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Re: Billie

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 9:15 am
by AJPeter
Billie does not like pineapple.

The receptionist in my local doctor last week said she wanted to get a parrot for her daughter, so having thought about it over the weekend l have decided to give Billie away.
The receptionist said she would have to ask her mother, but l will have to wait.

I have had a health check and there are red warnings about a heart attack so l would not like to return to my flat after a spell in hospital to find Billie dead in her cage so l thought it best to act sooner than later.

I would not want to sell Billie it would be like selling my auntie so if you hear of any who would like an Alexandrine parrot with heaps of personality plus cage and bits please let me know.

We are having a hard time with the downstairs neighbour and her alchoholic friends with a drunken party last night, poor Billie wanted to go to bed early tonight 3 pm! It wil be early for me too ear plugs too

Re: Billie

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 11:28 am
by sanjays mummi
Oh, what a shame, it will be a sad parting for you both, and a huge empty space in your life. You have to be fair to Billie tho', and I can understand your previous posts, where you worried about Billie, if the very worst happened, my mother in law :) had angina, she took a baby aspirin every day and lived to 84. I shall miss your Billie posts, too.

Re: Billie

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 10:51 am
by AJPeter
Don't worry it has not happened yet, one of my neighbours Michael said he would give his eye teeth to look after Billie, he used to be the town drunk but now only drinks RedBull, is that alcoholic? He had a dog for many years and he always comes over to the grass verge when Billie and I sit out, to say hallo so l told him it wont be yet, no body has phoned about Billie although l did have one or two "Numbers withheld" call, l will see the people in the doctors tomorrow and tell them it is too late l am withdrawing the offer.

If Michael takes Billie l would be able to visit and see her, have to go for a blood test tomorrow so it is nil by mouth from midnight. I am hoping for a quiet night people have been leaving the flat below in their droves.

Billie and I sat out in the sun today for over an hour, she loved it but bit me when l tried to get her into the hamster cage. I postpone my walk until she had been covered up,when l got back she was fast asleep, the poor dear was up all last night with the noise.

I have a stuffed dragon called Oodles so you would get letters about Oodles if Billie goes.

Re: Billie

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 11:17 am
by sanjays mummi
Hopefully, posts about both Billie and Oodles!, if you give Michael your spare key, he would be able to assist if the worst happened. I hope your blood test results come back "fine no further action needed" as mine did. Have you thought about dog walking to get more exercise?, my next door neighbour has offered to lend me her "Dinky" dog, he's an adorably soft little Jack Russell. I haven't taken her up on it yet, as I walk into town and back at least twice a week. No guava today,so himself has big juicy globe grapes (seeded) and strawberries.Red Bull is an energy drink, it is lethal if mixed with alcohol though.

Re: Billie

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 10:56 am
by AJPeter
Well l have had the blood test, it was so nice today l asked Billie if she wanted to sit out but no answer was the stern reply so l grabbed her in a fleece blanket she struggled so much l was not sure which end l was end l was trying to stuff into the hamster cage, she saw red and flesh and bit me, well at least l knew which end was going in first!

We enjoyed sitting out for an hour, until Gordon came with the hymns for Sunday. l showed him the bite mark "You need gardening gloves" he said, and so when l covered her up l slipped out and went to the local gardening centre and bought some leather gauntlet garden gloves, l shall try them out tomorrow. So hope fully l have scotched Billie's broth

Oodles is short of noodles and is not much help in these situ's he just sits there dreaming of a maiden over. The last one he had St George rescued in the nick of time, Oodles matches were damp. Oodles is C of E (Colour of Egg).

Michael is in the habit of losing his own front door key and has to break in to get in, how ever l have told Gordon that Michael would look after Billie, that might be enough.

Re: Billie

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 1:47 pm
by sanjays mummi
Michael should buy a lanyard, or a bootlace and hang his keys around his neck or, he could attach the bootlace just inside his letterbox so he can reach in and get them, a key safe might be problematic if he has a poor memory. A friend used leather gauntlets to handle an IRN, it terrified the bird so much it bit right through the leather and drew blood. I hope it works for you. Yes, it was a glorious day here, as well, himself broke into sing song!.

Re: Billie

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 11:42 am
by AJPeter
The gardening gloves are brill. Billie was a bit scared of them at first but l persisted and grabbed hold of her. I could feel her biting through the glove but she could not bite me!
We sat out in the garden for 90 minutes, she was very vocal then we came in for lunch she wanted to go back out again after. I was a bit worried yesterday as l did not see her poop but this morning she dropped a big one but it was very black.

I asked another of my neighbours if she would look after Billie if l fell ill and Annette said no she would not because of her own health problems.

The noise maker and his cronies are strangely quiet, thank goodness!

Re: Billie

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:20 pm
by sanjays mummi
What a churlish refusal!, Billie would take her mind off her health problems. It was a proper June day again today, gloriously hot and sunny. We shared cauli/broccoli gratin, I don't add much lo salt, so himself can have some.Sanjay didn't burst into toons today, but he did a lot of people watching, "oo'er missus", through the bay window.

Re: Billie

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 11:21 am
by AJPeter
Billie likes people to come up and say hallo when she is out in the garden but none came today, l was not looking at what l was doing and she bit right through the glove so my next attempt l dangled the glove in front of her beak she grabbed the glove and l lifted her out of the cage still hanging onto the glove like grim death, but it was not easy trying to get her into the trap door of the hamster cage.

We had a lot of clouds. l was watching them they seemed to be moving into line to block out the sun, so after 30 minutes we came in, it was chilly too.

Billie shared an omelette with me, she wolfed her bit and started to complain that my bit was bigger than hers!

Re: Billie

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 12:54 pm
by sanjays mummi
That reminds me of an incident at an Exemption dog show many years ago, a lovely old lady called Claire Philips (who went on to judge at Crufts) was showing her miniature Pinscher "Charlie", he wasn't the most affable of dogs especially when his bits were examined, well, he latched on to the judges thumb, and just like Billie when the judge straightened up, Charlie was hanging on! Dangling by his gnashers!, Claire untoothed the little varmint apologised very profusely then sailed out of the show ring with great dignity!, no, Charlie wasn't a vicious lout, he was just a typical min pin.
I am not surprised Billie bit through the leather like my late friends IRN can you imagine the damage a Macaws beak could do? Or a Mollucan? . Blame it on her upbringing, before you rescued her.

Re: Billie

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 11:52 am
by AJPeter
Nearly too late, l tried that glove trick again but Billie was not having it, so I put my hand in to pick her up she bit right through leather again, l was not going to take that lying down so l grabbed her again and this time it was more painful. I was so annoyed l threw open a window and told her to go!

She stood on top of the cage and crowed, and then scuttled back inside. This is the second time she has refuesed to leave through an open window! So l went outside by my lonesome. It was lovely and l could hear her calling so l went back and tried again, this time l chased her down to the floor of the cage took out the water bowl and covered her with a fleece blanket.

I reached in with my gloves on and scooped her up, she did not struggle or try to bite me but l had a job getting the fleece blanket off her and trying to push her into the hamster cage but at last it was done and we went out and sat in the sun for two hours.

One of my neighbours came up he could hardly stand so lay down and became a pest trying to get Billie to bite his tongue so we moved sticks and went round the back and sat there it was very quiet and birds could be heard chirping Billie approved by calling back to them.

Re: Billie

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 1:22 pm
by sanjays mummi
Eeeooow! I don't blame Billie, you never know Where a tongue has been!. And, she definitely knows which side her bread is buttered, that's why she won't leave you. I keep wondering, tho', when hostilities will cease in your household, and I'm glad Sanjay and I are bezzie flat mates, mind you, he gets to do his own thing in his own way, whatever it is, today he became marginally closer to me when I was doing his housework, its only a matter of time until he plucks up the courage to sit on me.

Re: Billie

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 12:10 pm
by AJPeter
Let Sanjay go at his own pace the rewards will be worth the waiting. Billie has been trying to make amends, she flew to my shoulder gently three times before pooping and then pooped all over the cage, she was not very keen to let me clean it up she wanted her bowls done first.

I get up at 7 so hardly noticed the unholy row going on downstairs, banging doors shouted abuse the upshot was three people left, l have no idea what it was about but l was once told that alchoholics will be at each others throats one minute and the next swig from cans/

I threw the blanket over Bille but each time l tried to pick her up she squeezed out under it but eventually l managed to lift her up but trying to get her hed down through the hatch was quite hard but eventually she was sitting on the perch inside the hamster cage.

I had hope to avoid Michael by sitting round the back but Billie insisted on going round to the front, but all l got my was after an hour of l listening to drunken drivel, l used a cloud as an excuse to go in and he tapped me for a £1 but l told "You know l do not have any money!" Billie and I sat round the back where it was too hot but we clocked up another 30 minutes, although she could have sat in the shade she shullfled to the sunny end of the perch/

I had to to see the Doctor this morning about my health check, he cheered me up when finished up by saying. "See you in six months!"

Re: Billie

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 1:00 pm
by sanjays mummi
Ah, a reprieve, that Is good news, have your blood results come back yet?. I don't blame you, a pound is a pound after all, we have a dopey couple on the road, who go door to door scrounging a fiver, always a fiver, and I tell them the same. Once you start, they never stop.
You should keep a log of dates, times, and goings on, as this is Anti Social Behaviour, eventually they will be kicked out. I was late back today, so himself was clinging to his front bars in desperation, I think he wanted to send out a search party for me, but I'd bought some huge juicy blackberries from lidl, and that cheered him up no end!, he even broke out on sing song after he'd noshed a couple. Ah well, purple do do's tomorrow, no doubt.

Re: Billie

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:03 am
by AJPeter
Billie has no interest in Blackberries in fact she does not like black grapes either, l wrap a silk scarf around my neck to aviod her biting me as she lands on my shoulder, she flew several times this morning onto my shoulder l think she was intrigued with the scarf.

She pooped nicely from the top of the cage, her poop is still blackish. Recently l bought some Cockatiel mixed meal and l think this has affected her. I did my shopping forgot some of the things l wanted but they will have to wait until next week.

Went to the pet shop but they were out of Millet had to buy some packet stuff. It was too cold today to go out so we stayed in. Billie had a lovely shower going to the lower rung of the clothes horse and she got really wet.

I am fed up with complaining it is some bodies else's turn to complain.

Re: Billie

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:35 am
by sanjays mummi
If your complaints are being ignored, contact your district councillor,the library will tell you whom he or she is. It has been an extremely cold day here, roll on Summer!. We have a Residents Association on this road, headed by a self elected, self important retired PE teacher with too much time on his hands. He thinks everyone will dance to his tune by keeping their front gardens tidy, attending his "do's", and joining in his annual street clean, oy vey!, My next door neighbours are working folk, they have a pea gravel front "garden" which they don't get time to weed, and this annoys the self appointed big shot no end! He took it upon himself to soak it in Roundup!, and two little dogs live there!, , criminal damage and trespass!, one of these days it won't be a pride in Bedford award he gets, but a night in the cells. Sanjay needs more millet, the guy on the market sells three huge bunches for a pound. We haven't got a pet shop, just superstores on the outskirts.

Re: Billie

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 11:30 am
by AJPeter
I give Billie half or 1/3 of millet spray wrapped up in a five pound note oops a piece of paper usually half an envelope as a foot toy, but she is not interested in more complicated foot toys.

We have little nooks in our garden you can sit in out of the wind, it was quite nice there but the wind was cold, and we came in after an hour. Annette came up and said hallo and a ginger tom nearly scared Billie out of her feathers.

Our HA does not pay much an we get a big turnover in staff, each time there is a change we have to go through the rigmarole of them finding out before anything gets done. We had a self appointed tenants rep he did get things done such as two cherry trees in memory of tenants that died, but he had some beautiful cheshnut trees cut down they provided plenty of shade. But he ended up not paying his rent for two years when the HA took hime to court he told the judge that had got a new job and would pay off the arrears at £100 a week. He was evicted 6 months later with a debt of £15,000 plus in rent owed.

I cannot see anyone round hers buying their house from a HA they are either drug addicts or alchoholics besdies who wants to live next door the to the neighbour frmm Hell?

Re: Billie

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 12:14 pm
by sanjays mummi
I agree entirely, two of these flats were let to ex convicts, with a "supported" tenancy, but after two Weeks they told their support workers they were not needed, (it Should have been Mandatory), one turned his flat into a crack house, dozens of druggies dossed there, including a Staffie terrier, after he was evicted, the flat had to be gutted and fumigated, there were syringes everywhere too. Then we had another dealer, and early morning armed police raids, we had a one eyed alcoholic woman, 7 yrs for manslaughter she drowned her friend in the bath, (diminished responsibility), she had a pimp, and entertained clientele. Eventually, the support landlord lost the contract, and we are all "normal" folk here now.
Sanjay didn't ask for a cuddle today, when I did his chores, later on, he came out to play and asked for a cuddle, he always wants one after being uncovered in the morning tho'. I'm not buying the flat, I'd rather have a bungalow, nobody thumping around upstairs, if I ever won a fortune.

Re: Billie

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 11:22 am
by AJPeter
You might get a death watch beetle in the attic of bungalow they make a lot of noise but not as much as my next door neighbours, one plays country and western the other plays reggae each trying to drown out the other!

I would not let Billie fly to my shoulder this morning, yesterday she bit my neck she was leaning forward on the cage with a glint in her eye, but l offered her the percher to land on and she hates that so she changed her mind.

I went out and came back find she had pooped all down the side of the cage I told her she was a good girl but she knew l was lying. After playing the organ for a bit l thought we would go and sit in the garden, l wanted her to go in the hamster cage by herself but oh no, so l chased her into her cage and gently picked her up from the bottom tray and eased into the hanster cage no bites.

WE sat out doors for two hours l placed the cage partly in the sun sne seemed quite content to sun bathe two of our neigbours came and said hallo. I cannot undersand why Housing Officers place rednecks next to decent folk.

Re: Billie

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 11:31 am
by sanjays mummi
It was "rehabilitation", they believed everyone deserved a second chance, so sublet to supported housing
Manager , the idea being they do AA and drug programmes with a support worker, but it didn't work.what a gloriously hot day it has been, but postie moaned it was too hot. Sanjay had kiwi fruit, he loves the seeds, I found a couple of small feathers so I have him on feather up, otherwise, alls well.

Re: Billie

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 11:04 am
by AJPeter
Judging from the feathers in the park all the birds are moulting and perhaps could do with feather up too. I think you are wise giving Sanjay feather up early.

Billie stood on the cage before pooping and leant forward she had a glint in her eye she was hoping to bite me again but l sat down and thwarted her attempt. Billie and l sat out but the sun only came for 10 minutes and it was cloudy, we have had a few drops of rain this evening but nothing to shout about/

Re: Billie

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 11:46 am
by sanjays mummi
We were forecast storms and torrential rain, but it is only cloudy and sultry at the moment. Yes, the wild birds are moulting, and that's not all!, they don't care who sees them!. A quiet day here, with the occasional sing song, I do enjoy peace, quiet, and just our company, I don't understand "loneliness", maybe its a state of mind?.

Re: Billie

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 9:06 am
by AJPeter
Don't we all? I aggree with you about loneliness, a bachelor all my life but l must admit l would be gutted if Billie flew off, contingency plan would be to put the stuffed dragon on a perch and pretend Oodles is real. He tells me he has to pretend like mad that l am real.

Billie has been very good today, neither of us got much sleep last night even with ear plugs our neighbour from hell stuff thumped out all night and Everton only stopped at 6 am, l played the organ as loudly as l dared and Emma down stairs was awoken after a night of drunken revelry with her friends, they shout each other down and only stopped at 5 am.

It has been strangely quiet today, Everton was seen at 11 am looking to see where my noise was coming from, l spotted him and turned the volume down, but Billie and l had had enough of loud noise so it stayed down.

The Hobbit is on ITV at 7 tonight and l would like to watch it and record it so I have got the LR ready so l would not disturb Billie

Re: Billie

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:13 am
by sanjays mummi
The Hobbit films are very nicely done, aren't they? And I love Harry Potter movies, the special effects are so clever. I would be lost without my little tweetheart too,
As for noise, its ok between the hours of 7am to 11pm, if you woke them from drunken coma's at 11am You were not breaking any laws, maybe environmental health could put a stop to it, you are entitled to a decent nights sleep, especially if your health is not too good. No wonder your blood pressure is elevated, with all the stress those idiots cause!. When the all nighters were living here, we deliberately made a lot of noise after 7am, to give them a taste of their own medicine. What a nasty gloomy day it has been, so much for the weekend heat wave they predicted, we'd be better off with a lump of seaweed, although knowing Sanjay, he'd probably shred it to pieces!.

Re: Billie

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 11:41 am
by AJPeter
Sea weed would be very good for parrots but there is none growing around here, I do not believe in revenge but l could hardly keep my eyes open after the bad night on Friday so l played my music loudly just to keep awake also l let the door of the rooms bang l gave myself the excuse that l could not careless.

There was no noise last night either from Everton or from Emma, Billie and l slept well. Billie kept going to the top of her cage this afternoon and calling l guess she wanted to go out so as l picked up the towel she went to the bottom of the cage and without gloves let me pick her up. It was cold outside and despite a little bit of sunshine l bought her back in.

I usually put the hamster cage on the table open the door and help her up to her cage. but oh madam was in a bad mood she bit my finger, and blood was everywhere she knew she was in the dog house.

Parrots mag is out but nothing much of interest.

Re: Billie

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:25 pm
by sanjays mummi
Which means my copy will be in the newsagents on the 22nd. Sanjay adores kiwi fruit, I said to him today, "did you know?, flamingoes get their pink plumage from eating shrimp", he carried on noshing, I said "well, if you think kiwi will make your plumage green, I've got news for you, buddy, you're already green", the look he gave me would shrivel grapes!. I do wish you would stop giving Billie blood to drink, you know how raw meat can make 'em vicious!.

Re: Billie

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:02 am
by AJPeter
She came out of the hamster cage like a bolt of ligtning but just sat there. "If you think l am going to give you a hand up you have another think coming, yesterday you bit me, Look!" And in showing her my finger my arm came close to her and climbed up my arm so l made a bridge for her to climb on top of the cage.

We went out side today in the sun but a cloud came up and blocked the sun after ten minutes l said to Billie, "Shall we go in?" No she said hang on for a few more minutes and then the cloud rolled back and it was very hot. I had a jug of iced lemonade, but l could not get any between the bars, tommow if l remember l will put juice and ice into her water bottle. We sat in the sun for two hours twice l moved her into a shady area but she did not look very happy.

Two of my neighbours came up and said hallo, this made Billie very happy but she got tongue and could not say anything to them.

Re: Billie

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:29 am
by sanjays mummi
Oykos Greek yogurt have an apple and cinnamon flavour one, and boy! Does Sanjay love it!, I thought he would eat the whole pot!. Very lush. It was glorious here, the pair of Magpies who nest in the big Holly tree in the back garden were showing off their juveniles this morning, well, if the royals can show off Georgie Porgie, I daresay they're entitled to show off their little ones. I remembered what you said about bachelorhood today, everything is geared to couples and family homes aren't they?, I never noticed it when Sanjays daddi was alive. Just took it for granted I suppose. This morning Sanjay bucked the trend and asked to play out after being uncovered, he wanted a good soar, he stayed out for about half an hour, before going back in for some brekkie, I wasn't in a rush to go shopping so that was ok.

Re: Billie

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:43 am
by AJPeter
No problems there Billies stays out all day, she loves pooping on my swivel chair when I am not there. I donot have to worry about her going on the floor, she wants to but has not the courage. How do l know if lamnot there? She loves polo's and there was on one the floor l thought it had taken up residence it was there for so long.

Re: Billie

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:33 am
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay will not go on to the floor, he won't even go on to ths floor of his cage. He perched on the chandelier today, instead of his door, felt like a change, I suppose. I can't keep up with his millet consumption!, it was a now and then thing, but I have to fill the holder every day. Good job I can buy huge amounts from the market quite cheaply!.

Re: Billie

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:43 pm
by AJPeter
I bought some Kiwi fruit today and told Billie to stop complaining Sanjay eats this all the time l told her. We sat out in the garden for two hours she prefers sitting in the sun.

Billie has never sat on the centre light shade

Re: Billie

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 10:56 am
by AJPeter
Billie has been an absolute pain today this morning l wanted to play the organ but she wanted to go out when l said no she flew to my shoulder and nearly took my ear off but l moved just in time so to keep the peace we went out. She was very excited and called many times but tt was cold, no sun, and a cat was prowling near by, so she agreed we could go in after twenty minutes. So l played the organ.

I micro-waved the Kiwi fruit it was all soft and oozy but she seemed to like it. We had toast and soup for lunch she ate too much and so did I.

Re: Billie

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:55 am
by sanjays mummi
Its been really warm here, I bought 500 gms of broad beans, we both like cooked ones, when I shelled them the beans were no bigger than haricot beans!, very disappointing. Never mind, at least they were ok for him. I leave kiwi in the fruit bowl to ripen, Sanjay likes them soft, they last longer refrigerated but take a long time to fully ripen. There's a whole days RDA of vitamin C in one kiwi, I often have one for breakfast.

Re: Billie

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:42 am
by AJPeter
Thanks for Kiwi tip, she quite enjoyed the M/w kiwi but l did not have time this morning so she got it plain, but l saw her eating a quarter/chop piece. She was very brave today, in the shower she went down to the lower rung of the clothes horse and got really wet and then l turned off the shower but the water still ran from the taps, she plucked up enough courage to get down onto the bath surface and went up to the running water and then sat over the plug hole wtih water running all over her.

But l turned off the water and she climbed up the clothes horse and wringing wet climbed onto my shoulder and we went back to her cage she flew the last bit. After she was dry we went outsdide when the sun came out and enjoyed all that was happening in the yard.

I am trying out this new diet, eat all you can but do not swallow! 2000 caloties and l am starving on top of a brisk walk too. The last time l went on a calorie controlled diet l was 18 stone and got down to 11 stone in 1995! Those were the days l would walk 15 miles and not turn a hair!

Re: Billie

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:53 pm
by sanjays mummi
The best diet ever is the Army "high protein, low carb" diet, these days it is known as the Atkins diet, (named after Pte Tommy Atkins?, no, just my joke). I was told to lose a stone in a fortnight, I lost two stone in a week. Just watch your kidneys tho', plenty of plain water. Walking will get easier as the pounds drop off. We had smoked haddock with a poached egg, and side salad for tea, Sanjay kept making plaintive little noises for more fish and egg. I gave him "Saturn" peaches, commonly called "donut" peaches, little flat ones, full of juice. I suspect her ladyship wouldn't mind trying one, because she likes to drink the juice of other fruits.

Re: Billie

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 12:02 pm
by AJPeter
Yummie. I am keeping the liquids up as l get cystitus if l do not drink enough and there are only 4 calories in a pint of juice, Yesterday my total calorie count was 1860, today it could be lower 1600+ I shall probably wither away, I have a suit case full of clothes "Too small!" so it will be fun to try them back on. Back in 1995 l found the pounds came off quiite quickly.

She is quite fussy, does not like satumas but tangerines are still okay.

Re: Billie

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 12:06 pm
by AJPeter
If you give Sanjay fish does his beak smell of fish for days after? I gave Billie some pilchards and her beak stank for days.

Re: Billie

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 12:46 pm
by sanjays mummi
I never give him oily fish, just fresh white fish, so no, he doesn't smell fishy. Veggie meal today, broccoli and cheese Aug gratin, and he doesn't mind a morsel or two of that either, I do draw the line at Quorn, micoprotein, as it is a form of fungus, and I am not sure how his little body might react, so, on quorn days, I mollify him with a juicy fat dried fig. Sanjay is taking a lot of interest in his wild cousins loud conversations, his expression is definitely "ooh! I say!" And "oo'er missus!".

Re: Billie

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 11:32 am
by AJPeter
Well she does not get any fish now, l thought of dropping a cod liver capsule into her bowl,
but as l said l thought about it.

She has got nuffing to say and says nuffing.

Tonight she hung out the bed time until 4.45 pm l could take it no more so l covered her up and went for a brisk 34 minute walk, when l got back she was fast asleep!

This diet is killing me.

I have never eaten Quorn, or faggots, or black pudding,

Re: Billie

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 12:39 pm
by sanjays mummi
Faggots and black pud are rather nice, up north, black pud is added to Lancashire Hotpot. Quorn is a very nice compromise,, the products taste carnivorous, try the Cornish pasties, the sausages, you will not be disappointed, And they are low in calories, and fat free. The trouble with "diets" is that you feel hungry, with the high protein/low carb diet you don't, in fact, its not like being on a diet, another thing as well, once people lose weight on these so called diets, is that they go straight back to their old ways, and pile it back on again.
Anyway, Sanjay has started staying in and pottering about whilst I do his housework,not the little scaredy he was when I first got him!.

Re: Billie

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 11:23 am
by AJPeter
So how long have you had Sanjay?

Billie gave j=me a nasty scare tonight normally she wants to be covered up by 3.30 pm but tonight she was pottering around the bottom of the cage at 4.30 pm but suddenly took fright and sat very still with eer beak on the cage floor, I managed to coax her out for a cuddle l think what happened was she suddenly realized what the time was and that gave her a shock.

Re: Billie

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 1:38 pm
by sanjays mummi
I've had him since he was eight Weeks old, five years. I couldn't put my hand into the nursery cage to do the necessary, without him going into terrified mode. But, I am totally against clipping, which makes every small sign of trust extra special. At the moment he is plucking up the courage to land on me, it will happen, when he is ready. I had a go at the guy in one of the flats today, since last night he'd been knocking on my door, would I text his girlfriend, would I text his mum, (no credit), anyway, his mum turned up and handed him money through the car window, and shortly after, he went out and came back with a carrier full of beer cans. Later on, he knocked on my door, could he use my landline phone?, when I told him there's a call box down ths road, he started getting stroppy, I told him, if he chooses to spend his money on beer, that's his business, but he needn't expect me to subsidise his phone, well!, he kicked off like an adolescent! And he's in his thirties!, but as my old regimental motto goes "sauver in modo, fortiver in re", (gentle in manner, resolute in deed. And I refused to budge. He obviously isn't used to people saying No to him.

Re: Billie

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 12:34 pm
by AJPeter
I say to people who want to borrow that it is against my relegion to lend. Once you lend them something they do not pay it back and if you ask for it they pretend they have given it to you. Be careful of him, if he keeps knocking on your door report him to the police station as harassment. Better safe than sorry.

Emma below me has drink parties in her flat that go on all night with shouting, manical laughter arguemts but as they sleep in the mornings l try to be considerate but it depenfs on how l feel, l know after the last party none of her guest were able to sleep that morning because of the noise l was making! I put ear plugs in and sleep through it all but poor Billie has to put up with it. Emma used to smoke cannabis and stink me out until l put a floor fan at the bottom of the stairs with the landing window wide open!

There has been a hitch in her benefit payments and she has had no money for three weeks but l think it has come through judging from the number of people comiing to her flat tonight.

Re: Billie

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 12:49 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sounds like a drinking den. He wanted me to text people, phone people for him, he had no credit, but I sent his mum a text. Later, she turned up and handed him stuff from the car, then left. He then went out and came back with a carrier full of beer cans. Fine, I thought he'd maybe bought phone credit as well, but he came to my door Again asking me to phone, text etc, so I said "if you want to spend your money on beer, that's your business, but don't expect me to subsidise your phone credit", he went off on one when I said that. I got parrots magazine, my late husband Loved black headed Caiques, and would have liked the article about Caiques. We didn't see them until we went to the big place in Henlow, where we made friends with one, but we already had Sanjay, and no room for another cage.Other than that, I agree about the rest of it, although parrot news was interesting, the Corella trapped behind a car grille, and the birds in Chittorgah addicted to opium in poppy seeds, dying once the seed pods have been harvested, personally, I would grow an extra acre of them especially for the birds, poor things.

Re: Billie

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 11:35 am
by AJPeter
It is best not to give into the demands/requests of your neighbour, you are entitled to your privacy and you do not want him knocking on your door every two minutes l have a similar jo here, l am sure he only ask for things so he can have a chat when he is lonely.

It got so bad that when her went into prison on an assault charge he wrote to me and wanted me to visit him and collect his house keys and pick up a benefit checque bofore his friends got it but l was too late, and he is now facing imprisonemt for not paying his water usage. But l have been saying no to him when he wants money, "Sorry l do not have any!"
Now if he wants me to visit him ion prison l shall be able to say no because it takes too long and Billy won't like it.

Keep smiling the up shot to Emma's party was that l played evangelilcal music very loudly at 10 pm and after an hour l think they had all gone home!

Re: Billie

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:44 pm
by sanjays mummi
Gospel is quite nice too. He will think twice about pestering me again, his mummy took him shopping today, and after she left, he went out and bought beer, what a waste of life. Its nice and cool now, it was very sultry today, I'm hoping we get rain tonight for the garden. My daughter phoned whilst himself was out today, he kept dive bombing me!, still too wussy to land on me tho'!

Re: Billie

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:43 am
by AJPeter
Make sure your Landlord has fitted a security chain and if possible a spy hole to look through that way you do not have to open the door to him. It is amazing l have been here 25 years and there are tenants who do not open the door to me!

It was quite cold this morning so Billie and l only sat out for an hour, she was so excited when we went out chirping like mad, some of our neighbours came up to say hallo which pleased her.

Some how l am not being notified when an answer comes back yours included.

Re: Billie

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:50 pm
by sanjays mummi
I never receive notifications!, yes, I already have a spy hole, two chains and a deadlock, we did this when we started getting the criminal element as neighbours, but unless the hall light is on, I cannot see who is there. If my late husband had been here, I doubt the childish tantrums would have occurred, the criminal element were younger than him, but totally intimidated by his expression and tone!. My daughter has been given a Dorgi, a dachs x corgi, he loves the grandchildren, she was brought up with German Shepherds and Samoyeds, so the kiddies are in safe hands, (she was also a Kennel Club junior handler).
Sanjay threw his jingle balls on the floor today, and I accidentally trod on one, fortunately there was a spare, but I had better get some more on one side. I bought Wilko's millet, and he doesn't get through it so quickly as the market stuff, its a good thing because Wilko only have 3 or 4 small ones in a pack. But it looks thicker. He likes red millet, but I can only get it from Jolleys, outside town.
What gorgeous weather At Last!.

Re: Billie

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 10:51 am
by AJPeter
Next week a heat wave 96f forcast too hot for me. Billie was really upset we did not go out and sit in the garden, l told her that is was too cold, she went to bed early and seemed to have settled so l dashed out and had a hair cut, chilly in the nether regions.
When l got back Billie started to moan but quickly stopped.

She has been very friendly today she likes to sit on my arm with my hand held above her head head sways side to side, but today she tried to make adavances that would lead to her to masturbate on me, "No ways!" I told her.

Looks like rain

Re: Billie

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 1:45 pm
by sanjays mummi
Oh dear, what's a poor lovesick maiden to do?. It was hot again today, the shower came early evening and cooled things down a bit. Funnily enough, himself was interacting with me more, this evening, I live in hope. Fortunately, this Edwardian house, with its lofty ceilings and thick walls is lovely and cool, especially my east facing bedroom, but I daresay I will still need an electric fan. My little front garden is an explosion of oriental poppies this year, its been a good year for the roses too.