Why did my birdie die? ):

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Why did my birdie die? ):

Post by ohfragyourself »

Poor little guy. I just got two ringnecks yesterday, they had to go through tremendous stress from shipping/car rides. I don't know if that may have been the cause but... I have the other one, it's fine.
I found it at the bottom of its cage, laying on the belly when I woke up. He seemed fine but a little weak yesterday...
I'm guessing it can't be environmental since the other one is perfectly fine. I just... I don't get it. |: What did I do wrong?
-The cage is clean, new perches and everything, Nothing toxic, he ate soft corn, which is fine I was told....
Any ideas anyone? :(
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Re: Why did my birdie die? ):

Post by ohfragyourself »

Thanks a lot ><. I just feel so guilty, :/ The other one is completely fine. It's weird too, because he seemed fine also. At least I've got one healthy buddy. C:
It was said that they were not handfed or tame yet this one already trusts me. I can put it on my shoulder, carry it around. But if i'm in my room it'll try to fly to the cage so I just bring it back O:
It doesn't bite, and I don't force it out. it simply steps up on my hand :3
It's grey colored! So cute. I have a feeling it's a female but I need to get it dna'd first.
My goal at the moment is to get it to take food out of my hand. whether it's a piece of apple or seeds, That'll be the next step of trust I guess. c: It also lets me pet it at times. If I go really slow and let it know where my hand is for a good 20 seconds beforehand, I'm good. I'm not sure it enjoys it very much so I'm letting things go slowly and waiting for it to come to me. But it seems it's paying a lot of attention to me also, Which is awesome!
I've wanted one of these birds for a very long time. That's part of what bothered me so much |: I did like over 2 months of research, reading and so on. But it's good to know that I'm not the only possible cause of this death. x;
At least the little guy is in peace, and not suffering. that's what I care about. Still breaks my heart that he had to go through that painful and stressful trip just to end up dying in the end :'(.
sanjays mummi
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Re: Why did my birdie die? ):

Post by sanjays mummi »

Birds are quite fragile little creatures, their hearts sometimes cannot cope with stress, and maybe he/she was'nt in the best of health before the journey. Have you contacted the vendor and told them?. It must have been such a let down after being so geared up and excited. I am glad the other little one is ok and settling in.
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