Teaching your bird to talk ???

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Teaching your bird to talk ???

Post by sarahb »

Well im new ive introduced my self in the introduce your self section lol now ive been looking at so many things and differant info on here and many videos of peoples birds my question is about talking can all ringnecks be taught to talk i have had mine now for about 2 yrs and talk to her all the time and she's in the lounge room and the tv is on alot to and people always talking me and hubby and kids but she has not once said a word unless she just says thngs behind our back but ive never heard anything she does however mimic the wild birds out side about 5 differant types shes even started to do what sounds like a crow its real deep sort of crow noise not very loud though so if she copys them why wont she talk lol i know i cant make her talk but is there any particular methods to getting them to talk or is she to old to learn now any info would be great thanks!
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Re: Teaching your bird to talk ???

Post by pinkdevil »

It is up to the individual bird if they want to learn to talk or not.
Some birds just prefer to mimic sounds rather than words. You could find that she does talk when you are not there. If you can set up a video recorder and record her when you go out, you may just be surprised what she gets up to! :D

You could try recording your voice and play it over and over again while you are out.

Not sure if it is just an old wives tale or not, but my father said a way to teach a bird to talk was to cover it and say the word over. That way there is no distraction for the bird to look at, she would be concentrating on your voice.
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Re: Teaching your bird to talk ???

Post by sarahb »

Thanks for the help i was actually told when i was young to talk to them at night with the lights of so there are no distractions. Maybe ure right though she just might not want to talk lol which is dissapointing but cant help that. Im getting a male on monday so hopefully he will be the talking type fingers crossed im totally fasinated with talking birds its so cute. anyway thanks again and fingers crossed the male will want to talk to me lol.
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Re: Teaching your bird to talk ???

Post by CalamariBaby »

True every bird is unique. My suggestion is to put his cage where he is around people all the time. He says so many things at 15 months that he just cracks us up. I started a list but I only write it down if he says it more than once.
Tonight I swear he said "What do you want to do". Everything he says are things we repeat around the house and having kids we repeat ourselves a lot.

The funny thing is my brother in-law asked me when he was 5 months old if he was going to be able to talk. I said "If you teach them normally you might expect something about a year old. I told him I had no time to try to teach him and we would see what happens. Well @ 7 months old Zazu started with Good Boy, then Kiss Kiss, then I love you and now I am hearing new stuff all the time. He is up to 19 phrases.

When Zazu would do stuff I didn't like while I was hoding him I would tell him "stop it."
Well, this one has backfired because now if I try to pet his head and he doesn't want to be pet he says, "STOP IT!" or if I am shooing him away from my ear or something, "STOP IT"

Keep him around everybody and talk to him. Hopefully he will start and you will be crakin' up.

Anyway, sorry to ramble. Good luck on your new baby boy. :D
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Re: Teaching your bird to talk ???

Post by Elivia »

would have to agree. mine always picks up on the things that get said. Bluey has even come out with a swear word! (i live with two males who swear alot so its hard!) It was funny at the time but not until he kept on saying it. i get so embarassed when my dad comes over cause i have a swearing bird :evil: ! I have stopped him saying it lately though because i have started repeating nice words everytime he would swear so i talk over him loudly. so now he is back onto nice sweet words and hopefully has forgotten the naughty words! :oops: :oops: :oops:
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