Am I spending enough time with my bird?

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Am I spending enough time with my bird?

Post by superfrank »

I'm wondering if I'm spending enough time with Tupelo. Let me give you a run-down of our routine...

9:00 a.m. Tupelo comes out of her sleep house, gets head scratches, kisses and greetings for a minute or two then goes into her play house which is FILLED with forging toys, foot toys, perches, fresh birdie salad and water.
7:00 p.m. (10 hrs later) I get home from work, open her cage and let her explore the house or shower with me.
7:30 p.m. We usually cuddle up in the bedroom where we play, train, talk and have tickles for a solid, uninterrupted 90 minutes.
9:00 p.m. After a little treat, she gets goodnight kisses and goes to her sleep house.

Some days we spend much more time together, some days slightly less but she ALWAYS gets an hour and a half in the evening. How much time are you able to set aside for your bird during the work week?

She's not displaying and behaviors that might express loneliness or boredom, I just want to check in and make sure I'm being a good mom.
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Re: Am I spending enough time with my bird?

Post by subodhhire »

Hi There,

As per your routine it seems that you spend quality time with your bird. Let me put it this way, many a times working women are not able to give plenty of time for their children. but still if she is spending quality time with them then the children have no problems. Similar is the case with pets and from what you are saying you are spending quality time so i think there shouldnt be any problem.

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