OMG! Cutest thing EVER!

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OMG! Cutest thing EVER!

Post by RubyTuesday »

I gave Ruby his first shower tonight, since we brought him home last week... I never saw a bird look more Euphoric underneath the water! And kept making cute little "Ahhh!" noises. t'hehe. He stayed on my shoulder the whole time, and even let me give him a little nose snuggle & head scratch.
He looks like a little baby dinosaur! :mrgreen:

Anyway, here's some photos of the aftermath, drying off. he's sitting ontop of my lampshade, and I took the liberty of moving a giant mirror behind it for him :


Apparently he doesn't mind red or pink... mystery solved! :mrgreen:

And is it just me, or do birdies smell like Doritos? :-P :D
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Post by Mikaela »

My birdies dont smell like anything really. When they are wet they are so ugly they are adorable! I was washing my baby everyday and it started making her feathers lay all flat and ugly. But she loves it so much!

Thanks for sharing those pics and your right, he doesnt mind red at all.

Anyone else's baby freak out at the sight of red besides mine? Both of mine do so I considered it a common thing, perhaps not.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by IMR4N »

he looks like one of those polish chickens.
Really cute though. thanks for sharing the pics.

mikaela have you ever thought that maybe they are afraid of the object and not the colour? the way objects are introduced also ahs a big effect of their reaction.
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Post by Mikaela »

No it is when I wear red or try to put them on my sons bed when he has his red sheets on. THEY FREAK!

I happen to have a blue lighter and a red lighter right now. I laid the red lighter on their play stand and they both fled without going near it. I placed them back on the stand and after a bit put the blue lighter there. They inspected it and then paid it no attention but never left the stand.

I only have one red shirt, red isnt really my color but my sons like red so that is how I noticed it because I used one of my sons shirts as a night shirt one night. I do have alot of pink though and dark pinks they take for red :cry:

If a toy has red in it, it ends up outside of the cage on the floor. If I put it back in while they are in they flee. Maybe my girls are very fashion oriented and simply dont like red :P
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by RubyTuesday »

In their world, Red is soooo last season! :wink:

IMR -- you're right! lol! :D he does remind me of a polish chicken! That's one big afro on him, though! He actually looks like a rubber ducky, or a baby goose. :mrgreen:
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Post by IMR4N »

Baby goose??? Lol

Mikaela. Bit of a bummer for your sons they miss out on all the fun. That kinda baffles me. Maybe at a young age India was maybe suddenly frightened of the colour red. And since she’s scared of the colour maybe she’s frightened peek as; well I mean if India can mimic peek y can’t it work in reverse? Experimenting with lighters that’s a bit dangerous isn’t it?? LOL

yours imran
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Post by Mikaela »

I thought about it and figured they could never light them although my 5 yr old does a pretty good job :oops:

That would make alot of sense as our 5 yr old wears alot of red (Bucs fan) and he use to try to get her to step on a stick when I wasnt around (according to his brothers). She probably saw this as him poking at her, thereby scaring her.

That is what really gets to me, the kids dont understand how hard I work to make them friendly, tame birds. So when they do stupid things like that, not knowing better of course, it sets me and the birds back. I have banned them from getting 'arms distance' to them when I am not in the room. Considering I adopted this football team of youngens, I would suggest they behave or outtie! (So kidding) :lol: By adopted I mean they are my husband's kids with an absent mother. Not adopted off the street, although I have room for a few more should I run across one. After 4, what is 1...2...10 more gonna matter? Only one is mine... the 17 yr old. However, as my husband took my son to raise, I too accepted his as my own and we dont use the word 'step' in this house. They consider themselves brothers and refer to eachother as such. Combining families can be an awkward, hard experience but God has blessed us with having all of our boys loving eachother. No jealousy on anyone's part.

Ok, I have no idea how I got off birds. So I'll close hehe.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Melika »

Both our IRNs are afraid of red. Red t-shirts, burgandy blouses, red toys, etc.

I think red is so opposite of green and they're not used to it, whereas Ruby sees the colour red every day in the mirror (cause we all know what a little narcissist he is, lol).

Just a theory.
I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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Post by Mikaela »

Im glad it isnt just my girls. I got Baby at four weeks so anything that may have screwed her up is a result of my actions :?

Cant ever make excuses for her.
~ Mikaela Sky

Lisa's Tiki
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The color red....

Post by Lisa's Tiki »

Tiki doesn't seem to be afraid of the color red, but I found this on another site:

Ringnecks recognize color. Beware, they are terrified of RED, especially as a baby. Do not try to handle them while wearing red nail polish. The bird's eyes will flash and he will lunge and bite at your nails. Don't hang red toys in or near the cage. Avoid wearing red when handling your baby. As your bird matures he should slowly learn to tolerate red. By a year old my own pets no longer reacted to the color red.

This was found on the following site:
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Post by Mikaela »

Well look ah there:

My Baby isnt a freak! Yay!

She lunges at you like she has never seen you before in her life. I dont wear red but my boys do and I do alot of pink. If the pink is too dark she SCREAMS at me and bows down. Baby dont handle business this way generally. She is the sneaky type. The type that can back up anything her beak starts! A hustler! One bad-azz baby birdie noone messes with and doent bleed to tell about it! I have trashed three pink shirts and some pink shorts and skirts in the 5 months shes been on this earth. Grrrr, like my clothes now. :evil:

You know girls... probably just jealous I didnt get her one! :wink:
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by RubyTuesday »

Ruby's actually very much attracted to red. My dog has a red bandana on, and he chases him around the apartment because of it. Poor dog is scared poopless of him! Lol :lol: I tried putting Ruby ontop of his back, and he went right for the bandana, and tried nibbling on his ears (not hard tho) hehe. My dog ran for the hills!

I think Ruby's going through that phase where he's testing his dominace, though. Suddenly he's become really distant, and independent. Everytime I reach for him his eyes flash and goes to bite me. Flies off my shoulder and is just over all not what he was a few weeks ago. I dont' get it. :cry:

Definitely not affectionate. Prefers just sitting on his favorite lampshade, chairbacks, and looking in the mirror as opposed to riding around on my shoulder. Sometimes I feel like he's not even around. Unless he starts talking. I find this odd, because we've only had him less than a month. Any thoughts?
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Post by IMR4N »

Seems like he is trying to lead the flock to me Just ignore him when he displeases you or put him back in his cage. Is he usually higher up than you?
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Post by Jade »

When I wear red nail polish, Chook tries to mate my fingers...ewww. He dances around and rubs his head over my fingers and then regurgitates on them with that smelly vomit. Normally he just reserves this dance for toes but loves red polish. Starting to think he is just really horny.
indian ringneck

Post by indian ringneck »

He is simply adorable! - Even when wet!
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