New IRN - Am I doing it right?

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New IRN - Am I doing it right?

Post by allira »

Hello all, first post :)
Picked up my beautiful blue IRN today, he's about 2 months old at this point and had been handled everyday since hatching, however he wasn't hand reared and isn't very hand tamed either.
Extremely healthy looking bird with awesome feathers and the length of his tail feathers are great.
I brought Zeus home and encouraged him to hop into his cage which is fairly large, about 2 1/2 foot wide, by 2 foot depth, by 3 foot height. It took him a little while to hop onto one of the branches but he is now perching well. I can manage to walk past his cage without him flying around or freaking out.
I've been talking to him quite softly every now and then and trying to interact as much as I can, saying "Hello", "Zeus", and "What are you doing?"
I placed some fruit in his bowl however he hasn't even become interested yet.
He's currently in a 2nd living room of my house where I spend most of my time, there are no loud noises and nothing is happening (cooking, television etc).
He seems to be quite relaxed although I'm worried perhaps he's fretting a bit.
The breeder had him in an avery with his parents and siblings and a few other IRN's so I'm thinking perhaps the sudden change in environment has caused him to reclude so much.
Perhaps I'm just over reacting but I just want him to live the best possible life in captivity.
Any tips or hints for things to do on the first day of being home would be extremely appreciated. Sorry for the post as I know there are thousands of these types but I couldn't quite find my answer.
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Re: New IRN - Am I doing it right?

Post by MissK »

Hi allira, congratulations!
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Re: New IRN - Am I doing it right?

Post by allira »

Thank you for your help, I will definitely take that all into consideration. I have been whistling before I enter the room and he seems to have adjusted to that as he doesn't flip out anymore when I appear out of no where. I've also left his doors open to get him used to the idea of coming out of his cage when he feels ready. (Side note: there aren't any hazards around so it will be okay if he comes out when no one is in the room.)

I believe the breeder used to catch him, hold him to his chest very gently, and pet him on his neck/chest and head. He doesn't come to my hand/hop on my finger and he definitely does not like my presence being too close to the cage, but I guess he is still afraid of everything going on. The breeder showed me that when he is being held he doesn't really bite but does have a quick nibble at first. He sqwarks a bit but settles right down after he understands what's going on.

I will try the bribery and kindness idea in a couple of days, but I think I'll let him settle for a bit. Hopefully he starts to eat soon or at least have a drink.

Also, one other question, how do sprouted seeds go with IRN's? I've tried to look a bit on the forums but there aren't many posts involving it.
Thanks again!
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Re: New IRN - Am I doing it right?

Post by MissK »

Hi allira,

Interesting method
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Re: New IRN - Am I doing it right?

Post by allira »

I also thought that it was quite unique, I work in the animal industry in a captive fascility and I've never seen nor heard of it, but then again, it seemed to work for him. :?
When my cockatiel was a lot younger, I did the step up method and he used to sit on my hand and shoulder however he was always a very aggressive bird and never really let me build a friendship with him.
I think I will try the step up method again with Zeus and get him used to my hands, he flew out of his cage just before and let me pick him up and put him back in his cage without biting however I did have a glove on. He seems to still be young enough to be imprintable so I hope it works out.
The cage is next to a wall but I might also try putting a bit of cloth over one corner.

He still hasn't eaten or drank yet and its been about 8 hours. Would there be anything wrong or just still acclimating to the environment?

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Re: New IRN - Am I doing it right?

Post by MissK »

good luck

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Re: New IRN - Am I doing it right?

Post by allira »

Awesome, thank you so much for your help. Will definitely get back to you tomorrow about how he is going.
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Re: New IRN - Am I doing it right?

Post by allira »

Just wanted to update with some news.
I rolled Zeus into my bedroom this morning to watch my boyfriend sleep in (lucky).
When I got home at about 4.30pm, my boyfriend put on a glove and let Zeus climb onto his hand - we didn't want to grab him in case he then later associated hands as a bad thing. Me and Brad (boyfriend), were constantly talking to Zeus, saying his name, hello, good boy, and eventually he came to associate turning his head around to see me, with "peek-a-boo", which was good.
Still haven't heard a noise from him yet but he could just be a bit shy still. Brad managed to put him back on his perch and we tried to use "step up" as a que.
We then switched and I got Zeus onto my hand from being clung onto the cage wires. I guess I pulled him to the door of his cage a bit fast and he flew around the room for a bit but landed on the ground. He let me pick him up without even a nibble. I pulled out some apple of his bowl and stuck it near his face - without a glove, risky, I know - however he started having some bites. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Was AMAZINGLY stoked. I can't believe how happy I was at that moment.
I don't think Zeus was ever given fruit or veg from the breeder so I'm SUPER glad he tried it, hopefully I can give him a staple diet of fruit and veg, and pellets and seed as a reward. I managed to give him a little pat with the non-gloved hand on the back of his neck. Mind you, Brad and I were still constantly talking to him saying the same words as before.
Well, that was it for the day really. I put him back in the cage and I think that was the ULTIMATE progress for day 2.
Tomorrow we will try to trim his wings, I've done it before and have been shown how to again to refresh my memory.
Does anybody think I should do both wings, or just stick with the one? I'm not too certain with these guys but I know with cockateils I only need to do the one.
Cheers, hope this gives someone else with a new IRN some hope and inspiration. Patients and positive reinforcement is DEFINITELY key at the start.
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Re: New IRN - Am I doing it right?

Post by fionalouise1989 »

Hey there, Im no expert as mine was hand raised. But I read ALOT lol be careful using gloves as sometimes they associate the "good" things with gloves and dont get used to your hands as such... Ive heard most people say if you are going to clip their wings (which is a controversial issue by itself as many people believe birds are made with wings so they should be allowed to fly and clipping them is taking it away others think it makes no difference) back to the point i was making lol if you are going to clip their wings people say to clip both as just clipping one wing can make them unstable when sleeping and perching etc. also when they are trying to land its a lot harder to land with one clipped. I myself are letting mine grow out as they were already clipped when I got him. The diet sounds awesome :) You sound like you two are doing a great job making lots of progress!

Hope that helps
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Re: New IRN - Am I doing it right?

Post by allira »

Okay great, I might try and use my hands tomorrow. I'm just so scared of getting bitten haha. Not sure if you read that he wasn't hand reared but yeah, since handling him today he hasnt seemed to bite us yet, has a little nibble but I think he's just testing us a bit, seeing if the glove was food or not haha.

I do feel bad for cutting his wings as he's such a beautiful bird, but do you know of any way of reduce his want to fly around?
Thank again,
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Re: New IRN - Am I doing it right?

Post by ellieelectrons »

Well done on your progress today.

Unfortunately I think the only way to reduce the flying around is to spend time taming them so they are less afraid. Birds will always want to fly - but my birds don't fly to get away from me any more - although they did when I first brought them home.

If you do choose to clip, I advise getting both wings clipped. When I used to get my birds wings clipped, I always wanted to make sure they could fly downwards (so that they could land properly if they fall), just not upwards.

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Re: New IRN - Am I doing it right?

Post by MissK »

Hi allira,

Congratulations! It sounds like things are going well.
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Re: New IRN - Am I doing it right?

Post by subodhhire »

Hi Allira,

It seems that you have everything under control and i agree with MissK abou the glove. Honestly once you come in contact with your bird skin to skin or rather skin to feather the bonding and trust between you become very strong.

I am also from the dont clip side but if you really want to do it please clip both the wings cause clipping only one will affect in the balance even while gliding down. I dont know how you have clipped your birds before, but i will tell you a proven thing. While clipping leave the last 2 big feathers as it is, and clip only 3 wings after that. He will be able to fly but still he cant be very fast and he cant go very far. If you are not satisfied with clipping 3 then go for the 4th one. but no further than that.

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Re: New IRN - Am I doing it right?

Post by subodhhire »

Sorry i meant 3 feathers and not wings. :)

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Re: New IRN - Am I doing it right?

Post by allira »

MissK - thanks! I've never really looked at the glove or the clipping in that way before, and perhaps I just might try to hold off on the clipping until he builds that trust with me.
The main reason why I don't want him to fly is because my house isn't what you'd call "pet friendly", there are a lot of breakable things, fans that are almost always on and a lot of wires and cables. Plus, I (unfortunately) have an inside dog. I'm aware he probably wouldn't attack my bird, as he's not too phased of my cockateil or either of them in the cages, but he does want to play often, and if I wasn't around to ensure everything was a.o.k, things could get messy.

Basically, I figure that clipping his wings would be less traumatising long-term, than it would be to constantly have to be chasing after him and catching him. I'm not sure weather that just comes hand in hand with the training and trust concept or whether some birds just enjoy to fly often. Either way, I'm sort of in a pickle.

I've noticed some people (including yourself) have put up perches around your house, and I might try putting up one of them at first and hopefully he can find a bit of safety comfort in it when he's out of his cage.

Subd - thanks for the advice, I might do a bit of research anyway in the event that I decide to cut his wings.
Many thanks to you both,
- Allira.
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Re: New IRN - Am I doing it right?

Post by MissK »

Hi allira,
best wishes
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Re: New IRN - Am I doing it right?

Post by allira »

Fantastic. Please do not apologise about the long reply, its thorough, which is really helpful.

And just to clarify, I did mean "unfortunately" for the bird. I love my animals more than anything. He's just a bit too playful and rough for Zeus :lol:
I will definitely have to try some of those hazard methods, I myself even manage to trip on a couple of cables so it needs to happen either way.
I heard from my breeder that any perches or Zeus' cage shouldn't be any taller than myself, as it gives him a sense of authority and in turn will make him harder to tame. Do you believe in this or have you had a completely different experience?
His cage is currently quite tall, about a meter and a half tall. And he does seem quite attached to it already, but I guess the addition of the perch with a toy may entice him to explore a bit more.
I will also start trying your lure method, but from a bit of an earlier mark. Zeus wont even walk over to my hand yet so I guess I'll start from close by, and then eventually get farther and farther away.

Again, thank you, so so much. It is really appreciated and such a good feeling having some guidance.
(Can't imagine having a child! :lol: )
Will get back soon with an update.

- Allira.
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Re: New IRN - Am I doing it right?

Post by MissK »


I have a lot to learn yet.
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Re: New IRN - Am I doing it right?

Post by subodhhire »

I also dont beleive in the dominance theory. I have never ever seen such a behavior in wild or pet birds around me.

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