Need help with 4 week old chick

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Need help with 4 week old chick

Post by Dirk_G »

Hi there.

First off I appreciate this site and have read the gr8 sticky threads :)
I have had a pair of Indian Ringnecks for about 3-4 years now.
The first 3 years the Hen laid 2 clutches of eggs a season and they were not fertilised and never hatched. I attacked a breeding box to the cage over the years as the hen was laying the eggs at the bottom of the cage at first.

Anyways onto the questions.
One of the four eggs from the latest clutch hatched. (First time)
Its now 4 weeks old and the feathers are coming through. From what I can see it is healthy and Mom and Dad are doing a good job looking after it. Although Dad is now starting to chase after Mom and pulling on her feathers and occasionally pecking. He leaves her alone and joins her once she's in the breeding box with the chick.

Today I went to a pet shop that only deals in birds. I told the owner about this chick and he said that if I want it to be tamer and to be safe, I should remove it from the breeding box and Hand rear it. He said that the male may kill the chick if he wants to mate again. (Is this true? Google never seemed to say this)

I thought at first that he was just trying to make me buy stuff for this. But I have known this guy ever since I got my Ringnecks and he gave me a syringe and formula with detailed instruction on feeding volumes and schedules and formula preparation. Also recommended that I buy a See through Tupperware container and lay down some wood shavings and cover the top with a towel.

Thing is this. I am on a lot of medication for psychiatric problems. I no longer am able to work and I spend a lot of my time at home. Unfortunately I tend to sleep mostly during the day. I am up from mid-late afternoon till the sun comes up the next morning. I would love to try hand rear and tame this chick, but I also realise that this may not suit the feeding and contact schedules.

I apologize for this long post. It took me a while to type it :mrgreen:
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Re: Need help with 4 week old chick

Post by julie »

Would you be able to set your alarm and get up to do a feed during the day and then go back to bed,would be for a week or so? I used to work all night shifts and would get up feed the chicks and go back to bed, the older they get the less hand feeds they need.
You will still be able to play and interact with the chic when you get up, and feed just before you go to bed.
You will need somewhere warm for the chic, where it isnt fully feathered it will need some help keeping warm.
Good luck and please dont hesitate to ask any questions you may have about hand feeding and check out the pinned topic about how many feeds ect.
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