PLEASE HELP, something is wrong with my IRN

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PLEASE HELP, something is wrong with my IRN

Post by LAAnnie »

My IRN, Pretty Girl, has not been herself for the last few days. She was coming down off a long moult, and looked rather scraggly. She was not her normal active, noisy self. So I took her to the vet. The vet examined her, said she didn't outwardly seem sick, but she gave her injections of calcium and vitamin A, just in case it was a deficiency.

Ever since I brought her home from the vet, she has been very quiet and weak, staying mostly in her cage, which is not normal for her. Her right wing is drooping, and she is doing very little flying or walking around. She's just real quiet and listless. Her feathers look better, but something is wrong with her wing. She has trouble holding it up. I wondered if perhaps the vet might have hurt her when she held her in the towel to examine her.

I am very very worried. I've had this bird for 4 1/2 years and she's never been sick. Now I'm afraid she might be fading fast. Does anybody have any idea what could be wrong? I called the vet again and she said I could bring her back, but I'm afraid it might be too stressful.

All advice will be greatly appreciated.
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Post by Fah »

You need to seek an avian vet, if the vet is an avian vet they will surely recognise a problem now.

Drooping wings is a serious issue and needs to be dealt with asap as this is one of two things... paralysis (infection, virus, etc) or lack of energy (for a bird not to be holding its wings up its having issues staying a grip on the perch shortly im sure).

Please take it back to the vet and ask for a blood sample to be taken.
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Joined: Sat Mar 12, 2005 12:16 am
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Post by LAAnnie »

If she isn't better in the morning I will take her back to the vet. Meanwhile I have to worry all night! The only good thing is she is still eating, but that doesn't mean she isn't sick.
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