Fearful Indian Ringneck

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Fearful Indian Ringneck

Post by vettech404 »

Hi everyone, looking for some advice please!
I purchased a 5 month old male IRN about 10 days ago from a lady online. I am pretty sure the bird was hand-fed and socialized as I have only heard good things about the breeder. But from the short amount of time I spent at this lady's home, I got the impression that the IRN and her quaker were kinda left to their own devices.
I didn't harass him too much when I first brought him home but now I am trying to handle him a lot and I have some concerns.
He seems very afraid of me, he runs away when I come near or put my hand in the cage. He runs away if he is on his playstand or on the back of the couch and I try to approach him. He steps up once I manage to get my hand into the right spot. He bites me if I ask him to step up off my shoulder or he goes down my back so I can't reach him.
I assumed that he would want to socialize with me and that he would be doing what he could to get my attention but it doesn't appear that way at all.
He is a healthy body weight and is eating very well. He is inquisitive and playful with his toys.

Is it normal for such a young bird to be afraid of me - now 10 days later??
I talk to him and tell him he's a good boy. My hands are in terrible shape from letting him bite me (I read the bluffing article on this site and know to try and have no reaction) and I have been trying to encourage him with food treats.

If I put my hand over him to try to pet him, he leans back as far as possible and holds his mouth open like he's threatening to bite. He looks so terrified and it's breaking my heart :(

I am so discouraged as I really wanted a bird who would bond closely with me and this little guy just seems to want to run away.
Maybe I haven't given him enough time - although, he seriously does really try to get away from me by any means possible.
When he sits on my shoulder, he just stares at me and his pupils constrict and dilate like crazy. He isn't relaxed and I don't even know if I should be trusting him to sit on me at all??

Is there a good chance a 5 month old bird will come around and be the pet I am hoping for or do I need to look for a baby just done weaning?

Please send any thoughts/advice/tips on what I should do, any ideas on how much time I should give him to adjust.
He is my first IRN; I have only raised lovebirds and quakers before - but they have all been amazing pets for me.

I truly appreciate any info or help that anyone can give me. I was so looking forward to bringing the fun little personality of an IRN into my life!!
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Re: Fearful Indian Ringneck

Post by Stacey »

Hi, I'm no expert but I'll give my opinion and hopefully it helps. My own bird (nearly 1 year old :D) behaves like this to new people (although thankfully never has biten hard enough to do damage), especially when they don't give him the chance to get to know them before they 'force' themselves on him. It takes time and patience to gain the birds trust enough that he won't be scared of you and know that you won't hurt him, especially when in a new environment void of anything at all familiar.
Try petting/scratching him from below instead of going over his head while still gaining his trust as he may find it threatening and I have read they associate it with predator behaviour. Also, try taming him from sitting on you hands and arms before allowing him on your shoulder, it's better for interaction and helps teach him manners, and that he can't always have his way (they like to be up higher because it's a more dominant position).
It sounds like for only 10 days you are doing quite well, and with him being so young you two have plenty of time to get used to each other. Try figuring out what his favourite treat is and use this as a training tool. Mine loves peanuts so i break off small bits and use that as a reward for desirable behaviour. Good luck! Let me know how things go.
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