Weaning...Please help :-)

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Weaning...Please help :-)

Post by tlouiselle »

We have had Skyler since he was 4 weeks old. He was on 4 feedings a day. Our little goofball is now 6 weeks old. All of the weaning information that I can find is about chicks that do not want to eat. We are having the opposite problem. Our little piggy still cries to eat every 4-5 hours. He always has access to fresh fruits, veggies, sweet potato mash, millet, and seed (both soaked and dry). He plays with the seed and pretty much eats everything else. I have found a couple of cracked seeds. I have even cracked the seed between my teeth for him to help teach him. When he starts crying for food I give him the other options first. In the end he still wants some formula too. I try to give him a little less formula (except for morning and evening feedings). Will he tell me when he is ready? I can't ignore his cry and always give in to a little formula in the end.

Also: What age to they start to fly? I was taking him on my evening walks but have stopped because I do not have a leash for him yet and he is not clipped.

Thank you soooooo much for any help that can be offered :-)
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Re: Weaning...Please help :-)

Post by Jay2011 »

hello, is he drinking ok? also put some food on your hand and try give it to him little seeds my bird is 3 months old and did not eat on hes own untill 2 1/2 months old and to this day he still loves eating off my hand have you gave him apple grapes ect..? my bird was on 3 formula feeds a day and now eats like nothing and sleeps like nothing when he crys dont allways give him food he may just want some attention or the formula may not be filling his belly for long enough so try give some crushed up seeds just grind them up somehow or put a bit of hot water to soften them then crush them to mush in your hand and give it a go if not just stick to the formula and when feeding formula offer some dry food next to him he will take it soon or later also try offer some nice treats like millet

good luck
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Re: Weaning...Please help :-)

Post by tlouiselle »

THANK YOU :-) He does have grapes, apples, and millet too. He eats them all. He was eatting seed this morning after he had formula. He does not drink water though. I have it available to him at all times but he does not drink it. I try to show him by dipping my fingers in the water and then he drinks them off of my fingers. That is the closest we have gotten to water though.

He sure likes attention though. I work from home so get to spend plenty of time with him. After he eats he cries and cries until I wrap him up in a t shirt and lay down with him so that he can fall asleep snuggling to my neck.
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Re: Weaning...Please help :-)

Post by Jay2011 »

Good and the water part i found what works is get a plastic cup like a disposable one cut it down so it is only about 1 inch tall fill it with water and hold it under his beak as he puts his beak in the cup tilt it a bit to basically force it then he knows everytime you give him that cup its his water as some babys are scared of a normal water bowl as the depth of it.

If you need anymore help do give me a shout my this or pm me :)
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Re: Weaning...Please help :-)

Post by tlouiselle »

Thank you. I will do that :-) I am sure I will have a million questions. I have had so much fun raising this guy. The lady looked at me like I was crazy when I said I wanted to take him home to hand raise him myself. It is so much fun though. I really appreciate all of your help. I will make him (or her) a little cup and start to work on that. He flew for the first time today and is cracking seeds more than usual. I love watching these new changes :-)
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Re: Weaning...Please help :-)

Post by Jay2011 »

Yea hand raising is fun :) yea i found the cup works a dream by 3 month old hates millet what is weird but he will do anything for a apple so just got him trained to fly from hes cage to my arm to get some apple :) they do love a bump into things when learning to fly

keep me updated on the little ones progress
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