Clorox Anywhere Disenfecting spray....

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Clorox Anywhere Disenfecting spray....

Post by ElliottsMomma »

I have used this to clean and sanitize all of my birds perches, toys and the cage itself and after reading an article about how sensitive birds are to chemicals I am worried. He is not in the cage yet,he is still being weaned at the pet store. It says that it is safe to use around food, kids and animals and I have never had a problem with it before, but I just don't want to put Elliott in there if it could be harmful to him. Has anyone else ever used this around their birds?? If so were there any problems? I know that it is a very very diluted bleach mixture, that I have used around my dogs and my son.
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Post by Donna »

I don't think I would use it unless you were going to rinse everything. The only thing I use bleach for is their water and food bowls and then rinse well. There is products out there especially made to use around birds cages and perches It's call Poop Off and GSE (Grape seed extract) Is also good to disinfect.

In Loving Memory
of one special husband and one special bird.

I miss you both
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Post by Melika »

A good article to read:

Very comprehensive and helpful back when I was researching birdies.

I use a lot of vinegar for cleaning. And GSE. :)

An interesting compilation of GSE facts:

The bleach, if very dilute, won't kill our birds as far as we know. But I just don't like to use it personally.
I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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Post by swanwillow »

I used clorox wipes for a long time cleaning my lorikeets cage, and have used the sprays to get those super tough spots in my ringnecks cage.

WITH the windows open. With my lorikeet, I didn't rinse. With the ringnecks I did. I was more worried about the fumes than the cleaner itself. Blueberry was away from her cage when I cleaned it with the wipes. (my lorikeet's name)
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