aussie ringnecks

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aussie ringnecks

Post by clear »

i have a pair of aussie ringnecks (port lincion ) i am trying to breed not haveing much luckthey are in a big flight cage have a choice of 3 nesting boxes plenty of food all types seed,fruit,vegs etc but after 16 months no luluck yet are these birds hard to breed or am i just not doing it wright any sugestions


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Post by Fah »

Hmm, these fellas are easier to breed with compared to Indian's however quite different in attitude and needs.

They require quite a decent sized aviary. You probably wont have alot of luck in an aviary less than 3m long by 1m wide. They can tend to be quite agressive sadly, so if they are too close to another aviary you might find them quite too occupied to breed.

Barnardius birds are a rather fussy nesting bird, so you do need a few options available like you have... however what i can see in the pic is quite small for these birds. A log should be around 70cm to 80cm in height with an internal diameter of about 25cm to 30cm and suspended vertically. A box can be used as well however slight sizr change is required of around 60cm x 20cm x 20cm and all preferably on a slight angle, and supplied with an internal ladder to facilitate easy entry and exit from the nest. They also need to be lined with mulch (chem/fertiliser free) or wood dust / fine shavings.

How old were they before you got them? These fellas are only just starting to become active in a breding sense after 2 years of age.. often no results till about 2.5-3 years of age.

Other than the above, they are quite easy to keep, they are a hardy bird. Did you get them sexed? Or were they proven to be sexed? They are quite hard to sex visually, very hard infact. DNA sexing is highly reccomended. So unless where you got them is trustworthy, or you have had them sexed, might be an idea to do so.
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Post by clear »

thanks for the reply fah ok the cage they are in is 4 mtre long 2 mtre high 2 mtre wide its my old work shed converted into 2 flight cages there are other birds in the other side partitioned by just wire should i completly block of from the other birds ? at the front of the cage about 2 metre away is a breeding pair of irn and lorries olso they have not been sexed but i bought them for ( trusted ) bird shop.i have had them 16 to 18 months now and i think they were 2 years old when i got them .mabe they just dont like each other lol
ok ill make a bigger box or 2 and try that if that dont work its time to get get more irns thanks again ill let you know what happens
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Post by Fah »

Heya, I think if you can cut off the breeding boxes / food areas from the sight line of other birds in the aviary, and you can make it as private as possible, and increase the box size's you should be ok.

They are just private and more secretive than other birds. If you can, you will be best off being able to make their aviary visually walled off from the other aviary.

If you have it partitioned down the middle, the aviary is quite large enough, so yah, just wall the middle up with something, and try the larger boxes. You really should not have too many problems after that point.

I once had an alexandrine pair that just wouldnt do anything, they were not too chummy about each other, they had a huge aviary, large nesting box, great food, seperate from others... till one day i changed nesting box style, and bang, they instantly got inside it and played around in it, and that year they bred.... so yeah, sometimes it can be just one or two things that make life hard for you, the breeder lol
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