our cage area set up

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our cage area set up

Post by ellieelectrons »

Hi All

I took these photos some months ago. I enjoy seeing how others have set up their cage area, so I thought I'd share our set up too.

This is our bird's "main area". We put painters plastic down on the floor in an effort to protect our wood floors and make cleaning easier. It's a section of our dining room.
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Our birdie area from another perspective:
Another view of our birdie area.
Another view of our birdie area.
Their cage - it's big enough to fit a small tree branch in which we change periodically.
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Some of the bits and pieces we put in the cage. We find the cement swing is good for keeping their claws down. The natural wood swing is great... Now that they like each other a bit better, sometimes they'll sleep on it together at night. The birdie bunks are mostly used in winter... they don't tend to use them a lot but Janey will sleep in them on a really cold night.
Our birdie gym... Unfortunately I broke it and am trying to repair it (with little success). Currently we have a smaller one. The bench to the side of the gym is where I store some of their toys.... like the basketball hoop - Janey can slam dunk pretty well!
I bought this rope ladder when it was on special at the Parrot Society thinking they would absolutely love it. They use it as a means to get from their cage to the gym... but not much else.... they didn't love it as much as I thought they would.
We keep their treat containers and toys in here. It cost $1.99 from Ikea. Charlie loves it! He climbs on it most days and delights in hopping in the different sections, playing with the toys and then throwing them out so that they land on the floor!
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Charlie & his "bouncy house" (as my husband likes to call it).
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Janey loves her cage. It's her home. The top does open up and we have a piece of dowel to put in it... I don't do it very often these days because I have so many things hanging from the top of the cage.
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I also have a few perches I can move around different locations of the house. The ones below are probably my favourite. We use them in the shower and on windows and glass sliding doors. I don't know why, but Janey loves going for a shower but not necessarily getting wet. If I let her I think she would sit on that perch in the shower cubicle all day! Charlie is a water baby and will climb under the shower jets every chance he gets! The photo taken below was a day that they both decided to get wet.
Thanks for viewing. I hope you enjoyed it!

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Re: our cage area set up

Post by Joanie »

i enjoyed it very much!! very well done, such lucky birds.
i just love the set up you have there and it appears to be very easy to maintain.
your birds are beautiful!
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Re: our cage area set up

Post by Melika »

Awesome, I especially loved the shower perches. They're not all ugly like the ones I can get here!
I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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Re: our cage area set up

Post by Enephis »

This is very nicely set up, and what's even better is that the two of them are obviously enjoying it. That second last photo of Janey ... I think I melted inside, she's so precious.

Charlie looks awesome even when wet, without that typical someone-just-spilled-maple-syrup-on-me look.

The photos inspired me. Thank you!
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Location: Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

Re: our cage area set up

Post by ellieelectrons »

Thanks for the comments. It's nice to share. They are two very precious little birdies.

Posts: 167
Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:53 pm

Re: our cage area set up

Post by angeldc77 »

Those shower perches ROCK!!!
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