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Post by jen5239 »

Hello everyone,
Well we've hit one week that we've had our Byndi. And I do believe we are stepping in the right direction! We have the cage door open today and he's venturing out and then goes back inside. And today is the most I've heard him make sounds. He's been VERY vocal most of the day. Of course I don't know if he does this every day as unfortunately I have to work during the week. So maybe he does this everyday after I've left for work. But it's been very interesting and strange as it may sound comforting to hear him vocalizing. :D I'm just going to let him explore coming out of the cage today and tomorrow and if he gets spooked and tries to fly then I will work on handling him. But I'll cross that bloody, bitey bridge when and if I come to it. Tee hee. And I think next week I'm going to come home from work and open the cage door and let him venture out. I just love him so much. I hope he and I will be friends soon. I'M DYING TO HOLD HIM!!!!! :? I'll keep you posted. Chat later.
Jen & Byndi
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Location: Islamorada Key, Florida U.S.A.

Post by Mikaela »

Hey Jen:

Believe me hun, if he finds himself on the floor, he'll let you scoop him up. MOST, although mine dont mind it (wish they did because floor can equal death) HATE being on the floor.

This is why I suggest handling him on the floor first. He will WANT you to touch him if that means he is off of that horrid floor. My girls never seemed to mind the floor. I couldnt be so lucky.

I remember wanting SO BAD to hold my birdies just to get a lunge in the face. Breaks ya heart. But there will come a day, and it wont be long, he will be hoping on your finger ever so happy to see you.

Does he do the 'box full of puppies' whimper? That is what my baby does around noon. She tucks her head and does this whimper sound. It sounds as if she is very content when she does this. It gets really loud though if I dont call her attention to it. Sounds EXACTLY like a box of puppies whimpering... anyone elses young Irn make this sound when tucked?
~ Mikaela Sky

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