Desperate screaming problem please help

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Desperate screaming problem please help

Post by Herebirdybirdy »

We have a blue indian ringneck which is permanently screaming. He's always been a screamer (ever since we got him when he was little), and over the last year everything's escalated. A year ago I got pregnant and had a really rough pregnancy with extreme vomiting etc and so little birdy never got the attention that he needed. Now we have a tiny baby in the house, a screaming ringneck and things are getting desperate. I've tried talking to him and he screams. Put him outside, he screams. Give him toys, screams. He'll even scream with big old peanut in his mouth. I feel like I've failed him and I don't know how to fix things.

I don't even know where to start and it seems like people here know birds pretty well so I'm hoping that someone on here has the skills and kindness to help us. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Desperate screaming problem please help

Post by InTheAir »

I'm sorry to hear things aren't going well with you and your birdy.
I don't have any experience with screamers, but I found an article on google that looks a bit helpful. ... 5&aid=1517

Also have you tried foraging toys in his cage? We find that keeps our bird occupied when we want him to hang out in his cage... Even bits of paper wrapped over a pellet and stashed somewhere in his cage.. In the wild birds spend a lot of their day looking for food, and require mental stimulation for their wellbeing. There are some threads on this forum about foraging ideas.

I hope that's helpful.

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Re: Desperate screaming problem please help

Post by Jen&Bug »

Good article Claire - there are also a few topics about screaming on the forum already which might help. Here's one: ... =2&t=16299

In my experience, positive reinforcement for non-screaming behaviours can work really well (my sun conure has benefitted a lot from this). My advice would be to find a non-screaming noise to reinforce, rather than just rewarding silence, as it's easier for birds to understand when you do want them to do something than when you don't. It can be anything, even just a little chirp or a cluck that they make from time to time. Whenever the bird makes the 'good' noise, make a fuss of them, even if it's just calling out 'good birdy!' enthusiastically from the next room if you're busy with your bub. It will take some time but stick with it and see what happens.

I hope you get back in control of the situation, for the sake of everyone in your household.
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Re: Desperate screaming problem please help

Post by Skyes_crew »

As a rule when I'm sick I go nowhere near my birds. So of course they really hate that. I take those cat toy balls with the bell in it, take the bell out and wrap bits of peanut in paper towel and stuff it back in the ball. It keeps my baby entertained for a long time. Also like jen&bug said, reinforce the good sounds and ignore the screaming. My girl when I got her would make this awful screech when she wanted to come out. I paid her no mind until she made a sound I could live with. Then I went to the cage, took her out and made a big fuss over her. They are super smart birds and will catch on to your reactions really quick. Even if all you're doing is walking up to the bird and telling him to be quiet. To them that is enough attention that they will repeat the behavior again and again. Hope that helps :)
I am owned by my birds...and I wouldn't have it any other way :D

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