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Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:36 am
by AJPeter
So you are hoping tht Sanjay stays a male?

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 2:31 pm
by sanjays mummi
I'd be gobsmacked if he is!, I think not. But, because nothing definitely points to either gender, I just treat him as is. The name doesn't matter at all with a bird,

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 11:52 am
by AJPeter
Billie and l are doing very well when l woke her this morning she was on her sleeping perch the first time in three months and more she has had a perch under her.

This afternoon l had 40 winks and woke to find Billie pulling my hair she had fklown down from her cage because she was worried l had not moved. How sweet is that?

She is on a diet so l cut back on her seeds and she was banging around in the empty bowl and crying so l put some pellets in and she ate those.

She tried again to get in the new cage but has not masted the small opening so l took off the top and she climbed in clipped the top back on and we went out into the garden sat on the wall but it was too cold to stay out for long, she was sitting on the new perch l made for her.

So we had a good short day together, at 2.30 pm she wanted to be covered up.

Sanjay might not be worried by his name, but it would be a shock to find an egg had suddenly turned up

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 1:11 pm
by sanjays mummi
No it wouldn't, in a way I am half expecting it (eggspecting?). Solstice tomorrow, I shall be up to greet sunrise, and sort Sanjay out before I head to my daughters for goose and mead. Judging by the gorgeous sunset this evening it is set to be a lovely day. I told Sanjay that after tomorrow the mornings and evenings draw out again and he was very pleased.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 11:34 am
by AJPeter
I wish you would tell Billie she started to bleat at 1 pm and l told her it was too early so she lost her temper and started bashing up the place and at 1.45pm l gave in and covered her with a single fleeze blanket. This was alright for 30 mins and she started to whine again l lifted the blanket and she was sitting on her top perch. i was so pleased to see her up there l covered her up with a second fleece blanket and a summer duvet. Turned off the lights drew the curtains and listened to the TV with head phones.

All day she has been scratchibng the cage floor just like a chicken, l thought that this was good exercise l slipped in a sanded budgie cage sheet which did not last long she shredded it and scattered it to the four winds. She has been very friendly today. A joy to be with.

It went all quiet at 4 pm and l crept out of the room at 5 pm.

Was it worth getting up at the crack of dawn?

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:42 pm
by sanjays mummi
Erm, No!. Anyway, in Parrots mag, there is an article on how to get your bird into its carry cage, so that is worth a second read. Yesterday was Not a lovely day it was cloudy and bitterly cold, but we had a very nice day, when I got home at 4.30 pm, himself was very happy to see me, probably wondering if Is brought a birdy bag home!, but no, never mind, lidl had his favourite foods today, including fresh dates on their vine. Sanjay would never forgive me if I covered him up early, but he gets frantic if I don't cover him at 8pm on the dot!.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 11:20 am
by AJPeter
When l got back from shopping l had a royal welcome with wing shaking and squeals. I bought a load more things form the pet shop and stuff I ordered from Northern Parrots on line at 7 pm last night arrived in this mornings post. Wow!

I bought some pilchards mackeral and sardines in tins and asked her to choose. "Which do you want?" She said yes to Pilchards which is good because they are my favourite.

So for lunch we had Pilchards on toast well l did she just had a few morsels, and she enjoyed that, there was enought left over to have some more tomorrow, beats porridge.

Billie wanted to be covered at 1 pm l told her. "It is too early." But at 2 pm she was moaning like the dickens so l covered her up completely drew the curtains and sat watching TV with head phones.

The things we do fo our feathered friends! After a little banging around there was no noise from her and l could watch Men in Black again. Its amazing how they do those special effects.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 2:26 pm
by sanjays mummi
I've never watched "men in black" but yesterday I watched Disneys "Cinderella" for the first time in decades, Sanjay absolutely loved the mice singing!, it made him chortle and ring his bell. Yes, Northern Parrots are extremely efficient aren't they?, I've Always received my order next day. I received a card yesterday signed by all at the RSPCA shop, and the boss flattering me, and begging me to go back, sorry, I don't "do" emotional blackmail. Instead of heading out this morning, I spent time messing about with my bezzy mate, Sanjay.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 11:33 am
by AJPeter
I gave Billie the rest of the pilchards today on toast well she had the toast last as an after thought. But Oh dear trying to wipe a parrots beak with a paper tissue is like trying to sing under water. She still stinks of fish from yesterday, well Billie you wont get fish very often
perhaps once in a red sea.

This afternoon she wanted to be covered at 1 pm! No way hose! So she started to bang around the bits in the bottom of her cage and when l took no notice she came out and clmbed down the out side of the cage this usally is for a cuddly so l her picked her off the cage and the brute gave me a nip.

I put her back and made her wait until 2 pm before l covered her but she has some of her christmas presents early and started to bang around under the blanket so at 3 pm l reahed in and took all the bits away from her. Later it was all quiet so l had a little look she was sitting on her perch looking as if butter would not melt in her beak.

When Sanjay has fish does his beak smell for days after?

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 12:01 pm
by sanjays mummi
I've never given him oily fish, just the crispy tail end from my cod when I have fish and chips. Today he had a few strips of cooked noodles, nom nom. We used to give our dogs pasta Verde, with pilchards, as a treat once a week, they absolutely loved it. My grandson was very embarrassing today, there was a female top half mannequin on the market clothing stall, which had a very low, revealing top on, so one part of her anatomy was exposed, Jack was touching it and trying to press its "button", when we exclaimed "Jack!, don't do that!", he shrugged and said "it won't "go"",, for a horrible moment we thought he'd reached a very early puberty!.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 12:05 pm
by AJPeter
Some boys become very precocious at an early age, but your Jack takes the biscuit fancy pressing the button at his age!

Billle had more pressies than l did, she loved unwrapping some of them but she was too impatient to unwrap them all so l hlelped. She still smells a bit of Pilchards. Last night l took all her bits out of the bottom of the cage because she was banging around for too long but l thought what the hell its Christmas, so left them all in, tonight she banged around for two hours and then went up to her sleeping perch.

She pooped really early this morning and l was pleased with the result.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 3:55 pm
by sanjays mummi
I don't intentionally study Sanjays do do. But as long as it doesn't alter much I assume he's ok. I gave him some salad today, but he wasn't impressed at all. I hope you enjoyed your day,

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 10:39 am
by AJPeter
Billie is very busy these days l gave her an hood to a gaberdine raincoat and she scratches around it and under it she loves playing with it, even poops on it so it must be tops!
This afternoon she waited until nearly 2 pm before asking to be covered up which is very good.

Snow here this evening.

I have been playing the christmas songs all day l shall be glad to put the organ back to Theater and play swing style.

Billie had a big block of seed in the bottom of her cage l got form Wickes she ate it all last night. Poor thing was cold this morning she comes up to the top of the cage first thing and
l put my hands around her and stroke her neck with my thumbs she loves this and leans one way or another into my hands

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 2:26 pm
by sanjays mummi
Rain here, snow would be more seasonal, but hey ho, the bulbs are sprouting including the hyacinths Sanjay demands a "cuddle" every day. I am sick and tired of Christmas Carols, and films on TV, it started back in October in the shops. High time it stopped. (bah humbug!). Cooked some fresh chestnuts for himself today, he gets through kilos of them at this time of year.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 3:12 pm
by AJPeter
Billie is impartial to Cheshnuts she will pick them over. Sometimes. I quite like them roasted but l do not see them in the shops. Gone are the days when l would collect my own, besides they are too prickly, some else can do that job.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 4:07 pm
by sanjays mummi
Lidl have had them in stock for Weeks, also our market. The wild ones are usually too small to bother about.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 12:39 pm
by AJPeter
One of my neighbours goes to Lidl l will ask him to keep an eye open for cheshnuts but as l said Billie is not bothered by them. She has has been very loving today wanting several neck and head rubs and she sat on my shoulder as l played the organ.

She was safely covered up when l decided to go down to see if there was any post today and as l went down the stairs she heard me and called out in alarm, so when l got back up l called out to her that it was all right.

This is a bit of a worry as l have agreed to play the church organ for the watch night sevice on New Year's eve and will go down at 10.30 pm. She is okay during the day and l have no qualms about leaving her tomorrow when l go down to play the organ for the church service/

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 2:53 pm
by sanjays mummi
I leave the radio on classic fm for Sanjay, there must be something she will settle down with?. Billie must be telepathic with Sanjay, he has begun nibbling my tops!.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 12:42 pm
by AJPeter
I it could quite well be, today l went to church and she was ever so pleased see me home, this afternoon she wanted to have a dip in a seed bowl that once held water but now has cabbage. She looked so silly with cabbage around her neck, so l took out the cabbage and filled it with water, and l helpd with skinny dipping with a water spray. She quickly became very wet and then she called for the covers to be put on, No way l told her have some Johnson's super plume and after she had preened l relented and covered her up at 2.15 pm. So it is getting later, bit by bit.

I gave her two soft boiled cheshnuts and she sat eating a half right through. I had found some frozen at the bottom of the freezer. I used to leave Classic FM on for her but she enjoys the moving picture but she does not watch cartoons.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 11:07 am
by sanjays mummi
Deep joy! Lidl had Dragon fruit in, today, so himself has been extremely bizzy stripping the leaves and boring through to the seeds. Mummi found herself a treat in TK Maxx, Marrons Glace reduced from £16.00, to £3.00, nom nom, so now we both have chestnuts a la favourite!

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:06 pm
by AJPeter
I tried Billie with dragon fruit but she ignorred it, and glace cheeries leave me cold. Somebody gave me a a tray of dates, l slipped these into the letter box of the lady below she has not said anything. Thank God.

I might try some more dragonhearts tomorrow when l go shopping. I was quite please today when l saw her dipping into the different bowls veg cubes and cabbage strips she likes.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 2:04 pm
by sanjays mummi
Marrons Glace are nothing like glace cherries!, And I skewer Dragon fruit unpeeled and hang it up for him. The only dates we eat are the fresh ones on the vine, the ones you mean are disgusting aren't they?.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 12:06 pm
by AJPeter
Too true l slipped the dates through the letter box in the flat below! I l bought some dragon fruit and put it in Billie's cage but she ignorred it so l cut a slit in it hoping she would have a try. At the moment we are celbrerating a victory she has been scoffing pellets Kaytee's Cockatiel mix, l ate a few to show her they were all right. I did not tell her that they were disgusting. Or don't tell Elle l ate some either.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:46 am
by AJPeter
Well Billie has been eating more Kaytee's pellets for cockatiels and although not the first choice she seems to enjoy them, this morning l found the flesh of the dragon fruit on the cage floor with some seed casings scattered about. But her poop was very loose l had to clean her up with a paper hanky! The look on her face was priceless!

One of her ideal places to nest is guarded by a costume buterfly and if she flies too close it gets dislodged and l noticed when l got back from shopping this butterfly askew so from now on l think l had better close her cage down when l go out, she may of course have just been stretching her wings.

Also l must be a lost stricter on her attempts to masturbate on me by stopping it earlier.

I am getting ready for a visit top the vet in January for a her check l know the vet will say she is over weight l was wondering if the excuse "Big bones!" will hold water?

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:03 pm
by sanjays mummi
You could try "it's her glands", the excuse an aunt of mine used for her super obese son. Sanjay looks sleek, and flies without problems, so I think his weight is ok. When I first gave him Dragon fruit I peeled and sliced it, he wouldn't touch it, but washed and whole, on a skewer, he attacks it with relish. Personally, I believe they are much safer if left in the cage when we go out.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 1:41 pm
by AJPeter
Yes l shall have to change her routine otherwise she could start laying again, diet is a problem but with her interest in pellets it might help she likes crunching them. Billie suprised me today by flying around two corners, from the kitchen to the hall and from the hall into the LR and onto her cage. Exercise is very important she flies to my shoulder as l play the organ and then becomes a pest when she wants to masturbate on me, it is not always easy to get up and put her back on the cage.

I think she is all right for short periods of time out of her cage but any longer from now on, and she will get locked up, she never has bothered with electric cables. She has become a bit agressive when l put my hand in her cage, it all right to clean her cage but no fiddling about after.

How often does Sanjay have dragon fruit?

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 2:19 pm
by sanjays mummi
Whenever I can get hold of it, anyway, Happy New Year to all our readers and their feather babies

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 10:32 am
by AJPeter
New Year's resolutins are being kept.

1/ Do not allow Billie to rub her self on me. Today each time she tried l put her back on her cage once l had to prise her off my shoulder with the end of a perch!

2/ Make her eat pellets, she likes Kayee pellets for Cockatiels. l mixed her seed up with shredded cabbage leaves, so she would forage for her seeds but the Kaytee l left in a bowl loose. It has been 60 for Kaytee and 40% for Seeds.

3/ Slowly put the time back when she gets covered, she had a siesta at 1.30 pm for 30 minutes covered but l took the cover off and put it back on starting at 3 pm.

4/ Take out any nesting materiel, out went the gaberdine hood she wont be able to hide under that any more. As far as l know she had not been looking for nesting sites.

5/ Change the cage around. So have moved it to a new location and moved the bows around.

6/ Set up new play schemes and take her to new locations, l put her into the small travelling cage and we went into the computer room and had a look at IRN and Cockatiels and Alex singing and talking, she was not very interested.

7/ Cut down on shoulder and neck rubs time. Yes done.

8/ Cut out fruit and sweet vegs, sugar and carbs.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:21 am
by sanjays mummi
Hmm, number 8 resonated with me!, not the fruit, but carbs/ sugar, definitely. Himself never has them thankfully. Sanjay responds better to the Alex's on YouTube than the IRN's funnily enough, maybe the American accent is hard to understand? , we don't seem to have any brit IRN's on there. Anyway he is destroying toys at the moment, there's a lovely pile of sawdust on his floor!

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:41 am
by Trinnity
sanjays mummi wrote:Hmm, number 8 resonated with me!, not the fruit, but carbs/ sugar, definitely. Himself never has them thankfully. Sanjay responds better to the Alex's on YouTube than the IRN's funnily enough, maybe the American accent is hard to understand? , we don't seem to have any brit IRN's on there. Anyway he is destroying toys at the moment, there's a lovely pile of sawdust on his floor!
Hi there. <waves>

I hope to be here more often so I can learn more about my ringneck and make some friends in the birding world.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:50 am
by AJPeter
Hi there! Waves back You are welcome to join in, :D

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:57 am
by Trinnity
AJPeter wrote:Hi there! Waves back You are welcome to join in, :D
Hey back. Look, I've just reported 3 posts and they're spam of dating sites and one is showing porn. I hope the mods find this and ban that poster. I hate spammers and porn spammers are the worst.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:00 pm
by AJPeter
Good old Sanjay, nothing like a Brit stiff upper lip, Billie destroys toys, she had some big plastic triangles all joined to gether, were, She had a ladder once and there are several wooden balls knocking around l hope she might see them as surrogate eggs, but not on your Nellie. What she likes best is to bang the triangles on the floor just as we get to who dunit on the TV.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:02 pm
by AJPeter
Best not to open Spam posts Trinity the Mods do their best to erase this stuff,

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:03 pm
by Trinnity
AJPeter wrote:Good old Sanjay, nothing like a Brit stiff upper lip, Billie destroys toys, she had some big plastic triangles all joined to gether, were, She had a ladder once and there are several wooden balls knocking around l hope she might see them as surrogate eggs, but not on your Nellie. What she likes best is to bang the triangles on the floor just as we get to who dunit on the TV.
Can you recommend homemade easy toys? My IRN "Jabbers" likes a balled up piece of paper to play with and chew. Plastic straws too.

Jabbers is sitting on my left shoulder right now as I type. LOL, I like that.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:08 pm
by Trinnity
AJPeter wrote:Best not to open Spam posts Trinity the Mods do their best to erase this stuff,
Thank you for that. I'm not upset by them and I won't linkout or respond to them. But I will report them to help the mods. You see, I have a very successful political forum that I admin. (I am NOT here to promote my own forum and will not do so in the future, I'm here as a bird owner and make birding friends, to help me make my bird healthy, happy, and fun). I deal with spammers all the time, though my filters keep most of them out. I wish to help by reporting them. I'm a forum veteran. I'm a nice person and easy to get along with, and I don't cause trouble of forums. I'm a courteous poster. We all should be <thumbs up>

Even though this is the only bird I have, I've been owning and breeding birds since 1986, so you see, I'm not a novice by any stretch of the imagination. :D

My bird "Jabbers" is about 2 and a half years old and a Lutino.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:15 pm
by AJPeter
At the top of the page find Search enter your question and submit. Great response

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:20 pm
by Trinnity
AJPeter wrote:At the top of the page find Search enter your question and submit. Great response
Thank you.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 2:42 pm
by sanjays mummi
Coo!, all this seemed a bit surreal at first I had to go back and start from my last post!.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 12:33 pm
by AJPeter
Us old timers need to help newbies.

Billie gave me a look of reproach today that would have withered a walnut, all because l shouted NO! At her, she is enought to try the patience of a saint. She pretends to be all luvy duvy and then stands on my shoulder and attempts to masturbate on me.

Still we had a good day together, she is eating more pellets mainly because l hide her seeds under the cabbage leaves. Yesterday she ate a load of Cooked cooled broad beans today l thought l would give them a rest, after all it is be kind to a broad bean this week.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 12:40 pm
by sanjays mummi
Phew! That's a relief, we thought it was be kind to a chestnut week!. We shared a takeaway this evening, chicken and chips very nice it was too. Sanjay is familiar with the word "No" he always responds to it. When we used to exhibit dogs there were a Lot of dogs called "Geddoff!" And "Stobbit!"

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 2:08 pm
by AJPeter
Last week it was be kind to a cheshnut, next week it is buy you bird a new toy week.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:04 am
by sanjays mummi
I should cocoa!, he still has a cupboard full of toys to munch his way through!.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 12:27 pm
by AJPeter
Billie is very clever, l bought some foot toys two rubber clogs packed with seeds she turned them upside down and emptied the clog and then started to chew the sides. At bed time she knows l like her to be on her sleeping perch before l cover her so so she goes up there and lets me know she is ready and after she is covered she craftily climbs down. In the morning she is always on the floor of the cage but l think she sleeps on the perch.

Her poop is okay and several times a day, so no worries there, and it is shortly afterlhave uncovered her which is good. This morning l was not watching but she let me know she had done a goodly. She is eating a lot of pellets in fact l think she prefers these to seeds but old habits die hard.

Does Sanjay have a yearly cheack up or does Sanjay's mummi wait until something goes wrong?

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 12:41 pm
by sanjays mummi
He's never needed one, I can see no changes, he is still young and has always belonged to me no hidden history. He Always flits on to his bedtime perch and semaphores with his wings when 8 pm comes around. And he doesn't move until after I uncover him next morning.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 12:11 pm
by AJPeter
That is good, today Billie sat with me on the wall outside for ten minutes, she enjoys these forrays. This afternoon she wanted top be covered up at 1'45 pm but l kept saying no so she shut her eyes in the bottom of the cage but l was making too much noise for her liking so she came up and and was looking for a place she good get some rest. However l relented and partially covered her so she could have 40 winks.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:32 pm
by sanjays mummi
Sanjay is in birdy Nirvana!, Blackberries And Raspberries today. I called at the shop, was begged to go back, refused stoutly. But I bought a beautiful Pollyanna Pickering framed picture of a jet black cat, I showed it to himself he was Not impressed so I hung it in the bedroom.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:15 pm
by AJPeter
Flirting with danger you cannot keep away form the shop, l will see you there one day.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 2:46 am
by sanjays mummi
No, definitely Not!, supporting the shop is one thing working there with my health problems is another.

Re: Billie the wonder Parrot 3

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 12:14 pm
by AJPeter
The shop is one thing but another is that some one got off her perch on the wrong side this morning, Billlie has issues with a cuttle fish bone lodged in her perch everytime l try to replace it she attacks me so l broke a small piece off and offered it to her in my fingers.

CHOMP :mrgreen:

Went shopping and bought a small perch to put in low down but when l tried to put it in

Chomp :mrgreen:

I showed her the blood, l think she was hoping to have a finger because l cut down on her seed bowl this morning 1 tblp of seeds 1 tbsp of Kaytee special. I also bought a ladder so l told her there are no more excuses you will sit on the perch hanging from the ceiling but as it looked like another chomp l relented. I also bought some more plastic triangles.

She was ever so good this afternoon we went out just as the sun was setting and sat on the wall for a few minutes Billie loves it when people come up and say hallo and the lady next door and her partner both came to say hallo. Then we came back indoors.

Billie waited until 3 pm before wantiing to be covered, she offered another chomp but l declined. At 5 l covered her more completely and she was sitting on her sleeping perch