Your cage.

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Your cage.

Post by Rueae »

I'm making this topic to help inform me (and others) about cages (IRN acceptable ones) and also because...who wouldn't want to show off all the hard work that goes into making a cage-house, a cage-home?

So I'd like to see pictures of the cage you keep your babies in.
With the babies in them! .3.
Also, if you know the kind of cage (name, brand, exact measurements anything like that) please mention.

I'm very curious to see what this topic will yield. /crossesfingers

A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.
Dj tweet
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Re: Your cage.

Post by Dj tweet »

Not able to post pics sorry but I am currently making a cage that will house either ring neck or alexandrine ( whichever finds my home 1st lol )
it is made using a mini green house structure
now when I say mini it's 60cm wide 80 cm long and approx 1.5metres high
I simply took the frame which is all just click together ( leaving the shelves out )
I wired and cable tied on some galvinized wire mesh and used one of thr shelves as a door
It has a triangular roof so I stopped it at the top flat shelve and put a piece of ply onto it for a play area ( this is ontop if the 1.5 metres )
and hung a few toys etc from the xbar on roof
the cool thing about it is as it comes with a plastic cover for over the top you can put this over and put your bird outside for few hours a day he can get sone fresh air etc but can climb up out of wind should need be
also great inside to keep mess in the cage just have to be careful to avoid over heating
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Re: Your cage.

Post by mickpmc »

I have not gotten my bird yet (as it is still in the egg) :lol: , but
I bought a cage already which is a big enough size for a little
3 month old Ringneck. He's going to be crawling around the house most
of the day but the cage was a bargin, $120 with toys and everything. Bought it
second hand but great. Tired it to the back of my ute, brang it home,
hosed it down and gave it a scrub, good as new!
Heres a link to it: ... RDTENT.jpg



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Re: Your cage.

Post by PythonzEve »

The cage I got is from Cages By Design and is a charcoal flight cage (32"W x 22"D x 62"H) that both Sukha, my IRN and my family love! I got it for the awesome price of $185 and free shipping and added a "Friendly Feeder System" which I also love :D

Here's a picture with Sukha and all of his fun accessories. The feeder is in the bottom left of the picture, just outside the cage.

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Re: Your cage.

Post by Rueae »

Oh, wow. It never informed me that anyone had replied to my thread!

DJ tweet: It's a shame you can't post pictures, because I'm really curious about the look of this greenhouse cage now. o.O

mickpmc: I got my cage secondhand too. Paid $75 and it's fantastic. :3 Yours is cute. Like a little house.

PythonzEve: I'm not going to lie, I love your cage. I was jealous when I first saw it in your introduction post! XD I love all the toys.

Thanks for answering guys. <3

A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.
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