Before and After

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Datsun and Family
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Before and After

Post by Datsun and Family »

Datsun is now just over a year old. Some of you already know she was not raised very well as a young baby and when I got her she was not fully weaned dispite being told when I got her that she was.

Because of this she had bad stress barring on her wings and back which have just now gone during her full moult. Barring is said to be either stress or diet related.

Before her moult, look at the black marks on her wings

After well still during her moult

Datsun also had only 5 tail feathers, those she did have were broken and scruffy but now she has beautiful new ones coming through!

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Post by carrie »

That's fantastic - she looks great. Atticus had the same thing all over and MUCH worse than Datsun. So bad I was embarrassed to put photos up of her she looked so scruffy. The vet said it was due to cage damage from either the breeder or the pet shop housing her in too small a cage. Her first mini-moult she lost the ones on her head and neck and they grew back SO gorgeous! Now during her first full moult she is gradually starting to loose the wing and back feathers. I can't wait until she is just beautiful blue not black & blue (pardon the pun). Mind you, this moult is taking forever! Every day the house looks like a cat's been inside the house having it's way with dozens of birds!!! I swear I could make a doona out of the feathers.........
Datsun and Family
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Post by Datsun and Family »

Carrie I completely understand! Our girls are about the same age right? Just over a year?

I used to artfully take pics so you wouldnt see her mottly wings! And this moult has been going for about 5 weeks already and no sign of it finishing yet, still heaps of pin feathers around her face.... I am soooo impatient!

Her pin feathers on her face:

Its so worth the wait!!!!!!! But my floors are COVERED in feathers!

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Post by Jade »

Chuckles and Sunny are moulting at the moment and they look like their heads have been half chewed. At first i thought they were beating each other up really badly but then i realised what it was when i saw the new feathers coming through!! I have so many feathers i could make another bird out of them.
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Post by webvixen »

one of my birds has got it real bad, fang is going through a full moult now so im looking forward to seeing how nice he/she will look when it is over[img][img][/img]
[/img]when i got her it was just a few thin black lines on her tail that kinda spred and smudged as she got older, the breeder said she was one of the most active, independent birds he had seen(this bird is such a character)so i think she must of damaged them when she was very young

she is spoiled rotton with fresh vegies and some fruit, loves getting a pat and never fights with the other birds so im sure after this moult it will all be gone
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Post by jen5239 »

Remmi seems to still be VERY skitty. Any time we come in the room he runs to the top of his cage top playground. And when we ask him to step up he runs to the other side. But he will eventually step up. So could this be why he has this? I sure hope he calms down and stops being so skitty. Any ideas why he's STILL this way after being with us for over a month now??
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Post by Mikaela »


He is a baby... a wild animal. He will be that way until you earn his trust.

There is no time line there. For Baby and I it took about a month for her to start coming to me, rather than fleeing from me. For Chief, bless his heart, he has wanted me from day one.

It is up to the bird and how much time it takes HIM to trust. The more you interact, the faster the process. But, you already know that huh. :D

I suggest when you go to get him, unless he REALLY wants to be alone, you persist he steps up. Otherwise, he will continue to flee to the back of the cage if he sees that makes you go away.

Man, if these birds werent smarter than us this would be a whole lot easier -sigh- :roll:

So, you have had that baby only a few weeks so dont get the slightest bit worked up. Get some spray millet and each time you get him to step up, give him some. He will then run to you when you open the cage.

Spary millet is UNDER-RATED. It is like crack to an addict, they'll do anything for it.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Dani03 »

I'll second Mikaela on the spray millet! Prinny will do just about ANYTHING for a little sliver. I think she'd sell her and my soul (and the cats too :shock: ) just to get a whole piece...then again sometimes I think she has :lol: It is a great tool for training...that is if the bird enjoys it (duh! :P )

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Post by kyria »

Kai is going through a moult aswell, its been going for about 2 weeks now I guess. Evertime he shakes or preens its like winter in the mountains, feathers floating down.

Often he has fluffly feathers poking our of his chest and his cage needs to be vacc'd just about every other day to clean up the variety of different sized feathers that end up stuck all over everything. He has all alot of wing feathers coming back and poking out at different lengths.

Over-all he is a real mess right now .. lol

And I agree with Mikaela. My kai would and still does play the chasey thing around his cage and its almost like a little game to him now. Sometimes he comes straight to me and others he loves to tease and play, depends on his mood, but I always persist and make him come to me. Like Mikaela says if you back off and go away, he will think he can win that way. Remember, never take anything personally with your bird, because really, its just looking after itself, its not out to upset you, so show Remmi he can trust you every time.

Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all sins. {Pro 10:12}
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Post by darkcloudchild »

Kozmo has that barring all over her wings.

I have yet to figure out what's causing it though. Her diet is 10 time better than Loki's. She eats everything I do at breakfast and dinner, and alot of the stuff in her dish during the day.

I don't think she's stressed unless she's thinking she wants to lay eggs and has no where to do it. Is that a possibility?
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