is this diet ok?

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is this diet ok?

Post by Trips »

i have been trying different things for my birds and they dont really seem to be likeing much

at the moment they are having

parrot mix (large parrot mix)

Fruit Liked
Apple ( no seeds )
Kiwi Fruit
crimson grapes ( seedless )

Fruit Dissliked
Oranges ( they do touch it however it never seems to be eaten up like they just pick at it )

Veg ( this is the hard one )
Carrot (sometimes)

ive tried them on Sweet Potato cooked and even uncooked it tends to just sit there untill the next day
tried broccoli same thing it sits there untill he next day
same with Celery & Brussel Sprouts

im not sure if what they are is ok ive looked at other ppl's posts and tried a few things but they only seems to like the 4 fruits and 2 veg they go everytime

also how long should you leave the fresh fruit/veg in for i normally give them 2 fresh servs a day one at midday and replacen with another fresh lot at 8pm leaving in till morning they get seed allday/night i have gone and got some vitmin powder that u mix in with either seed or water to keep up all the vitmins

brand ( vetafarm - Soluvet )
it has

pantothenic acid
cyanocobalamin (b12)
Folic acid
choline bitartrate

any ideas/feed back would be appreciated
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Re: is this diet ok?

Post by pinkdevil »

Birds are like us, have their likes and dislikes.
I find my birds, both aviary and house birds, love corn, either fresh on the cob or thawed packet, peas, again either thawed packet or fresh, broccoli, carrots, apple, grapes, etc.

Some will leave certain foods where as others will eat the same food the others have left behind.
You could try either pureeing or cooking and mashing pumpkin, carrots, sweet potato etc and mix a small amount in with a few seeds they like. When they eat the seeds, they get a bit of taste of the other. This is best to do first thing in the morning before they have had alot to eat. That way they will be hungry enough to try it. But don't just offer that until they eat it, maybe for an hour or so. Don't want your birds to starve. :)

It could depend on the variety and time of the year. Fruit and veg in season in much tastier than out of season. Also if you offer oranges like valencia variety, they are not as sweet as the navel oranges.

You could try eating in front of them. They seem to want what you are eating lol.

If your birds have not been introduced to fresh foods or a variety, then it will take a bit of perseverance to encourage them to eat. Bit like getting a kid to eat their vegies lol

I don't think it really matters if they are not eating the same as some one elses birds. If they are eating a few different types and getting a varied diet, then they should be quite healthy.

In summer, I don't leave fresh food in long as it will spoil quickly, an hour or maybe 2 at the most. In winter, I feed my aviary birds late in the afternoon and leave over night. The food is probably frozen overnight anyway as the water bowls generally are.

I also do not always give vitamin supplements. Maybe if sick or stressed or breeding season.
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Re: is this diet ok?

Post by Trips »

thanks for all your info Pinkdevil it was very helpfull

skye and buddy now eat sweet potato,pumpkin mashed long as it has some seed mixed in =)
sherk and fifi cant help but try anything i am eating lol

ive also found when i enter the room if i have food all 4 of them start eating whatever they have at the time now lol and ive stopped the vitamin supplements for now just to see if they stay on the new veg as fruit wasnt a real problem =)

again thanks for all the info =)
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