait until the groceries had been put away, and I had changed into Sanjay safe clothes. Oy vey!

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 12:32 pm
by AJPeter
Is your landlord responsible for gas boilers?

I think Billie's egg laying days are over until next year, (I hope) she has not touched the cuttle fish bone, although a put a little oyster shell in seed bowl just for her feathers. Billie ate a lot of cuttlefish bone when she was laying, so what will Sanjays name become if he lays an egg? Hardly Miss Sanjay.

Maybe he is bisexual like snails, when two snails meet each other they wave their antenna around and the one who rapes the other becomes the daddy and on who gets raped is the mommy!

I know my neighbours think l am eccentric but l wonder what they would think if they saw me planting 100 watt bulbs!

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 2:19 pm
by sanjays mummi
100 bulbs? Wot?, yes my landlord is responsible, and they're obviously in No hurry to get me hot water and heating, I half expected them to contact me today with an appointment. Because I call himself sweetie as a term of endearment, he will still be sweetie, but Sanjay to my little grandson, to avoid confusion. He doesn't eat the cuttlebone so much as nibble and spit out, but he gets a lot of play value for 50p,, you can't get much else for 50p these days.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:53 pm
by AJPeter
Yes l should have said long life bulb, so the nest idea is on the back burner?

l was a in bit of hurry this morning and l was just about to go out when l realized l had not checked my bank accout so quickly switching on when Norton safe search asled me if l want to make it my home page and with out thinking l clicked yes/ Big mistake

How ever l dealt with the bank and then tried to get IE back but in my haste clicked AOL that is impossible to dislodge l had to type IE address in the address bar before AOL would let go even now it is not right.

But all the time l was in the BR l could hear Billie chirping away and whistling my tunes but she never does that when l am there.

She had a small piece of omelette and a crust for Tea.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 1:50 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay and I shared purple sprouting broccoli. Why don't you set everything back on Default browser?. Nest box?, he never goes down to his basement area!. No, as much as I may joke, Sanjay is just a greedy little thing!, a couple of times this evening, he almost landed on me, but wussed out at the last minute.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 12:48 pm
by AJPeter
It was not until MissK suggested that l put s perch a few inches off the bottom and Billie went down that low, but she chewed that perch in half but she regularly makes forays to the bottom realm. (Billie not MissK!)

Today she wanted a shower and later another shower and then she started to skiiny dip so l topped up her swimming pool so that she is in up to her neck/


Water wings for an Alex parrot.

I think if she keeps this up she could be soon in over her head!

Sometimes it is a little difficult to read Billie's signals, l bought a soft dragon shape toy which l call Oodles because he is short of noodles, Billie tolerated it on her cage but she tries to attack me when Oodles flies in, l thought she would be better off with out him so l took Oodles out of the cage and Billie flew to my shoulder and started to bite my neck!

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 2:04 pm
by sanjays mummi
Coo!, a vampire!, sunglasses rather than water wings, maybe?

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:38 pm
by AJPeter
I put little snacks on top of her cage and on the side where Oodles sits she went to get a snack and looked at Oodles as if to ask permision, or to see whether he was going to slap her down.

Does Sanjay get upset at sunset? Bille does she stands on tip toe and sends out an alarm or distress call, she looks very worried.

I have left Oodles in her cage over night but since he cost me £5 l do not want to see him ripped to pieces over night, so he flies in from his night stand and sits by her upper perch.
Billie tries to grab him as he passes but after he has landed she ignores him until it is time to go to bed when he flies out.

Oodles is a weather dragon if you ask him nicely he will tell you whether it is going to rain.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 2:15 pm
by sanjays mummi
You really should get out more. No, I close my curtains at sundown, and himself doesn't care either way, he has his own personal sunlight, (UV). Did you watch Richard III's internment?, I found it rather beautiful, and moving, especially the poem, written by Carol Ann Duffy, and read by Benedict Cumberbatch, (who is also a descendent).
Henry VIII was wrong to assume, by executing Margaret, Countess of Salsbury, he'd killed off the last Plantagenet.
Hey ho, Sanjay has stopped destroying seed bars, cuttle bones and toys, for now anyway.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:49 pm
by AJPeter
I neither watch nor go to funerals, my motto is let the dead bury the dead. I won't even go to my own! However l think the burial of King Richard 111 has sparked interest by a lot of people in history, which is a good thing.

As for going out l am too busy, although l did dash out today and went to Tesco's as Billie has shown an interest in pomegranites again, she polished off a quarter yesterday and l got four lovely ones.

I have sprained a tendon in my foot so walking is a bit painful. It is getting better.

Gordon came today and we went through the hymns l shall be playing in sunday. Billie was sitting on top of her cage but with out warning she flew to Gordon's shoulder and bit him on the neck. She was contrite after l told her off but these past weeks she has become quite difficult trying to bit me if l stray too close to her cage.

I think she is wrapeed up in the royal birth.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:57 pm
by sanjays mummi
I think she has an identity crisis, she thinks she is a vampire bat. The larger pipes were installed today, I was never in any danger, it was to do with new regulations, and better energy efficiency. I have always loved history, got one of my O levels in history, because I loved the subject. I don't need to teach Sanjay new tricks, we played fetch this evening, he tossed his little jingly cat balls over the deck, I picked them up and gave them back to him he has me extremely well trained.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:49 pm
by AJPeter
I was quite worried this after noon Bilie was standing on top of her cage makiing strange calls l went over to her and saw Oodles had fallen (knocked off) from his perch and was face down in the swimming pool. I squeezed him out Billie was very worried she thought she had killed Oodles but calmed down when l told her it was an accident, and Oodles would be all right.

Billie does not do "Tricks" partly becasue l cannot be bothered to teach her and partly l am against the idea of perfoming animals/birds/reptiles etc. As for O levels l never had any my father said to me "Why are you always bottom of the class?" I tried to tell him. that was the one thing l could do well. I was the class clown and still am!

Billie has sevral levels of biting, a pinch to blood and everything else between, this morning she tried to bite me as l took a bowl out. I told that was not very nice, she was very contrite all morning. But took it out on Oodles.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:51 pm
by sanjays mummi
Better to be top of a low class than bottom of a high one. Sanjay doesn't care if his toys drown etc, he is quite mercenary, and I don't teach tricks either, our dogs were trained for Obedience Agility, and the show ring, but none of that "begging", "roll over" pointless stuff. Anyway, I am so pleased Sanjay never bites, let alone draw blood, although he does dive bomb me sometimes, I just squeak his toy at him and he retreats to the chandelier looking quite put out by it.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 12:23 pm
by AJPeter
Bless his cotton socks. Billie had a shower before l went to church she just sat on top of the clothes horse looking miserable, when l came home she started to skinny dip but she has not got the hang of swiiming yet, she just hung on in the deepend with her beak. Then after all was done l headed for the door to make breakfast and she flew to my shoulder and as l walked past the bathroom she leant towards it and bleated so l took her in for another shower. I left her on the top rung.

After breakfast l went back to see how she was doing and she had gone down to almost the bottom rung of the clothes horse and was enjoying the shower with wings open. After spraying her from all sides she consented to end the bathing session.

Now the clocks have gone forward l get Billie up an hour earlier and she moans like the dickens. But she still wants to go to bed at the same time.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 12:55 pm
by sanjays mummi
We always fed our dogs at the same times every day, regardless of british summer time they Still started looking for their food at that exact time, On new years day, Sanjay always tells me, "hurry up with my rations!, I haven't eaten since last year"

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 12:21 pm
by AJPeter
Ha Ha very good!

Recently Billie has been biting more, l told her this morning "Stop that! I will give you to the RSPCA if you bite me again." The bites are more playful nips than real biting well she stopped. I thought she was beginning to have a closset thing like Eilie's Janey, but she only asked once for a shower, and she has not bothered with her swiming pool.

She has started to eat pomegranites again still eats the corn cob, and as l was playimng my organ she wanted to come down onto the key board and walked up and down sounding the notes but she was hoping l was not looking when she tried to eat one of the soft buttons, but l was watching her closely.

I love the way she eats orange segments, she picks them up and tillt her head back squeezing the segment and gulping the juice down.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 2:57 am
by sanjays mummi
I tried to reply last night, but kept getting a "Not Acceptable" message. I got divebombed and nibbled twice yesterday, when I took his babble ball to change the battery, and when I put it back afterwards.Sanjay can be very territorial at times.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:51 am
by AJPeter
Sometimes the internet plays up but l have never had a "Not acceptable" message before most of my messages are "IE has stopped respondong"

I think Billie has been reading Sanjay's emails because she dive bombed me today, claws out stretched and beak ready to grab some skin all because l would let her come out shopping with me.

Billie does not like my hand in her cage unless l am cleaning and even then she tuts like a mad tutterer.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 12:44 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay is the same, he has to vacate the palace before I'm allowed to clean etc.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:25 pm
by AJPeter
Our poor forum taken over by a junk mail, what can be done to stop it, if we had to sign on would that help?

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 2:43 pm
by sanjays mummi
Its the only forum I belong to which has this problem, and we do sign in. Sanjay likes the sound of my steam iron, he waffles when it hisses!.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:54 am
by AJPeter
Maybe he wants to mate with it, I managed to persuade BIllie to take some Shaw's egg biscuit from the top of the hamster cage, l want her to get used to it so we can go out into the garden when it gets warmer. She took some from the top of the cage but refused to go in after a small piece of polo mint.

I do not sign in!

What other parrot IRN sites do you belong to? Maybe l could join?

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 1:26 pm
by sanjays mummi
Only this one, my other forums are for Pagan folk. I haven't tried to get himself into his little carry case yet, not sure about it as the grille is thick plastic and probably chewable. I'm giving him a hard boiled hens egg on Sunday, he had one for the Vernal Equinox in March, might as well have one for the orthodox Easter. We shared almonds today, roasted ones which he actually liked, he normally won't touch the ordinary ones.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 12:15 pm
by AJPeter
Northern parrots have a blog page but l only visit it, Billie is the same, l am trying to get her to go into the hamster cage voluntarily so we can go out into the garden she used to walk into the cat box but chewed the plastic so l thought it was unsafe to take her out.
She takes egg biscuit from the top.

Billie does not like boiled egg says it give her nighmares. She does like some millet wrapped up in a £5 note but does not go for the honey. In the mornings when l uncover she takes some time to get going but l think she is sleeping 14 hours a day s but judging from the mess in the bottom of her cage she is up half the night chewing on the wood sticks

I bought one of those green plastic holders for the paper roll, l told Gordon it was her loo paper, l think her believed me!

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 1:13 pm
by sanjays mummi
Wonderful!, visitors think the babble ball noises are Sanjay!. What a change from yesterday weather wise, it was glorious yesterday, but dismal and damp today, "good" Friday?, hmm. We shared an Abernathy biscuit, I think himself likes the oats. Have you read Scarletts Parrots introduction to her "staff"? It is really sweet and funny. They are also extremely efficient with delivery too. Do you watch "Eastenders"?, I Love the parrot wallpaper in the Queen Vic's living quarters.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 11:39 am
by AJPeter
My day is not long enough to do all l want, and no l do not watch soaps l think they are not realistic, l get up a 7 am potter and wake Billie at 7.30 am by the time l have cleaned her cage, mats and hoovered the carpet, it is breakfast, then played my organ for 2 hours, gone for a 20 minute walk sat down for lunch and worked out what l want to record and watched yesterdays recordings, put up with Biillie wanting to be covered at 4 pm, watched the news had dinner and spent an hour or two on the computer it is time for bed at 10 pm.

No l have not read Scarlettts intro but are they any quicker then Northern Parrots? I have just joined a US of A Organ forum they seem to have the same problems with spammers as we do.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 12:34 pm
by sanjays mummi
Yes, Scarletts deliveries are next day. Eastenders is the only soap I watch, precisely because it IS realistic. The others are farces by comparison. My daily routine isn't as rigid as yours seems to be, I don't much care for predictability, I keep to a time scale with Sanjay, but flexible because anything could happen and often does. He has to fit in with me, not t'other way around.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:43 am
by AJPeter
Lucky you, Billie rules the roost, she gets etchy if l do not do what she wants immediately!
On sunday mornings she tries to stop me going to church by continually flying to my shoulder but this morning she sat dejectedly watching me go. She has a massive building project in mind l keep giving her twiggs for to add to the grand design, l chide her "How's the nest coming along?"

I gave her a foot toy as usual this afternoon but l put it on the hamster cage she took one look and pretended it was not there so l gave in and placed it on her cage she enjoyed it down to the last seed.

Tomorrow is going ot be a nice day, l shall try and take har out and we can sit in the sun for breath of fresh air.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 3:10 pm
by sanjays mummi
We are due some consistently fine days, and the sky was pleasingly red this evening. I watched a tear Jerker yesterday called "Hatchi" about a shiba inu dog, anyway, one morning he tried to get his owner to miss his train, but the guy managed to catch it, he collapsed and died at work, it was based on a true story, you must tell Billie they are only films, and not to take them literally!.
Withhold the bit about it being based on a true story, tho'. I hope you are enjoying your holiday.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:20 am
by AJPeter
Billie dropped a flight featheer today, l thought she had finished molting, but she had been very itchy the last few weeks. Today we had two showers the second she climbed down the clothes horse almsot into the bath and got really wet. I helped by spraying, l like the look on her face when l squirt the water up under her, "Cheeky!"

I am not sure whether she understands the plot but everytime l look at her she is staring intently at the screen, she moans when l turn the sound down to play my organ. "YOU CANNOT HAVE THE SOUND UP AND LISTEN TO MY ORGAN!" I tell her but l think she is saying "Well stop playing!" However she does enjoy my playing she flies to my shoulder and walks down my arm onto the keyboard and struts up and down l think she is getting the hang of chords.

I missed Hatch, with Virgin l get Eurosport and watch the cycling.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 1:23 pm
by sanjays mummi
I have Tivo, you could have recorded it tho'. Himself was in a destructive mood today, millet holder emptied, (not necessarily eaten) twice two seedy bars broken and demolished, (not necessarily eaten). Then when I refused to waste more, he got all indignant!. With a break from them,he might appreciate them more.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:01 pm
by AJPeter
Parrot vs Human, who wins? Well round one want to Billie. It was such a nice day today l thought we could sit out in the garden. She would not go in the Hamster cage, l put treat after teat in but she just ignorred them. I l tried to towel her but she is getting too good at dodging the towel even finding a safe refuge on top of my head! I had a good idea by getting the cat box out of storage, she was interested but she would not go in that either.
I gave her the treats just to make sure she still liked them and yes she enjoyed them.

If it is a nice day tomorrow she can fiddle while l enjoy my new deck chair in the garden. and l shall call out just to make her jealous.

Perhps Sanjay got out of bed on the wrong side?

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:15 pm
by sanjays mummi
I refilled millet holder, but the result was the same, he enjoyed a piece or two of sesame seed ryvita, likes the flora light too. I had a doctors appointment and promised I wouldn't be long, stupid thing to do, I had a half hour wait, followed by a long queue at the chemists, blood tests tomorrow, a whole raft of them, reminds me of Tony Handcocks remark in "the blood donor" sketch. The weather today was glorious, himself spent ages singing priddy toons

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:04 am
by Little Buttercup
Aj, I got tons to read here, too many stories piling up and not getting the chance to read through. Hope your Billie is doing well and happy. :)


Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 11:41 am
by AJPeter
Thank you Ash and Sanjays mummi for your posts/

I have just had the best day ever with Billie, it started early 7.15 am when the covers came off she was half asleep but l had a lot to do, first her cage and bowls then l left her to eat her breakfast she hate this as she wants to eat when l am there however house work called, and l emptied all the bins and put the rubbish out. She knows when l open the kitchen door leading to the stairs, l think she listens for the door openning, and she gave a little call but l was back in two shakes and persuaded her to have a shoulder ride to the bath room where l left her on the clothes horse with warm water running from the shower, as l hoovered the LR.

So after the fllor was nice and clean l went back to fetch her, she was quite wet and l sprayed her as well, then we went back into the LR, afer dumping her on the cage l went for my breakfast, l had to keep on calling back to reassure her, but soon all was done.

I sat down to play the organ and she flew to my shoulder, she was leaning forward so l looked around to see what she was doing and she reached up and gave me lots of kisses on my lips. Sweet!

Lunch consisted of toast and soup, she enjoyed a crust of wholemeal bread, then we settled down to watch TV and she flew to my shoulder and just sat there watching the cycling with me. I put Oodles inside the hamster cage but got no reaction from Billie after a little while l went and told Oodles off for going into Billie's cage, she was very impressed,

I put a sprig of millet on the cage and she flew down to eat it so l placed some egg biscuit on the perch inside the cage she tried to reach it from the top but knocked it off so she had to climb inside and ate some of it sitting on the perch, but soon lost interest and came out and flew back to her cage, she was just as sweet at bedtime and went in at 5 pm

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 11:49 am
by AJPeter
Remind me please of Tony Hancocks remark, l wish Billie would sing more we did share a duet when she was looking out of the window and saw a bald head man, she goes potty over bald men she stood up and sang so l joined in

I must try ryvita for Billie not sure Flore light is good for her.

Ash how are you and your birds tell all your news.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:08 pm
by AJPeter
Thank you Ash so reminding me it was your bird and not Donovan's. As to the sex of your birds, eggs would clinch it.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:37 pm
by sanjays mummi
From what I remember, Hancock said "a pint?, that's an armful!". The blood test took just as long, an hours wait, we All seem to have "fasting" ones, which means we go as early as possible so we can get back for coffee and bickies. So I had to apologise to himself, again. I found some cinnamon sticks today, he enjoyed them very muchly, they made a very nice change. I might get pumpkin seed ryvita, Sanjay is very partial to pumpkin seeds. I am pleased her royal highness was in an obliging and affable mood today, you need time for all your wounds to heal!.

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:05 pm
by AJPeter
Thank you Sanjay's Mummi, today has been an all change day Billie would not go near the hamster cage , l put her treats inside but she totally ignored them tomorrow she will find Oodles has taken up residence.

We had cheese on toast today for lunch Billie thought the melted chesse too sticky! I must try Ryevita and pumpkin seeds the trouble is if she does not like it l have to eat up the remains. Although come to think of it Ryevita and cheese is okay.

Back in 1956 my mates and l gave a pint of blood they were all gone in 10 mins they scoffed the biscuut and drank the tea but poor me had wait 50 mins before the jar was full, my blood was as thick as treacle and the bad news was that they decided they could not use it when they discovered l had had rheumatic fever!

Re: Billie the wonder parrot part 4

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:54 pm
by sanjays mummi
I used to donate blood regularly, the camp beds were set up in pairs, donors laying back to back, one time, my three year old came with me, when her dad came home from work she said "mummy went to bed with a man", fortunately he knew what she meant!. Sanjay is doing serious beak work, chewing anything and everything, even his four years old mineral perches, only used for perching on up to now, are getting a good beaking to. I have given him cuttlebone, and hard baked corn cobs sold for Guinea pigs, which he worked on. Obviously he needs to do this, so I am racking my brains for ideas. The cuttlebone disappears at the speed of light!. When I uncover him these days he comes straight to his door perch for a skritch!, its nice to be loved.!