Keeping two IRN inside

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Keeping two IRN inside

Post by Disaunders »

Hi I am a new breeder and am wondering if it is ok to keep two hand reared IRN's inside together. My husband and I have hand reared them from 3 weeks old. Indy has bonded with my husband and Echo has kind of bonded with me. Indy's tempermant is very loving, he loves a cuddle whereas Echo bites. He will step up but still gives you a nip to let you know he's not happy about it. They are both from the same clutch. We have had them both in the same cage and let them out for a fly and play everyday. they both respond to my husband's voice with little meowing sounds. We are still contemplating keeping both but wonder if we only kept one if it would be better, tamer? Does having two birds reduce that connection with humans , will they rely on each other rather than their human.
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Re: Keeping two IRN inside

Post by Kiki22 »

At the end of the day it depends on the individual bird, I have 3 handraised males together and there are no problems. Also had a female for a little while in there and she did seem to pair up with 1 of them but we didn't have a box in ofcourse and she wasn't interested in mating but was willing to accept the grooming and feeding from him :) I also have a friend who has 2 living happily together during the day (not DNA'd so unsure of sex) but they need seperate cages to sleep in. Also, size of your cage will be a factor, it will need to be quite big to allow them their own space.
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